Love The Roommate

Chapter 4

The day went by and so did the next morning, and I still hadn't seen Alex. After I finished my bath yesterday, I went to put my
pajamas in the room and he wasn't there. I got out of the room, and got a walk around the city for almost two hours. It was a
beautiful city, I must admit. And when I went back, he still wasn't there. And well, he didn't get home at all.
I got my hopes up that when I turn around like yesterday; I will see him there sleeping peacefully.
But when I turned, he wasn't there. I sighed. Maybe he really didn't mean what he said yesterday. Beside, why am I even that
mad? Yeah, I saw before, but it wasn't as sexy as Alex's. But still, he doesn't get to make assumes or be arrogant like that.
I got up and made my routine of going to the stupid public bathrooms and changed my clothes. My shift starts in an hour.
Yes, I work. As a waitress. My dad requested his friend for job for me. And thank God he agreed.
I started walking towards the cafe, enjoying the high sun in the sky. It was a beautiful sight. I know Pullman is famous for its cold
weather. But right now, in eight in the morning, it was beautiful.
After ten minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the cafe.
I stepped in, examining the place.
It was like any regular cafe.
The coffee's smell was everywhere; the cafe had its walls in a light brown color, while the tables had it darker. A dark haired boy
stood there with another blonde boy as a bestiary. There were two other girls as waitress, one red headed and one dark haired,
wearing brown apron with the logo and the name of the place. They were getting the costumers their drinks. All of them looking
in their twenties. And all of them wearing brown shirts with a small logo on the side.
I walked to the cashier, who was also in his twenties.
"Hello, I was wondering if the manager is here." I asked with a smile.
The cashier smiled back, "Yeah, he is. Give me a minute; I will get him right away."
The cashier walked to a door in the corner, he knocked then entered, closing the door after him.
I stood there for a second, watching the busy cafe. People were everywhere. Some with phones as there sipped from their
drinks. And other who were students, having notebooks and papers all over their table. There was music in the background, light

and relaxing. It was a good place to spend some time in.
The cashier then walked out of the room he had gone too, followed by a man in his forties with grey hair and light brown eyes.
"Jasmine, it's so nice to finally see you again. It's been so long. You were just five when I last saw you." The manager greeted as
he shook my hand.
"It's nice to meet you too Mr-"
"No, no. Just call me Louise. All employees here do that. Beside you aren't just an employee, you are like my daughter. I
remember when I used to lift you for hours and you wouldn't want to leave me when your mum would come to take you." Louise
laughed. And I joined him.
"Happy times," Louise said.
"Yeah," I agreed.
"Anyway, when do you want to start?" Louise asked.
"Right now if possible." I said with excitement.
"Good. Jack, please tell one of the girls to show Jessy the place, the staff and how to work." Louise said, directing his words to
the cashier, who I assume his name is Jack.
"Sure thing, Louise." Jack replied.
"Okay, I will see you later, Jessy. Take care." Louise said, walking away, back to the door he just came through, I assume it's his
"Thank you!" I called after him.
"Don't mention it." Louise called back.
I turned back to Jack to find him staring. I smiled and so did he.
"My name's Jasmine, but you can call me Jessy." I began.
"I'm Jack." He said, smiling. "Yeah, come on." He walked to the back door that was leading to the staff room, I assume.

The staff room wasn't big or small. It was decent, with two couches and some chairs. There were some boxes in the corner.
Some backpacks on the chairs. And there was a door in the corner.
Jack went to one of the boxes and pulled out two brown clothes.
"Here. You can go in there to change. One of the girls will be here in a second. I need to go back." Jack said, handing me the
brown clothes, and gesturing to the door in the corner for me to go into.
"Thanks," I nodded, walking to the door after putting my bag of the couch.
Once I opened the door, a bathroom was in view.
It wasn't that big of a one, but it was good. It had a mirror on top of the sink and that was good enough.
I closed the door, locked it and unfolded the clothes.
It was one of those brown shirts with the logo, and an apron.
I quickly took off my shirt, folding it. I put on the brown shirt, adjusting it. It was a little loose around me, obviously not my size.
Then I put the apron on. Thank God I wore a blue jeans and nothing else.
The apron didn't reveal that the shirt was loose around me, which was good.
I got out of the bathroom, only to be met with the dark haired girl that was serving the costumers.
She smiled, "Hey there, I am Veronica."
"Jessy." I introduced myself, giving her a smile in return.
"Come on; let me show you the place." She walked out of the room.
I put my folded shirt in my backpack and hurried after her.
"Okay, Jessy. First start with our friends. That's Jack, the cashier. I assume you already know that." She pointed to Jack who was
taking an order from a someone.
"And that's Sandra," Veronica pointed to the other waitress, the red headed.
"And that's Harry-" She pointed to the black haired boy.

"And that's Kelvin." She pointed to the blonde boy.
"Now let's show you how to be."
I sat on the couch after a long day. It was now near eleven thirty and I couldn't help but feel sleepy. I mean, I always sleep at ten.
The coffee was closed now, there were a few costumers then we are out.
Veronica, Sandra, Harry, Jack and Kelvin were all outside, talking amongst there selves until the people are out.
I had talked with both Sandra and Harry. Both of them are wonderful people. I talked to Jack too. The only one I hadn't had a
word with was Kelvin. He only spoke to his friends and didn't seem to notice me at all. Or he did but just ignored me. He had this
mysteries attitude that made me a little curious. And his blue like ocean eyes really drew me in. They were beautiful eyes. He
was one of those hot guys I couldn't protest.
Okay, I give in. I closed my eyes, trying to rest them a little but not sleep. But sleep had the upper hand.
My eyes burned. It really hurt me to let them close but it hurt more to let them open. After a second the burn slowly faded, and
sleep took over.
But it wasn't that sleep.
As the door opened after some time and voices sounded.
You know that feeling when you are asleep but not really asleep? When you know your surroundings and can hear the voices
around you but can't move or open your eyes? Well, that was how I felt right now. I wanted to open my eyes and set straight but
couldn't. My eyelids felt so heavy, and my body felt numb. I felt paralyzed.
The voices stopped, and I felt stares at me.
"She is beautiful," Sandra's voice said lowly.
"I don't understand why Louise hired her. I mean, his staff is completed. Why would he want to pay more for another employee?"
A deep voice I didn't recognize said.
"Because she's his sibling or something. He said today that the last time he saw her was when she five. He seemed really fond
of her. But why do you mind anyway, Kelvin?" Jack's voice sounded. I assumed the deep voice was Kelvin's.

"Just curious." Kelvin's deep voice said.
"Do you think she goes to college with us?" Veronica asked.
"She is young, maybe freshman. But maybe she does." Harry said.
There was a moment of silence.
"We need to go. Shouldn't we wake her up or something?" Kelvin asked.
There wasn't any reply.
A warm hand shook me slowly. I tried opening my eyes but still, I couldn't.
"Wake up." Kelvin's voice sounded.
I still couldn't.
"Jess. Wake up." Kelvin said again, softly this time.
Slowly, I opened my eyes, trying to focus and keep the blur out.
Once I did, my eyes were met with a beautiful blue pair of eyes.
"Sorry. I sleep early." I muttered, sitting up slowly.
"No worries. We were just leaving." Kelvin said in that deep voice of his.
I tried to stand up, but no matter what, my body still felt numb. I stumbled and was about to fall on the floor but a strong hand
caught me in the perfect time.
"Whoa." Kelvin said as he steadied me.
"She is really out of it." Sandra said.
"Yeah," Harry agreed.
"We can't let her leave alone." Jack said.
"Yeah, you are right."

"You go to WSU?" Kelvin asked.
I nodded slowly, blinking, trying to stay awake.
"You live in the dorms, right?" Kelvin asked.
I nodded yet again.
"That's good. Then we can leave together. Come on." Kelvin said, standing up.
"Let's go then." Kelvin said as he helped me walk out from the room, holding my backpack with him. I leaned my head on his
shoulder, closing my eyes.
"Is Jessy okay?" Louise's voice sounded.
I opened my eyes, the cafe was completely empty and Louise stood there with a worried expression.
I smiled sleepy. "I am okay. Just a little sleepy."
"Don't worry, Louise. We will drive her home." Kelvin said, continuing on his way, half dragging me.
Once outside, the cold air hit me right in the face, making me shiver a little. Stupid me. I should have gotten a jacket this
morning. But it was so warm, I didn't even think about it.
"Here," Kelvin unlocked a black Jeep with the seven seat thing. Kelvin slides me in the passenger seat, putting a leather jacket
on my shoulder once inside.
The other followed, sitting behind.
"What's your room number?" Kelvin asked once he sat on the driver seat and turned on the engine.
What really caught my attention were his muscle arms. It was... Wow!
I know I am a dirty little thing. In this situation and I am thinking like that but I told you, I am ruined around hot guys.
I hugged Kelvin's jacket, trying to make it warmer. "Room 334." I responded.
Kelvin noticed my shivering, because in the next second, he was turning on the warmer.

"It's not far from ours. I will walk you, don't worry." Kelvin said.
I nodded, closing my eyes and resting my head back on the seat.
After five minutes, I felt the car slowing down.
I opened my eyes slowly; only to be met with cold air again as Kelvin helped me out of the car.
We walked and walked until Sandra's voice sounded. "That's us, Kelvin. You take care of Jessy."
"Yeah, bye guys." Kelvin said, continuing walking.
"Bye." I looked over my shoulder at the guys. They smiled at me to which I smiled back then turned back around.
I rested my head back on Kelvin's shoulder.
After a while he stopped. I opened my eyes to find my room's door.
"Where is your key?" Kelvin asked, his breath fanning my face.
"My back pocket." I said, making no attempt to get it. I felt numb.
Kelvin stared at me for a second and I stared back.
Kelvin slowly slides his hand in my back pocket, and I shivered.
I really didn't realize the situation until his warm hand was against my butt. My cheeks heated up as he was still staring at me
while getting the key rather slowly.
"There," He whispered, showing me the key that was in his hand.
"There." I whispered back.
Just then did I notice how close we were. Our faces were so close. Our lips were only inches apart.
He leaned forward, more closely, and I did the same.
Um, what happened to him ignoring me?
"What are we doing?" I whispered, our lips almost toughing.

"I don't know." He whispered back, and then our lips were connected.
And... Wow!
His lips were so warm and soft and... Amazing!
He kissed me gently, cupping my cold face with his warm hands.
We parted to breath, our faces still close.
"That was..." We spoke in the same time, before chuckling.
"You first." We said in the same time yet again, and this time laughed lightly.
"Together." I said.
"Yeah," he agreed
"Amazing!" We said and laughed.
"But I don't know you." I frowned a little.
"Then know me," He said, peaking my lips then pulling away.
The cold hit me again and I immediately missed his warmth.
Kelvin slid the key in the lock and opened it.
He helped me in, me still in his arms.
We walked further into the room until I stopped due to what I saw.
Alex was there, setting on the bed and staring directly at me with an angry expression.
"What is this? I have been worried for two hours now, waiting for you to come and when you do, you come by midnight with a
guy?" Alex said, standing up, looking pissed.
"Wait, what? You have a boyfriend?" Kelvin asked, looking a little hurt.

"No, I don't." I said quickly.
"You are talking like we are a thing, Alex." I snapped, which made Alex's eyebrows rose a little in surprise.
"I'm just saying that I have been worried. Last time I came ten thirty and you were already fast asleep, that made me think that
you don't go out that much." Alex said, trying to explain himself.
But I wasn't having it.
"Well, you did it again. You assumed. Alex, you don't know me. Don't try to assume when you don't know me." I said, even
though he was right and I don't go out at all. But I didn't care.
Alex stared at me for a second then nodded, and sat down again.
"I am sorry, Kelvin." I said, turning around.
"No, it's okay. I... I will see you tomorrow." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah. Wait a second." I rushed to my desk, got a paper and a pen and wrote down my number.
"Here," I gave it to Kelvin. He looked at it once then nodded, smiling a little.
I smiled back.
"Yeah, I will see you." Kelvin walked to the door, and I followed close behind.
"Bye Jess." Kelvin said once he was out of the door.
"Bye." I peaked his lips then closed the door without any other word. But not before I saw the small smile on Kelvin's face. And I
couldn't help the smile on my face.
I know I am crazy, and that I only know the guy for one day. But I will know him. He just seems like a good guy.
I walked back to the room again, only to be met with a shirtless Alex.
I ignored him and went to my dresser.
"I need to change." I said once I had my pajamas in my hand.

Alex turned around, facing the wall. He said, "Then change."
I quickly got out of my clothes, throwing everything on the bed.
"You can turn back around." I said once I finished. I sat down on the bed and started folding the brown shirt I got from the cafe,
as well as the jeans.
While Alex had turned around and started staring at me.
I ignored it and went to put the clothes in the dresser.
I turned the lights off and climbed bed, trying to sleep.
But I couldn't. I still felt his stare.
After some time, I just couldn't take it anymore.
"What do you want?" I sighed.
"Who was that?" Alex instead asked.
"A friend." I responded
"Kelvin. He is my friend."
"I don't remember seeing him here the last two days."
"Well, I don't remember you being here to even see him."
"Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Wanted. Now I don't. I was so lonely the last couple of days. I stayed for myself. I needed a friend. But now I have. I have Kelvin
and the guys. And you shouldn't be blaming me when you weren't even there. I needed a friend and I found some."
There was a second of silence until he spoke again.
"Is it okay with you if I be here?"

"Yes." I answered right away.
"Good. Just don't get bored so soon."
"I am sure I wouldn't."
"So are we good?" Alex asked.
"I think."
"Peace?" He asked, a smile appearing in his voice.

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