Love Until Death Do Us Part ( Athena Dempsey )

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

After his dunk in the drink, Kevin had been coughing a storm – normally a real daredevil, shrugging stuff off like it was no biggie, but hit the sack and he was back in the pool getting shoved in his nightmares. 

Lately, Athena had been sticking like glue to Kevin’s side come bedtime. 

“Has the doc swung by to check on Kevin?” Athena called, swamped with work and kicking herself for not being there for him. 

“Our family doc’s been in, got Kevin all sorted with meds. The little guy needs some serious R&R, and camping up in the hills is a no–go, says the doc – don’t want to make things worse.” 

“Gotcha,” Athena said. “I’m heading back to Mystic Ridge Villa now, about tonight’s camping trip I’m thinking…” 

She was leaning towards bailing on it. 

Without even realizing, Athena glanced over at Leonard, who was behind the wheel. Dude’s profile was killing it, and he caught her eye, chiming in, 

“Let’s cancel the camping for tonight. Once Kevin’s fighting fit, we’ll hit up Whispering Peak.” 

Linda, on the phone, couldn’t help but butt in, “Miss Athena, Mr. Leonard’s been all systems go for this trip. Standing him up feels kinda off.” 

Athena’s mind flashed back five years, both families together, with Belinda saying with a grin that the Bishops had the whole proposal gift wrapped and ready. 

She’d let the Bishops down once already, now flaking on a camping date with Leonard – it didn’t sit right with her. 

Sensing Athena’s hesitation, Linda nudged her over the phone, Miss Athena, you go with Leonard this time. Next trip, you’ll have the ropes, and you can show Kevin the ropes.” 

Athena cracked a small smile, gripping her phone a tad tighter. 

Families went way back, and Leonard’s manners were top–notch, always doling out hellos to Linda and the help. When Athena and Leonard didn’t tie the knot, Linda was blue for ages. 

Now Leonard was back, not sweating the fact Athena’s got a kid, and clearly keen on bonding with Kevin. Linda was all thumbs up for the big–shot heir. 

Leonard’s chuckle slipped through as Linda’s booming voice came from Athena’s phone, asking gently, 

“Athena, what do you say you and I go camping together? Whispering Peak’s got these new hot springs. Let’s check ‘em out, see if they hold a candle to the Dempseys.” 

Athena, throat dry, head buzzing, managed to get out, “Sure, drop me back at Mystic Ridge Villa first. I need to see how Kevin’s doing, then we can head out.” 



Chapter 26 

Phone call done, Linda heard a cough. 

She spun around to find Kevin, sniffling at the top of the stairs. 

“Feeling any better, Mr. Kevin?” 

His nose was stuffed up, “Is Mommy coming back? Get stuff ready, I wanna go camping with Mommy.” 

“Mr. Kevin, you’re sick. No camping for you.” 

Kevin’s eyes went wide, “So, is tonight’s camping trip canned?” 

Linda whispered, “You’ll see Mr. Leonard soon. Your Mommy and Mr. Leonard grew up together – he’s a dear friend.” 

“If you had to choose,” she prodded, “would you pick Mr. Bradshaw to be your dad, or Mr. Leonard?” 

Kevin said, “I pick Coco!” 

After a beat, Linda tried again, “How about letting your mommy and Mr. Leonard have a little duo adventure tonight?” 

Kevin pouted. Leonard, Newman – Mommy was his and his alone. No one’s snatching her away! 

Not even Coco could hog Mommy for long

Kevin, cheeks puffed, grilled Linda, “If I can’t go camping, does that mean Mommy’s going with Leonard?” 


Kevin huffed, stomped up the stairs, and ducked into his room, slamming the door. He whipped out his smartwatch and messaged his buddy. 

[Pineapple, Pineapple! I need backup, stat!] 

When Athena got back to Mystic Ridge Villa, Leonard tagged along. 

First thing inside, Athena asked Linda, “How’s Kevin?” 

“Mr. Kevin just took his medicine.” 


Payne, masquerading as Kevin, bolted down the stairs. 

“Mommy, I’m all better, ready for camping!” 

Payne’s natural voice was a dead ringer for Kevin’s. 

Linda was like, “Mr. Kevin, you’re still sniffling.” 

Chapter 26 

“No sniffles here look!” Payne huffed into a tissue, showing Linda it was spotless. 

Confused, Linda said, “But half an hour ago, you were clearly.” 

“It’s ‘cause I took my meds – all better!” Payne said, then hugged Athena’s leg, “Mommy! Don’t leave me behind, okay?” 

Athena thought she was immune to Kevin’s clinginess. 

But with that little call, her heart melted on the spot, and she scooped Payne up. 

She inspected Kevin, a shade paler than usual, probably the recent bug. 

“Kevin, you’re just over your cold- I can’t risk taking you camping.” 

Payne nestled his face into Athena’s shoulder, turning on the charm full blast, “I’m dying to go camping with you! I’ve been looking forward to this day forever and a day!” 

Somehow, Athena just couldn’t say no to the kid anymore. She was also taken aback. Had she become a total pushover when it came to Kevin’s puppy–dog eyes? 

“Linda, go fetch the doc to give Kevin another once–over.” 


Athena then said to the little munchkin in her arms, “If the doc gives you the all–clear from you cold, I will take you camping!” 

The family doctor, summoned by Linda, checked Payne’s temperature and gave his nose and throat a look–see. After the examination, he turned to Athena and announced, 

“Ms. Dempsey, Mr. Kevin is over his cold.” 

Even the doctor was gobsmacked. Were his cold meds some kind of miracle worker? In just a few hours, Kevin’s sniffles had pulled a Houdini. 

“Mommy, can I go camping with you and Leonard now?” 

Payne looked up, his shiny black peepers wide with hope. 

Athena’s heart melted into a puddle. 

“Let’s hit the road and go camping!” 

“Bless you!” 

Over at Cozy Retreat, Kevin sneezed at the window. 

Kent walked in from outside, all concern, “What’s got you sneezing?” 

Kent closed the window and then saw Kevin, his face all runny. “Boy, you caught a cold? Hop onto the bed and chill, I’ll grab the thermometer and check your temp.” 

Kevin sniffled and asked, “Where’s Devil?” 

“Who?” Kent was clueless. 

Chapter 26 

Er, Kevin had to switch gears, “Where’s my daddy?” 

“Mr. Newman’s out. Said he was checking out the resort area over at Whispering Peak with Zoey. He won’t be back tonight.” 

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