Love to Hate You: An Enemies-to-Lovers New Adult College Sports Romance

Love to Hate You: Chapter 16

The alarm goes off and I roll from bed.  I’ve been lying here for the last thirty minutes thinking about Daisy.  I need to burn off some of the excess energy crashing through my body. I have football practice three hours a day, five days a week and lift weights a couple times a week because I’m trying to stay away from the apartment when I know she’ll be around.  You’d think all this physical activity would be enough to diffuse the hot spikes of need that flare to life inside me at the mere thought of her, but you’d be wrong.

She’s all I think about.

In a last-ditch effort, I’m going to hit the pavement in hopes that five miles will be enough to kill my growing lust.

You know what I need?

To get laid.

I need to bury my cock in some sweet pussy and forget all about Daisy Thompson.  Forget about her long golden hair and flashing aquarium-colored eyes, and all those goddamn curves I want to get my hands on.

Yeah, that’s not helping.

As luck would have it, tonight is Thursday night.  And around here, that’s when the weekend starts.

I yank on a pair of athletic shorts along with a sleeveless T.  I lace up my shoes, grab my phone and earbuds, and I’m ready to go.  As I head out of my room, I hear someone else moving around the apartment.  I stumble to a halt as Daisy comes around the kitchen corner.  Her step falters as our gazes collide.  She looks just as thrown by my presence as I am by hers.

My eyes flicker over her outfit.  What I find doesn’t make me happy.  My jaw locks at the shorts that are way too damn short.  This girl certainly knows how to put the Daisy in Daisy Dukes.  I’m not even going to mention the athletic tank top that molds her breasts to perfection.

Her hair has been pulled up into a ponytail, and there are trainers on her feet.  Her phone is in hand, and pink earbuds are already in place.  Apparently, we have the same idea.  But I doubt she’s trying to work me out of her system the way I’m trying to work her out of mine.

Daisy pulls out an earbud.  “Are you going for a run?”

Her eyebrows scrunch together. I get her confusion.  Normally, I’m not up this early, but I’ve got a packed day ahead of me and this was the only time I could squeeze in a run.  “Yup.”

She nods and shifts from one foot to the other.  “Me, too.”

Neither of us say anything more. Instead, we head out the door to the staircase that will take us to the lobby.  Thank God, because being alone with Daisy in the close confines of an elevator is dangerous.  Especially when she’s wearing something so scantily.

The urge to touch her pulses through me as we enter the stairwell.  Daisy takes the lead and I fall in place behind her.  But it’s not so I can stare at her ass as it enticingly sways back and forth in those tiny shorts.

Fine, maybe it is.

This is definitely a view I could get used to.

I wince.

Talk about counterproductive…

It’s probably best if we separate.  She can go one way, and I’ll head in the opposite direction.  Until I have a better handle on the feelings she rouses in me, I don’t want to spend more time than necessary with her.  Especially alone.  It was so much easier when I would mess with her, and she would swipe back at me.

It kept our relationship in check.  We didn’t venture too close.  I was able to tamp down my feelings for her.  Right now, everything is running amuck.  If I’m not careful, all hell will break loose and that, I just can’t have.  Except for the situation with my parents, everything else in my life is controlled and orderly.

Just as we’re about to part ways, I see two guys who have the same idea as us stretching next to the sidewalk.  They both perk up when they get an eyeful of the girl next to me.  Which isn’t surprising.  What hot-blooded guy wouldn’t notice Daisy?  You’d have to be dead not to do a double take when you see her.

Apparently, they all know each other because they both call her name and wave her over.

Just as she’s about to step away from me, I wrap my fingers around her arm.  Not too tightly, just enough to keep her at my side.

Her ponytail whips around as she glances at me in question.

“Let’s go this way.”  I jerk my head in the opposite direction of the douchebags who are still ogling her.

Sorry boys, not gonna happen today.

Or any other day.

Not with this girl.

“We don’t have to run together, Carter.”  Her brows slide together.  “I’ll just slow you down.”

I shake my head.  “It’s fine.  I’m not in any hurry.”

She sucks her lower lip into her mouth and chews it thoughtfully as if hesitant to accept my offer.  I’m tempted to nip that plump lower lip of hers with my teeth.  Fuck me.  This wasn’t how my run was supposed to go.

“Are you sure?” she asks.

Am I sure?

Fuck yeah, I’m sure.

There’s no way she’s running with those two asshats.  Not on my watch.  Plus, that whole lip biting thing is giving me a semi.  We need to get moving before I pop a tent.

Christ.  What the hell is wrong with me?

Why can’t I control myself around this girl?

“Yup,” I say tightly.  “Let’s go.”

If she argues, I’m making an executive decision and tossing her over my shoulder.  Maybe I’ll smack that delectable ass a time or two, as well.  I groan at the image because it isn’t helping the boner situation.

Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately—she comes along without a peep.  No shoulder-hoisting or ass-smacking required.

We pop in our earbuds and start out with a nice, easy jog.  Just a little something to loosen our muscles.  I blast my music and try to lose myself in my alt rock playlist and the steady thump of my shoes as we continue down the tree-lined street.  Instead of zoning out, I’m all too aware of her by my side.  The way her tits bounce under her tight top, the way her thick ponytail sways back and forth, the swing of her arms as she tries to keep up with me.

Daisy has a nice stride.  With her build, I wouldn’t have taken her for a natural runner.  After about a mile, she’s still holding steady and shows no signs of fatigue.  I keep my pace slow.  I don’t mind.  I kind of like it.  It’s relaxing.

Another mile slides by, and we end up in a park near campus.

I pull out my earbuds. “How many miles do you normally run?”

She’s a little winded.  Her cheeks are flushed from exertion.  Her eyes are bright and shiny.  She’s got that endorphin high going on.

Is this what Daisy looks like after a particularly sweaty bout of sex?

Fuck.  I can’t allow myself to contemplate that question.  That’s not something I’ll ever find out.

She bends at the waist and reaches for her toes, presenting me with her backside.  “Three.”

I groan and force my eyes away.  “Are you okay with four?”

She straightens and nods, wiping her forearm across her brow.  Still breathing heavy, she walks in a wide circle with her hands planted on her hips.

I gulp.

I need to think of something besides sex, but I’ve got nothing.  I’m picturing her naked at this very moment.

“Do you want to walk part of the way?” I ask.

“No, we can run.  I’m in shape.  I can handle it.”

I throw my hands out in front of me in a gesture of surrender because the last thing I want is to get into another skirmish with her.  “I never said you weren’t.  But this is going to end up being more than three miles.  I don’t want you to hurt yourself trying to keep up with me.  We can slow down.”

“It’s fine.”  She sucks in another breath of air.  “I’m good.  Let’s head back.”

As much as I don’t want to be impressed with her determination, I am.  I don’t need to like anything more about this girl.  There’s already too much of that going on.

“Okay.”  I shrug. “Have it your way.”

She points a finger.  “And don’t hold back on my account.  I can keep up with you, Carter.”

I raise a brow.  “Is that so?”

A smile spreads across her face.  “Anything you can do, I can do better.”

I unleash a grin.  “You sure about that?”

“Yup!” she snaps out and sprints away, glancing over her shoulder.

Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I watch her ass for a few dozen strides and then take off after her.  For the first mile, I let her keep the lead, although I’m steadily closing in.  She’s lengthened her stride and is pumping her arms faster than before, trying to go full out.

I’m pushing myself more than I did on our jog to the park, but that was operating at about fifty percent.  Even now, I’m not pushing myself as hard as I can.  I’m holding back and keeping it controlled.  When we’re about a quarter mile from the apartment, I turn on the wheels and catch up to her.

Daisy keeps her eyes focused straight ahead and tries to push herself a little bit more.  Her muscles are going to be screaming bloody murder tomorrow.  It’s hard not to admire her competitive streak.

As the building looms closer, I pull alongside her.  I could overtake her at any moment.  Hell, one minute into this impromptu race, I could have taken the lead and left her in my dust, but where’s the fun in that?

Her face is all steely determination with gritted teeth, narrowed eyes, and labored breathing.

Just as we hit the walkway leading up to the building, she pulls a smidge out in front of me.  Because it’s unexpected, I continue at my pace.

With a loud whoop, Daisy throws her arms up in the air and yells, “Winner!”

Then she collapses on the front lawn.  Her chest rises and falls from exertion.  She sucks in big breaths of air like she’s been deprived of it for hours.

“Did you see that?”  She huffs and puffs, barely coherent.  “I won.  I beat you.”

I grin down at her.  “Yup,” I agree easily.  “You did it.”

She narrows her eyes and complains, “You let me win, didn’t you!”

I shake my head.  “Nope, you won fair and square.”

“Great.  I can’t walk, I think my legs just fell off.”

I reach a hand out.  “Come on.”

After a minute or two, she lifts her arm.  I lock my fingers around her wrist and tug.  She’s like dead weight.  But still, I outweigh her by at least a hundred pounds.  Give or take.  I can probably bench press her, so lifting her to her feet isn’t a struggle.

Daisy groans with the movement.

Making a snap decision, I do exactly what I was tempted to do earlier and haul her into my arms, throwing her over my shoulder while walking toward the front entrance.

“Carter!  What are you doing?”  She whacks my back with her hand, but she’s so exhausted that there isn’t much power behind it.  “Put me down this instant!”

Since it’s about eight in the morning, more people are leaving the building to head off to class.  A group of girls stare in our direction and dissolve into a fit of giggles.

“Morning, Carter!” a few of them call, waving enthusiastically.

With one hand firmly placed on the back of Daisy’s thighs, I wave with the other as if there isn’t a girl thrown caveman-style over my shoulder with her ass in the air.

“I swear to God,” Daisy growls, sounding less winded. “I’m going to get you back for this.”

I give her ass a sharp crack.  She yelps, and the girls watching us go wide-eyed.  Maybe a little dreamy-eyed as well, but I’m not going to read too much into that.

“You’ll do nothing of the sort.”  I remind her, “We called a truce.”

“You slapped my ass,” she whispers.

“Damn right, I did.”  I slap it again before opening the door and heading into the lobby.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.