Love to Hate You: An Enemies-to-Lovers New Adult College Sports Romance

Love to Hate You: Chapter 35

“You need to back this truck up and start over again,” Olivia demands over the loud noise of the stadium.  “I want all the details in slow motion, so I can savor them more fully.  Plus, I want to make sure you didn’t leave anything out.”

“That’s not necessary,” I chuckle.  “You’re totally in the know.”

“Likely story.”  She huffs and slaps my thigh.  “I still can’t believe you were holding out on me like that!”  She pauses for a beat.  “This is huge.”

Even though we’re sitting in the tenth row of the student section, with people jam packed around us, she manages to throw her arms wide, narrowly missing the guy sitting next to her.  “Bigger than huge.  Mega-huge.”

“Yeah,” I wince. “I know.”

I probably should have clued Olivia in to what was going on with Carter, but how could I do that when I didn’t know myself?  Olivia and I have always confided in each other.  We delved headfirst into our friendship the first week of freshman year and haven’t come up for air since.  Not wanting her to be mad or hurt by my lack of transparency, I loop my arm through hers and tug her close.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t want to say anything until I knew it was more than,” I pause trying to come up with an adequate term to describe what Carter and I were involved in.  “A friends-with-benefits situation.”

She snorts.  “When were you two ever friends?”

Good point.

“How about a frenemies-with-benefits situation?” I quip.

“Sure, we’ll just go with that.”  Olivia sits up a little straighter and gives me a knowing look.  “See, I wasn’t too far off base when I said that he liked you.”  She nudges my shoulder and waggles her brows.  “And that you liked him.”

Carter’s reasons for keeping me at a distance somersault through my head.

“I guess you weren’t,” I admit.

Olivia seems mildly annoyed by my confession but nothing more.  And even that is fleeting.  She’s never able to stay mad at me.

“You know I live vicariously through you,” she says.

I roll my eyes.  “Please, you make me censor all the good parts.”

“I’m more into the romance of it, not the graphic details.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to look some of these guys in the face when you’ve mimicked what they sound like when they’re…” her words trail off and she raises her eyebrows in place of coming.

I bite my lip to suppress the laughter bubbling up in my throat as I wave a hand.  “Oh, I never did that.”

Actually, I did.


No, twice.

But you should have heard them.  I can’t even think about it without chuckling.

“Yes, you did.  Twice.  That’s two guys I have to avoid on campus.  And one of them ended up in my stats class last semester and kept trying to talk to me.  Do you have any idea how awkward that was?”

Poor Olivia.  I can imagine.

“Fine, I did, but that’s beside the point, because I won’t be handing over any details this time,” I add primly.

“Well, well, well,” Olivia singsongs with a grin.  “Isn’t this an interesting turn of events.”

I bump my shoulder into hers as my face heats.  This is the first time I’ve ever wanted to keep the intimate details to myself.

Olivia does a double take and her eyes widen.  “Oh my God, you’re blushing!  I didn’t think that was possible.”

“I am not blushing,” I grumble, wishing that she would stop looking at me and making a big deal out of this.

“Yeah, you are.”  She makes loud kissy noises.  “Awwww, isn’t that sweet!”

“Oh, be quiet,” I mutter.  Years of merciless teasing have come back to bite me in the ass.  Olivia is finally getting her revenge.

My friend chuckles, clearly enjoying the change in our predicaments.  “I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that you and Carter are an item.”

That makes two of us.  This entire relationship has taken me by surprise.  But in the best way possible.  When Carter decided we were done keeping our situation under wraps, he wasn’t kidding.  After he told Noah, it’s like the floodgates opened.  He made it clear to everyone that I was his girlfriend which means that when we walk across campus, he holds my hand.  It also means that when we’re in class, he’s parked next to me with his arm slung across my shoulders.

I never thought Carter would be one for PDA.  The memory of him kissing me in front of a packed quad a couple of days ago flits through my brain. The catcalls and applause that broke out afterward were thunderous.  It’s like he wants everyone to know that I’m his and he’s mine.

I can’t say that I don’t love it.

“Hey, I’m looking for Daisy Thompson,” a voice shouts from the sidelines of the football field.

Olivia and I turn and stare, but neither of us say a word.

“Where are you, Daisy Thompson?” he yells again.

Sensing that something is about to happen, the students surrounding us quiet.  Their necks crane to get a look at the guy on the field.  I shade my eyes trying to figure out who he is and why he’s shouting my name.

He’s obviously part of the team because he’s in uniform.  I know a lot of the players, but I’m not acquainted with everyone.  I’m better friends with the more senior guys who are close with Noah and Carter.

When he bellows my name for the third time even louder than before, I wave my hand in the air.  “Here!  I’m right here.”  Apparently, he’s not going to leave until I out myself.

He unleashes a dimpled smile as his eyes find me.

Olivia elbows me in the side and leans closer.  “He’s cute.”

“He’s a baby,” I mutter from the side of my mouth.  “I’m pretty sure that’s peach fuzz on his cheeks.”

She shrugs.  “He’s still adorable.”

“Then you should go for it.”  My gaze remains fixed on the guy.  “Maybe you can offer him a lollipop and he’ll come home with you.”

She chokes out a laugh and elbows me in the ribs.  “You’re a terrible human being.”

“True statement,” I agree.  “But that’s why you love me.”

“Yeah, I don’t know about that.”  She narrows her eyes like she has to give it some thought.

Since the guy on the field hasn’t budged, I clear my throat and say more loudly so he can hear me.  “Is there something I can help you with?”

Although I can’t imagine what that could be.

“I’ve got a special delivery for you.”

“Oh?”  I glance at Olivia.

She raises her brows and shrugs.

Only now do I notice that he’s holding something in his hands.  He pulls back his arm and launches it.  A dark plastic bag sails right to me, and I catch it easily with both hands.  That’s when I remember this guy is a third string quarterback.

Jackson.  He’s a freshman.

“What is this?”  I shout.

“Open it up and find out,” he encourages with a smile.

Olivia’s right, he’s adorable.  He may be third string and a freshman, but he has quite the fan base on campus.  And not all of them are underclassmen either.  Apparently, Jackson brings out the cougar in some of these BU girls. 

I untie the plastic handles and peek inside before pulling out a thick, neatly folded square of material.  I hold it up to get a better look.

It’s a jersey.

On the front is the number forty-two.  I turn it over and the name Prescott is stamped across the back in white block letters.  His number is beneath it.

I look up. Jackson has disappeared, and Carter now stands in his place. A grin spills across his handsome face.

“Hey, sorry about that,” he yells.  “I wasn’t sure if I’d have enough time to get the jersey to you.”  He glances toward the tunnel where one of the assistant coaches is waiting.  The guy points to his wristwatch and taps it twice.  Carter nods and the coach goes back to staring at his clipboard.

“You got me a jersey?”  My heartbeat kicks up a notch at his thoughtfulness.

He scoffs, “I can’t very well let my girl walk around in another guy’s number, now can I?”

Ever since freshman year, I’ve worn Noah’s jersey in a show of support.

“It’s my cousin,” I shout with a smile.  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about on that front.”

He tilts his head to the side and squints.

Hot damn, but he looks sexy in his black jersey and tight white pants that hug his muscular thighs.  The thick pads make his shoulders seem impossibly broad and his waist tapered.

And the blackout under his eyes…

I squeeze my thighs together to lessen the ache throbbing between them.  The thought of having to wait at least four hours before I can get my hands on him makes me groan. 

 “Down, girl,” Olivia whispers.  Her voice simmers with laughter.

Like I said before, she is so loving this.

Carter shakes his head and folds his arms against his chest.  “Are you arguing with me, Thompson?”

I pull Noah’s jersey over my head and reveal a pink cami beneath.  Then I slip into Carter’s and smooth down the material.  Since it’s sized for a woman, it hugs my curves perfectly.

I hold my arms out wide for his perusal and shout, “How do you like me now, Prescott?”

Heat leaps in his eyes as they lick over me.  “You look hot.”  He winks as he jogs backward.  “See you after the game.”

He gives me one last wave before being swallowed up by the tunnel.

“That,” Olivia declares, “was the most swoon-worthy thing ever.”

I don’t want to gloat, but she’s right.

It totally was.

And just like that, I fall a little bit harder for Carter.

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