Love My Friends with Benefits

Chapter 29: Got to See Grandma

The elevator door opened. May poked her head out from behind me and scanned our surroundings.

Visiting hours had started. I looked around to make sure that there was no one from the Jones family around, then rushed into the ICU at top speed.

I didn't know why they weren't around. Perhaps God was on my side for once, giving me an opportunity to see Grandma.

Aunt Nancy was sitting by Grandma's bed. When she saw me, she stood up in surprise. "Queena, what are you doing here? I told you not to come!"

I ignored her and hurried over to Grandma's side.

Her eyes were shut tightly and she had an oxygen tube on.

Aunt Nancy said in a low voice, "Your grandmother fainted yesterday after Gail provoked her. She hasn't woken up since."

It was all because of Gail... again!

I felt the blood rush to my head. I got up and wiped my tears away, then asked Aunt Nancy, "Where is she?"

She could tell that I was mad and said, "You've already given her a beating as payback for your grandmother. Leave the rest up to me, okay? You should go." "But... "I really didn't want to leave.

Somehow, I had an ominous premonition. I just felt that this would be my last time seeing Grandma.

Aunt Nancy stomped her foot anxiously. "Go!"


I was just about to speak when the sound of footsteps came from outside the ICU ward.

At the same time, Gail's shrill voice rang out. "Oh, Leonard, you didn't have to go to the trouble of coming to the hospital..."

Bell laughed heartily. "Yes, it must've been troubling for you."

The Jones family was back. This time, Leonard was with them.

I was suddenly struck by the urge to rush up to Bell and ask him, "How can you still laugh when Grandma's like this?"

"Sh*t!" Aunt Nancy's expression changed. She opened the cupboard door and shoved me towards it. "They're back! Hide in here, for now."

I calmed down and pushed May into the cupboard before she could object.

Aunt Nancy looked at me in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"May came here with me. I can't allow the Jones family to bully her." I clenched my fists. "If they want blood, they can come for mine!" "You... Alas!" Aunt Nancy shook her head.

The footsteps were getting closer. Aunt Nancy scanned the room and lifted the sheets, pushing me underneath the bed.

As I lay down under the bed, the door was pushed open.

"It's only right for me to come to visit when an elder's ill." Leonard's voice rang out next to the bed.

His words were completely normal, but they sounded hypocritical to me.

Gail trilled out a fake laugh. "Oh, it's hard to find someone like you in times like these, Mr. Nell. In comparison with that sister of Phoebe's..."

Bell reprimanded her. "Why are you bringing her up at this time? Just treat her like she doesn't exist!"

"Aren't you ashamed to say such things?" It was Aunt Nancy's anger-filled voice. "Especially you, Gail. Mum wouldn't have ended up like this if it weren't for you!"

I quietly lifted the sheets a little to peek at what was going on.

Bell's face had turned red. He knew he was in the wrong, so he merely spat out a "disloyal thing" before walking to one side.

Gail forced a few tears out. "Nancy, how can you say that? I didn't mean to. Who would've expected Mum to suddenly..."

Aunt Nancy turned the full force of her anger towards Gail. "You didn't know? How could you not know the state of Mum's body when you've lived with her for so many years? Do you think I'm that gullible?"


"I..." Gail blinked, looking aggrieved.

"That's enough, Nancy!" Bell said harshly. "What else are you good for, aside from bullying Gail?"

Aunt Nancy's chest heaved with rage. "Bell Jones!"

"Bell, stop." Gail tugged on his arm. "Nancy's just in a state because Mum's ill."

Aunt Nancy sneered. "Go on, keep your act up!"

If someone out of the loop were to see this, they'd definitely think that Aunt Nancy was bullying Gail. Where was the audacity that she'd had when giving me a beating?

Like mother, like daughter. Phoebe's innocent act was definitely a product of her mother's training. I was so disgusted that I almost vomited. I turned away, not wanting to look at her anymore.

My gaze swept over the room and fell on Leonard. He was holding two gift boxes and standing next to a counter, looking like he was enjoying the show.

I felt like a block of ice had fallen into my heart.

The Jones family had thrown away their pride to suck up to Leonard, yet he just stood there, watching them like they were part of a circus show.

I put the sheet down carefully, not wanting to watch anymore.

Everything that was going on was revolting.

Suddenly, the bed moved slightly.

Could it be that someone had noticed me?!

I broke out in a cold sweat, not daring to move.

Through the sheets, I saw Bell's shoes moving towards the bed. He sounded overjoyed. "Mum, you're awake!"

Grandma was awake!

I held my breath as my heart raced.

Gail slowly scooted over to the bed and said, "Mum."

Grandma sounded very weak. "Where am I?"

"You're... you're at the hospital." Bell sounded slightly guilty.

Gail chimed in, saying, "Mum, you're fine now."

"I'm not your mother," Grandma said firmly. "I may be down on my luck, but I wouldn't have been unfortunate enough to have a daughter like you."

Bell tried to smooth things over. "Mum, don't be mad. Gail recognises her mistake now. Look, this is Leonard, the man who's going to marry Phoebe. Doesn't he look like an outstanding young man?" Grandma answered coldly, "Phoebe Jones is not my granddaughter. I only have one granddaughter."

She was implying that she only recognised my existence.

Bell was dumbfounded. "Mum, why are you..."

"I don't have a son like you, either."


"That's enough!" Aunt Nancy stormed over to the bed. Judging by the shadows, I could tell that she was kicking Bell and Gail out of the room. "What are you guys trying to do when Mum has just woken up? She's still gravely ill! Especially you, Bell!"

Bell roared, "What have I done?!"

He sounded furious.

"You don't have to show off to Mum about your wonderful son-in-law," Aunt Nancy sneered. She then said to Leonard, "Put the things down and leave, please. Peasants like us can't cater to the needs of Titan Group's Young Master!"

Leonard didn't get mad at her mockery. In fact, he said accommodatingly, "Indeed, Mrs. Jones does need to get some rest."

Aunt Nancy hummed in agreement, sounding a little more tolerant.

"I'll get going, then."

After that, Leonard moved over to the bed, seemingly wanting to put the gift boxes under the bed.

I was in a panic, but there was nothing I could do aside from watching him lift the sheets.

"Wait... "Aunt Nancy wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

He bent down and met my gaze.0000

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