Love, Milo

: Chapter 30

We were allowed two weeks of happiness.

To escape from the world that we all know is a shit show.

I’m not sure whether I should cheer or grimace at the words Milo had heard coming from the TV. His father was in an accident.

The same father that beat Milo. The same one that threatens him with his own wife’s life. The same terrible father is now getting rushed to the hospital.

After dressing and getting out things, I meet Milo in the living room, where he grabs his eyes with one hand and has his phone in the other.

‘Genesis, are you alright? What’s going on?’ He says frantically to his sister on the other line. He glances at me and waves his hand to the door. ‘ I saw the news. I’m coming right now. Just… sit tight, alright? Keep Mother busy till I get there.’

He hangs up the phone, and we exit the apartment, getting in his car.

The sun is setting, making the sky look beautifully orange and yellow like a sherbet swirl ice cream and unfitting for the occasion, partly.

Milo drives frantically, his knuckles white with how tightly he grips the steering wheel.

I can’t imagine what’s going through his head.

Sadness? Happiness? He’s more confused about what to feel than anyone at the moment, which worries me. He’s said not one word the entire way to the hospital, and I haven’t forced him to speak. I know how it feels to be in a position of shock, speechless.

When we arrive at the hospital Located in downtown Manhattan, it seems like dozens upon dozens of press are lined up at the front door: ambulances, police, paparazzi, and bystanders. Morgan was a well-known man.

It seems I underestimated just how well-known.

‘Holy shit,’ I whisper as Milo parks the car.

He rushes to unbuckle his seat belt and sighs out a heavy breath before getting out of the car faster than anything I’ve ever seen.

I’m unsure of what to do.

Do I go out with him? Or do I stay in the car?

The paparazzi are beginning to recognize Milo quickly, and I look at his back facing the car.

Milo turns around, looks at me through the windshield, and holds his hand for me. Who am I kidding? Of course, he needs me here at his side. To these people, Morgan Evans might’ve been the greatest guy to exist in this world. A kind, generous, wealthy businessman with a wife and two lovely kids. Because that’s the image he’s most likely crafted for the public eye.

But to Milo. He knows the real Morgan.

And with my hand in his, as we walk towards the hospital entrance, he squeezes me tightly each time a question is thrown at him and a camera is shoved in his face.

‘What is to happen to The Evans business!? Will you keep your father’s legacy?’ One of the paparazzi shouts.

How rude. How desperate can you be for the money that you camp outside a hospital after something like this?

Milo gives the man a deadly stare, and his lips part, but before he says anything, I tug at his arm. He looks at me, and his nostrils flair, continuing forward.

Getting through security and In the elevator reminds me of the first time we met.

In that elevator.

That same stupid shitty elevator that caused me to panic to no end. The same elevator that brought the love of my life and me together. I’m still a mess when it comes to small spaces and being claustrophobic. But I’ve learned to control it, at least when I’m in elevators.

Thanks to Milo, of course.

I squeeze his hand and put my focus not on the metal walls encasing us but on my anxious-filled boyfriend holding onto my hand as if his life depended on it. he’s probably more scared to leave this elevator than to stay in it. Who knows what condition his father is in? And despite how fucked that man is, it’ll still take a toll on Milo seeing him, I’m sure. Right?

‘Milo?’ The number above the elevator doors slowly inclines as we get to the floor the doctor at the entrance directs us to go to.

He has barely said a word to me since we left the apartment. I’m worried for him.

His jaw twitches, and he visibly swallows before clearing his throat. ‘Yes?’ It’s rough, like the singular word struggled to pass through his throat, strangled by the tears he’s attempting to hold back.

That’s why he won’t look at me.

He doesn’t want to cry. He doesn’t want to show that he still cares for his father, even after everything he’s done to him and his family. He doesn’t want to seem like a fool for caring.

But he doesn’t know that my heart swells even more, knowing he can’t help but care.

My Milo. Full of nothing but kind-heartedness.

‘Look at me?’ I request softly.

He drops his head so I can barely see the right side of his face, shaking it. ‘What if he’s dead?’ He whispers.

I’m stubble slightly for the correct words.

There are three options I have.

Say what I really want to say. Which is ‘the bastard deserves to be dead for what he did to you.’

Or say what I’m supposed to. These are the comforting words of a girlfriend and tell him everything is going to be okay.

I don’t want to lie to him. I’ve never been on to sugarcoat shit and that’s not changing today. But I will also not hurt any piece of this man’s heart with my truthful words.

So, option three.

Stay silent.

And that’s what I do, pressing my lips close and the truthful words in.

Ding. The elevator door opens.


I know what she’s thinking. Despite her thinking, her silence is saying nothing; it’s truly saying everything that’s running through her head.

I know it because I’m thinking about everything there is to be thinking about at this very moment possibly. Thoughts and voices swarm my head, and I can’t exactly pinpoint any specific ones telling me how to feel, think, and respond to this news.

My father might be dead.

I should be happy. I’ve always wanted him to croak for his cruelty. There’s always been a small part of me that hoped in the future. Morgan would change and be the father I wish he were. And I suppose that part of me is what is showing right now. The part that wishes he could live so I can fill that empty hole only a father can fill.

Just like Raelynn and her’s. I hoped it could be Morgan and I.

And walking to his room, my heartbeat triples in speed and I squeeze Raelynn’s hand. She squeezes me back.

When we get to the closed door with my father lying being it, I hover my hand over the knob only to see how terribly I’m shaking. What is wrong with me?

Why do I care so much for a man who treated me like pure shit on the bottom of my shoe?

Raelynn’s hand falls over mine on the knob, and I finally look down at the woman who’s patiently accompanying me through this. Her eyes soften when they see mine. Probably red and puffy. However, no tears have escaped. I haven’t let them.

He doesn’t deserve another tear of mine. Alive or dead.

With just her silence, I can feel her pushing me, telling me to be stronger. Telling me he doesn’t deserve the sympathy I know I shouldn’t give him.

Sighing, I turn the knob on, only for a man in a white lab coat and scrubs to be pulling on the other side.

Several other nurses stand inside the room, their voices muttering together into one blob of voices.

‘Excuse me,’ The doctor says. ‘Who are you?’

I clear my throat of the lump that resided in it. ‘Milo,’ I answer. ‘Milo Evans.’

The doctor nods, and the look on his face doesn’t ever translate to anything good. ‘I see. Milo, we’ve been expecting you, actually.’

‘Expecting me?’ I say with a stutter, glancing at Raelynn.

The doctor nods and waves his fingers for me to follow. Raelynn is instructed to wait outside and not allowed any further in the room. I follow the doctor inside the room to the circle of other doctors.

My eyes scan around, no sight of a body. No sight of a man. No sight of my father.

‘Where is he?’ I question.

‘Milo,’ a woman doctor walks up to me with a folded paper in her hands. ‘Your father wanted us to give you this before he disappeared.’

My eyebrows lower, and I try to process her words. Disappeared? ‘What do you mean?’

She looks around at the other doctors as if saying too much might kill her. They all seem to look that way now that I point it out. What the hell is going on? Was the man who crashed not my father?

‘Morgan…’ she looks past my shoulders to the door, making sure it’s closed and lowers her voice. ‘He hired us and instructed us to give this to you. We don’t know what it says, all we know is the orders he’s given us.’

She holds out the paper and I pluck it from her fingers, unfolding it to reveal a letter in my father’s handwriting.

It doesn’t make any sense.

These doctors, their words, this… letter.

It doesn’t make sense until I begin to read.


I know we haven’t had the best relationship over the past years. It’s my fault, I know it is. And you would agree that I owe you an apology.

And this is not one.

This is an explanation and a repayment for what I’ve done to you, son.

If you’re reading this right now, I am dead to all but you and the doctors handing you this letter. But the truth is, I’ve moved far away, to a place far from you and Iris and lovely Genesis. I’m too ashamed to face you all, to look in your faces that I’ve failed. So yes, I’m taking this way out, away from you all, away from my businesses, away from the disappointment, the easy way out.

I’m not going to say sorry, it’s not what you want to hear, and I know that. You are a strong man, Milo. You’ve taken the role I failed to play, and I thank you for that, keeping Iris and Genesis intact.

Being held by a doctor are cards in your name, Iris, and Genesis, and yet to be activated. On these, you’ll find money. The money that I’ve kept from you all for so long. All of it. I wish you and the woman who’s stolen your heart the best. I shouldn’t have tried to choose your path.

Please make sure Iris is well and give Genesis much love.

All I ask of you is that you keep my secret— I am dead.

– Morgan

I’m stuck staring at the last three words. Struggling to process all I’ve just read.

My father faked his death.

I lower the letter and begin to pace the floor, sliding my hand down my face.

Anger is the simplest term for what I feel. No longer am I sad, worried, or filled with a hot anger that boiled in my blood.

He doesn’t get just to leave his responsibilities. He doesn’t get just to go and be a fucking pussy.

‘This is bullshit,’ I hiss.

‘Mr. Milo—’

I strut to them, crumpling the letter in my hand and throwing it across the room. ‘Fucking bullshit.’

I wanted him to pay. Money isn’t going to take back the scars on my back or the years of damage he’s caused in me. While he’s living off in, God knows where I’m here taking care of his family.

Go to Hell, Morgan Evans.

I’ll keep his secret and take back what’s rightfully mine.

But I’ll forever despise him. I won’t have to pretend he is dead because he’s been dead to me for years.

‘The cards,’ I spit. ‘Where are they.’

I don’t know if I should even call them doctors anymore. They’re just working for my father. When you have money, you can do nearly anything. Even take your own death.

One of the men stubbles around, searching his pockets, and pulls out three debit cards, handing them to me.

I take them, reading all three of the names on them.

The first thing I think of is my mother. She’s suffering right now, and the one thing she needs has just been given to her.


Without a word, I go to walk out of the room when I’m stopped.

‘Sir, we’re authorized to tell you to keep this a—’

‘Secret,’ I grunt. ‘I know.’ And walk out where Raelynn is sitting patiently in the waiting room.

She stands up as soon as her eyes meets mine and stalks to my side. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘I’ll tell you on the way.’

When is said his secret was save with me. That included Raelynn.


‘He’s such a bitch,’ Raelynn curses after I tell her all of what’s going on.

Couldn’t have said it better.

I sigh. ‘It’s neither here nor there. What matters now is getting my mother what she needs.’ While walking into my mothers hospital room with Raelynn, I prepare myself with a long inhale.

Raelynn plants a hand on my back knowing I haven’t visited my mother in a while. Knowing how I’m pain she always is with nothing in my power that I could do to help her I couldn’t have seeing her in such a state.

My poor mum.

‘Mum?’ I say softly, turning the corner of the curtain that splits the room in half.

Laying in her bed, hooked to several different machines and looking just as beautiful as ever, but also sicker than I’ve ever seen her, tears swell my eyes immediately.

She’s looks fragile, her head turns the way of my voice slowly, as if any sudden movement might end terribly bad.

Her eyes widen and she smiles. ‘Milo,’ she says weakly, sounding just as French and . Though I know she’s thrilled inside. ‘Look what the cat dragged in, mon fils.’

‘Hi mum,’ I respond with, the words barely distinguishable. I feel just how I thought I would. Like shit.

I clear my throat and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

‘Oh sweetheart,’ my dear mother says, scooting over so I can sit beside her on her bed. She taps the spot. ‘Come here.’

I can’t hold back the waterfall of tears dripping down my cheeks any longer. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I apologize, sitting beside her and laying back, careful not to hurt her in any way. My head lays on her chest and I can hear the steady slow heart beat of hers.

‘For what? You done nothing wrong.’

‘For not visiting you sooner,’ I croak like a wuss.

‘Oh shush,’ she waves. ‘I knew you’d come around sooner or later. You’re a busy man.’

‘Not too busy to visit you.’

‘And here you are, practically in my lap like you never left it 25 years ago.’

I laugh at that. If there’s one thing about her, she will lighten up any topic. Even the ones you think isn’t possible to lighten up.

‘So stop your crying.’ She nudges me. ‘And look at me.’

I sit up, looking at her and she grins.

‘You’ve become a very respectful strong man, Milk. I’m very proud of you and Gen.’

I sniff and nod. ‘I have good news,’ I say, the corner of my mouth cracking into a smile.

‘Yeah? And what’s that? Marrying that beautiful Raelynn, yet?’

I cough out a laugh, knowing Raelynn is somewhere near listening behind this curtain. ‘It hasn’t been long enough for marriage, mum.’

She rolls her eyes. ‘I haven’t seen you happy in years, Milo. And I say if she makes you happy, this happy, don’t lose her. Don’t let her go.’ She puts a hand on mine laying flat. ‘Not just anyone will put up with your shit.’

I smile. ‘She won’t be going anywhere. I’m sure of it. But that isn’t the good news.’

‘Then what is it?’

I pull out the cards Morgan left behind and show her them.

She gives them a puzzled look. ‘What’s this?’

‘Money, for your treatment.’

She looks up at me, a change in expression. However, I can’t tell weather it’s a good or bad one.

‘Where’s the money? I’m sure Morgan didn’t just lend you it.’

I shake my head. ‘Never mind where I got it. Here. You can get treatment now,’ I say, enthusiastically. ‘The doctor had said it’s the one thing that can save your life, so—’

‘It had a possibility. Nothing is ever a hundred percent certain, Milo.’ Her tone has changed. Less humor and now more serious.

I tilt my head. ‘Does it matter? It’s worth a shot, right? The money is yours.’

She sighs and gives me a sympathetic smile. ‘You were always so sweet.’


‘It’s too late, Milo.’

I drop the cards onto the floor.

‘W-what do you mean too late? The doctors said—’

‘The doctors said that when the possibility of getting better was still available. It’s not available anymore.’

I swallow hard, tears rushing to the surface of my eyes instantly. ‘No, stop it.’

‘It’s okay, Milo,’ her voice cracks. ‘You are—’

I shake my head getting off of the bed and wiping my face of tears that soon bluer my vision again.

‘Stop!’ I cry. ‘I don’t want to hear goodbyes, mum.’

‘I’m not saying a goodbye,’ she says.

‘It sure sounds like one.’

‘It’s whatever you want it to be. Now you either leave this room, or come back here and sit with your mother.’

Stepping back to the bed I retake my position on her shoulder and sob. She’s been here for everything. She’s done everything and has been the best possible for us.

‘This isn’t the end you deserve,’ I whisper.

‘Oh I know. If it was my choice I’d be invincibl—’ she goes into a coup hinge spree and I snap my head up.

‘Is everything alright?’ Raelynn says behind me, walking around the curtain.

Mum puts her hand up and clears her throat. ‘Just a little cough.’ She looks past my shoulders at Raelynn and her face lights up.

‘If it isn’t the beauty herself, come here too.’

Raelynn looks at me as if saying sorry for interrupting but I give her a soft smile to tell her she’s alright. Walking to the other side of my mother she lays the same way I am and I laugh at the humor side of it all.

Two grown adults laying like children beside her.

‘Now, I know you’ve been listening, so that saves me another sad reveal.’

Raelynn laughs a little, sniffling. She’s been crying too.

Mum continues, ‘I need you both to stay around for Genesis. She’s living with my sister and she’s just as devastated. Though she’s known longer than you Milo, I’ve told her to keep my secret tight and she did.’

Secrets. How I bloody loathe secrets.

‘You’re a strong couple. And I wish you both healthy children and a long life together, you hear me?’

We both nod. ‘Thank you,’ Raelynn says.

We spend days straight for the past two months sitting beside my mum, eating beside her and sharing laughs and cries with her. Genesis had came for most of them as well, a true family bonding moment for us all. It was in these past two months I felt the happiest. The most thrilled to have no problems in my life, the women of my dreams at my side and a beautiful mum and sister. I wish it had lasted for longer. Our time with my mother. However, it had to end. And it did.

Our mother passed happily.

She passed with her children at her side, she passed knowing she was loved so much by the ones who mattered the most.

We made sure to fill her last two months with happy memories and fun times. Raelynn got to know my mother even more before it was her time to go.

And I’m glad it happened in such a way. A way that made me feel at peace. Despite her being gone, I’ve gotten to say goodbye in the best way possible over these last two months without a shitty speech.

Now, all I have is one single thing left to do to make my mother’s wishes feel complete.

Genesis points through the glass at the pretty diamond engagement right in the display. ‘That one’s pretty.’

‘Ou!’ Gia says. ‘She’d love that, it’s gorgeous!’

I tap my finger at the stress and nerves running through me. These two were my best bet at getting the perfect ring for Raelynn.

It’s been eight months, and I’ve never been so certain about someone in my life.

‘When you two get married, can I be the flower girl?’ Genesis asks. ‘I’d think I’d make the perfect one.’

‘That is something you can ask Raelynn. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. If you stop being an annoying brat, that is.’

Gen gasps. ‘You’re an ass, Raelynn loves me.’

I only smile because that’s true. She does love her greatly.’

I had to lie to her today and tell her I’ve gone out to work, but I’ve called in a substitute to cover for my students.

‘Genesis,’ Gia says. ‘We’re gonna be absolute best aunts.’

‘Of course we are!’

‘You two aren’t doing much helping,’ I interrupt.

But it doesn’t take me long for a ring to catch my eyes.

It’s silver, the shape of a flower with a large diamond in the middle of it. It’s almost like it was made solely for her.

What screams Raelynn more than flowers? What better way to propose to her than with a flower engagement ring.

‘Which are you looking at?’ Gen asks.

‘That one,’ I point.

They all follow my finger to the ring.

‘Oh,’ Gia says with a high pitch. ‘Well, isn’t that one just damn perfect?’

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