Love to Hate You: An Enemies-to-Lovers New Adult College Sports Romance

Love to Hate You: Chapter 27

“What the hell kind of play was that?”  I grumble, jumping from the chair and throwing my hands in the air.

I glance at Noah, who sits next to Ashley.  Daisy is perched on the couch next to them.

I wave my hand toward the big screen TV and collapse onto my favorite recliner where I’ve taken up sentinel for the game.  “Did you see that?”

Noah shakes his head and mutters something under his breath regarding the turnover that has given possession to the other team.  It’s Sunday afternoon and we’re camped out at the apartment watching the Tennessee game.  It’s a tradition during football season for the three of us.  I’m on my gameday recliner because it’s good luck.

Am I superstitious?

Hell, yeah.

I’ve also got on my lucky socks and boxers.  Both have been turned inside out for the occasion.

It’s half-time and the Titans are up by seven, although with that turnover, who the hell knows what’s going to happen.  Normally, I’m a hundred percent focused on the game but Daisy’s wearing a curve-hugging navy V-neck shirt with a silver T stamped across the front.

It’s sexy as fuck.  Like I need any more excuses to ogle her breasts.

And the tiny white shorts she’s wearing…

Every time she jumps up to grab a snack or drink from the kitchen, my eyes gravitate to the rhythmic sway of her hips.  I shift on the chair trying to inconspicuously ease the boner I’ve been sporting for the last hour and a half.  She’s always had this kind of effect on me, but now that I’ve had a taste of her, it’s more intense.  There’s not one damn moment that goes by when I don’t want to lay my hands on her. You know it’s bad when you’re midway through a three-hour practice, sweating your ass off, and out of nowhere, you’re struck with the memory of what it feels like to be buried balls deep in her slick heat.

That’s when the whole damn practice goes to hell in a handbasket.

For the time being, we’ve agreed to keep our relationship on the downlow.  It’s just sex.  And lots of it.  Neither of us have attempted to slap a label on this.

In my experience, most girls want to pin you down.  Sure, at the onset, they say they’re cool with a hookup situation.  But you’re quickly made aware after the deed has been done, that they don’t necessarily believe the line of crap they spoon fed you.

Been there, done that.  I do my best to weed out needy females.  But some are better at camouflaging it than others.  It’s a crapshoot as far as I’m concerned.

I kind of expected that with Daisy.

And yet, she hasn’t said one damn word about wanting to specify what this is.  But Daisy isn’t like the girls I usually take home.  So, I’m not sure why I thought she would be in this regard.

It’s probably best if this remains casual in nature.  There’s too much standing in our way.  I can’t be with anyone right now.

Especially her.

My gaze settles on my best friend.  He has no idea what’s going on beneath his nose.  I wince thinking about what he’d do if he discovered our secret.  I wouldn’t blame him one bit for beating the crap out of me.  I shouldn’t have touched Daisy in the first place but it’s too late for regrets. 

So, all of us being together in the same place at the same time is a little unnerving.

Unless we’re alone in the apartment, Daisy and I have to pretend we’re nothing more than friends.  Last week, while walking to class, I almost reached out and nabbed her fingers with my own.  The urge was there and for a moment, I forgot we couldn’t do it.  If anyone caught us holding hands or with my arm slung across her shoulders, it would spread across campus like wildfire.

It would only be a matter of time before Noah caught wind of it.  He’s the one person I don’t want to hurt.  The guy has always been there for me.  His family is like my own.

I rip my gaze from Noah and refocus my attention on the game.  Although I have no idea what’s going on.  Once again, Daisy is dominating my every waking thought.

Guess it’s not just my socks and underwear that have been turned inside out.

I jerk when Daisy jumps to her feet and throws her hands in the air.  “Oh, come on!  What the hell kind of call was that?  He clearly had the ball when he was knocked out of bounds!”

Yeah, that’s another thing…

The girl likes football.

Actually, she loves it.

She understands the finer nuances of the game.  Daisy isn’t pretending to enjoy football because I play it.  Hell, she’d have the game on even if Noah and I weren’t home to watch it with her.  And that, my friends, is probably the sexiest thing of all.

Which is precisely why I’m screwed seven different ways to Sunday.  There’s not a damn thing I don’t like about her.  Believe me, I’ve tried racking my brain for something to latch onto.

But I can’t.  She’s fucking perfect.

The buzzer rings and I watch Daisy as she gracefully unfolds herself from the couch and jogs to the door.

Goddamn that ass.

Not to mention the adorable navy socks she has pulled up to her knees with the silver T’s on them.

I hear a deep male voice followed by her laughter.

What the hell?

She offers some playful banter I’m barely able to make sense of even though my ears are attuned to the sound of her voice. I’m two seconds away from flying over there and putting the kibosh on whatever flirtation is happening when she returns with three boxes of pizza, an order of breadsticks, and a salad.    

Her gaze collides with mine.  Whatever she finds there is enough to leave her stumbling to a halt as her eyes widen in alarm.

Fuck me.

I avert my gaze and rub the back of my neck where tension has gathered.  I’d like to blame it on the game, but it has nothing to do with that and I know it.

What the hell am I doing?

Better question—what the hell am I going to do about it?

Because this situation can’t continue indefinitely.  Already, it’s spiraling out of control.  I’d secretly hoped that I would grow tired of banging Daisy.

Not to sound like a prick, but I usually screw someone a couple of times and get bored.  It’s been two weeks and instead of feeling that, I can’t get enough of her.  The more I have, the more I want.  I’m insatiable when it comes to her.

Daisy sets the boxes on the peninsula that separates the kitchen from the living room.  She doesn’t glance my way again, but I can tell she’s affected by what she saw on my face.  Her fingers flutter as she grabs the plates and napkins.

Always ready for his next meal, Noah is off the couch before she has a chance to set the paper products down.  He opens the first box and helps himself to four pieces.  Ashley wanders over and stares at him.

Noah holds out the overloaded plate to her.  “Here, you want this?”

Her face scrunches with disgust.  “You know I don’t eat carbs and fat.”  She glares at the pizza.  “God, it’s practically swimming in oil.  My arteries are getting clogged just looking at it.”

Noah shoves half a slice into his mouth.  Apparently, he doesn’t feel that way because he proceeds to wolf down the entire piece like he hasn’t eaten in months.  Ashley stares in horror, looking a little green around the gills.

Between bites, he says, “Yeah, I know, babe.  It was a joke.  Chill out.  Your rabbit food is on the counter.”  He reaches for the second slice.  “A few carbs might do you some good.”

She glowers and heads to the counter where her salad awaits inspection.  She doesn’t open the clear plastic container, just peers down at it.  “Why are there croutons?  Didn’t you ask for them on the side?”

Noah sucks in a breath and releases it as if trying to hold onto his patience.  He’s a better man than I am, that’s for damn sure.  I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago.  Actually, I wouldn’t have gotten involved in this situation in the first place.

“You heard me on the phone, babe.  I asked for them on the side.”  He rolls his eyes.  “Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal.  They’re just croutons, pick them out.”

I glance at Daisy with a raised brow.  Even though she’s never admitted it to me, I don’t think she cares for Noah’s girlfriend.  As far as I’m concerned, Ashley is a huge pain in the ass.

Daisy returns the look and grabs a plate, taking a seat at the table to watch the show.  And by that, I mean the Ashley-Noah drama that’s about to unfold and not the football game.  It’s like a horrific car accident you can’t look away from.

Ashley huffs and returns to the couch where she scowls at the television screen.  Noah glances at me with a frown as if he doesn’t understand what just happened.  I shrug and shake my head.

Sure, I get what’s going on but I’m not touching this with a ten-foot pole.  I have enough of my own shit going on to get involved in his issues.

Noah studies his girlfriend.  You can almost see the gears turning in his head as he tries to piece together this puzzle.

“So…you’re not going to eat your salad because there are a few croutons on it?” he asks.

Ashley jerks her head into a tight nod.  “I ordered it without croutons and they messed up.  Even if I picked them out, there would be crumbs mixed in with the lettuce.”

I shift my body and silently munch my pizza.  I’m genuinely curious as to how Noah is going to play this one.  Because I could see it going one of two ways.

He shrugs, not looking bothered by her tantrum.  “Suit yourself.”

That’s actually not how I saw this going.  What we’re witnessing here today, folks, is unprecedented.  I’m not the only one who thinks so because Daisy snorts before attempting to cover it with a cough.  It wasn’t all that long ago that Noah would have grabbed the keys and hustled his ass out the door to do her bidding. 

Times, they be a changing.

Ashley’s mouth falls open when she realizes it.  “Well?”

She drops the word like an atom bomb.  The aftershock can be felt for miles.

Noah stuffs another enormous bite into his mouth.  Once he swallows it, he says, “Well, what?”

She folds her arms across her chest.  “Aren’t you going to return this salad and get me a new one?”

There’s a whole lot of incredulous packed into her tone.

Noah’s brows skyrocket across his forehead and he gives her an you’re out of your mind look before shaking his head.  “Ah, no.  I wasn’t planning on it.”  He points to the untouched salad on the counter.  “Pick the croutons off or don’t eat it, the choice is yours.  And the game is back on, so…”

His voice trails off as if no further explanation is necessary.

Which it’s not.

It’s the fucking Titans.

It takes everything I have inside not to stand up and applaud him for finally growing a pair of balls. I don’t have to glance at Daisy to know that she wants to cheer him on.

A rush of color floods into Ashley’s cheeks.  “You’re seriously not going to run out and get me another salad?”

With his plate in hand, Noah settles on the couch next to her.  His eyes are glued to the television.  The third quarter is about to get underway and the game is tight.  Which is precisely why Daisy was pissed at the end of the second quarter.

Goddamn, but I love that girl.

I inhale sharply.

No…I don’t love Daisy.  But I like her.  A lot.

This situation is so much worse than I originally suspected.

“Nope,” Noah says.  “Have a slice of pizza.  It’ll probably make you feel better.”

It’s not like I claim to understand the inner workings of the female brain, but even I know when to keep my trap shut.

The situation goes from bad to worse.

Although, it’s not my situation, so I’m not about to let it ruin my meal.  I grab another slice of pizza and settle on the chair next to Daisy.  I give her another disbelieving look.  The edges of her lips lift but she doesn’t say a word.  Our attention bounces between the game and the Noah/Ashley drama.

Not that I need to add anything more to the growing what-I-like-about-Daisy list, but the girl likes to eat.  She doesn’t allow herself to get all hangry like a certain someone else who shall remain nameless.

Yeah, yeah…I hear her bitching and moaning about her weight, but she eats when she’s hungry and exercises a couple times a week to balance it out.  Daisy will never be stick thin and I wouldn’t want her that way.  I love her curves.  They’re sexy as hell.

I shake myself out of those thoughts.  This friends-with-benefits thing we’ve got going on can’t last forever.  It shouldn’t have even lasted this long.

Ashley makes a strangled noise in her throat and jumps off the couch.  She swings toward Noah with her hands planted on her non-existent hips.  “If you’re going to ignore me, then I’m leaving!” she hisses before pausing dramatically.

Noah’s eyes bounce from the game to her.

Ashley presses her lips together when he doesn’t respond.  “And I’m not coming back!”

His gaze wanders back to the game.  “I’ll text you in a couple of hours after you’ve had a chance to calm down.”

She screeches out a high-pitched response, but it’s nothing I can decipher, and makes a production about grabbing her purse before stalking through the apartment.  “Don’t bother!”

We all wince as the door slams.  I glance at Daisy for the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes.

Even though Noah doesn’t look away from the TV screen, he says, “I see you two making eyes at each other.  What the hell is up with that?”

That question makes me choke on my piece of pizza.  Noah glances at his cousin before spearing me with a penetrating stare.

Daisy shrugs.  “What?  We can’t call a truce for a couple of hours to enjoy the Titans game?”

“It’s been more like a few weeks, but who’s keeping track?”  Noah’s eyes narrow and bounce between the two of us.

I’m still working on swallowing the cheese and crust mixture, but it’s lodged uncomfortably in my esophagus.

“It’s actually nice being around you guys when you’re not at each other’s throats,” he admits.

“We’ve turned over a new leaf.”  Daisy smiles sweetly and glances my way.  “Isn’t that right, Carter?”

Fuck.  Why is she putting me on the spot like this?

Unable to speak, I nod.

Her eyes sparkle with mischief.  “In fact, Carter was just saying how we should spend more time together now that we’re getting along so well.”

Noah turns to me with interest.  “Is that so?”  He shakes his head.  “I never thought this day would come.  Pigs must be flying out of someone’s ass.”

“Nah,” Daisy says all casual-like.  “He’s finally realized what an awesome person I am.”

The ball of pizza wedged in my throat finally makes its way past my windpipe.  I grab my Gatorade and guzzle it trying to buy myself some time.  I’m sweating bullets.  “Yup, that’s right.  Daisy is amazing.”

“It only took him three years to figure that out, but better late than never,” she says with a wink.

This girl is unbelievable.

I force my lips into a tight smile.  Daisy’s going to get it when I get my hands on her tonight.  And she’s going to get it good.  Not to mention, hard.  Goddamn it, I can’t go five minutes without thinking about being inside her.

I’m just about to respond when my phone dings with an incoming message.  Thankful for the distraction, I look at my cell.

It’s my mom.  The muscles in my stomach tighten into a painful knot.  The pizza I just wolfed down threatens to revolt as I bolt up from the table with my half-eaten plate in hand.  “I gotta take off.”

I glance at Noah knowing that he’ll understand without me saying anything more.  His body tenses and all the previous teasing falls away.  He doesn’t ask any questions.  Just nods in acknowledgement.

I can’t get into any of this bullshit with Daisy here.  She’s the last person I want knowing about my family.

Sensing the abrupt change in atmosphere, Daisy’s brows snap together.  “Wait.  You’re leaving now?”  She gestures toward the TV.  “But the game’s not over yet.”

When I remain silent, she moistens her lips and adds, “And it’s tight.  We’re only up by three points.”

As much as I would rather stay with her and Noah, that’s not possible.  Unable to meet her inquisitive stare, I keep my eyes averted.

“Yeah, sorry.  I’ll catch you both later.”  I dump my plate in the trash and grab the keys to my car before heading for the door.

Once I’m in the hallway, I stop and lean against the wall, squeezing my eyes shut.  Maybe for a while, I was able to pretend all this other bullshit didn’t exist.  But it does.  And it’s not going anywhere.  Whatever this is between Daisy and I needs to end.  I can’t risk my friendship with Noah and I sure as shit don’t want her to find out about my family situation.

I don’t need that humiliation.

The best thing I can do at this point is back away.

I’m just not sure if I’m strong enough to pull the plug.

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