Chapter 78

Chapter 78 


I blink my eyes open and groan at the intense headache. That is not the only thing I get to experience. My head is clear. It’s like I have been in a long dream or some weird trance, and that is when I remember what I have been through. 


I quickly sit up but tightly hold my head due to the pain the haste movement caused. 

My mate. 

I messed up again. The previous emptiness in my heart is replaced with pain and more pain. I remember how I ignored her and our son and treated them as if they didn’t matter. How I stupidly mourned a woman who wasn’t my mate in their presence. 

I was rude to my dad and even the King. Also, I almost fought Leo for no reason, and more importantly, I hurt the one person who means the world to me. 

“How are you feeling?” A soft voice sounds beside me and only then, do I realize I have another presence in the room. The unknown woman stretches her arm to touch my forehead but I grip it mid–air. 

“Do not touch me” I angrily grit out. My wolf is upset. He is furious with me for failing to protect our mate and for allowing another woman to jeopardize my relationship with Ana. 

“Woah, woah. Easy there tiger” Leo chuckles entering the room followed closely by Andrew. “The lady went through a lot to undo the spell Lily left on you, the least you can do is say thank you, brother” Leo lightly hits my shoulder and I let her hand go. 

I need to see Ana. I need to explain everything to her. I can’t feel her right now and that only means she has blocked me out. 

“How are you feeling, son?” I stare at Andrew and wonder what I should think about him calling me that. He has never addressed me that way and as much as I hate to admit, he has helped me a huge deal. I might be a mistake to him but he never stopped caring. So I don’t see the need to be rude to him. The least I can do is be grateful for his kindness. 

“Well, apart from a shitty headache, I feel quite alright” I murmur pushing back the stubborn hair grazing my forehead. 

“It will go away soon. It’s the aftermath of the previous spell. It was quite strong you know” The woman says and I nod getting up. I don’t even know where I should start, I can only hope my mate forgives me. 

Taking slow steps toward the door, I brace myself for what is about to come. I’m anxious about the upcoming conversation, and I already feel dread when I meet Noah in the corridors and he doesn’t even spare me a glance. This will be the first time he ignored me since I got well–acquainted with him. It’s a bad sign. 

I hurt his daughter and even though it wasn’t my intention, I should have done something. Maybe I should have fought the spell or just killed Lily when I had the chance. She went too far and if she was here, I would have made her pay for all the trouble. 

I hesitate to open the door to our room when I smell the two scents that matter to me the most. My wolf lowly growls and I take deep inhales to calm my racing heart. My hand hovers on the door handle for just a second before I push it in. 

My heart violently thumps in my chest when my eyes land on the two figures on the bed. Ana and our son are heavily sleeping. The two people are facing each other and Liam has his hand wrapped around Ana’s n*eck. Ana is holding our son too and I wonder why I have to be the one to constantly hurt them. I should be there with them but instead, I am always caught up in one shitty situation or another. 

It’s no wonder Noah doesn’t trust me anymore. 

Should I join them or sit and wait for them to wake up? Will she overreact when she wakes up and finds me beside her? Of course, she will. So, instead of assuming stuff, I settle on the couch and keep my unwavering gaze on them. 

It’s been hours and they haven’t even stirred. The sun is peeking at the window which means it’s already bright outside. Opting for a short shower, I drag myself to the bathroom and after making sure I am presentable enough, I walk back to the room only to find my son awake. 


He is busy touching Ana’s hair to realize a presence behind them. Occasionally, I envy 

strong the bond between them is. Liam is just a kid but sometimes I feel as if the boy understands everything that goes around him. 

I make my presence known when I gently clear my throat and the boy quickly turns to me. He doesn’t show excitement like he always does nor does he show any kind of reaction. With his hand still in his mother’s hair, Liam silently watches me as I approach the bed and it pains my heart so much to see him behave this way. 

“Hello, baby?” I whisper, minding the sleeping mate beside us. I gently pat his head and he just stares at me. First was Noah, Liam too? Now it makes me nervous when I think how my mate will behave. “Are you hungry? I will make you waffles, come on” I try again and my son perks up at the mention of waffles. 

“I am so hungry” Liam whines untangling from Ana’s b*dy and lifting his arms to me. 

With a low chuckle, I pick him up and exit our room. He never enjoyed his new room after we made the changes. I don’t know if he is still ecstatic about it. After cleaning my son and making him breakfast, Liam and I walk back to our room to finally face my 


Unlike carlier, Ana is awake and sitting on the couch I was on earlier. 

“Mommy” My son happily exclaims as he wiggles from my arms. When I set him on the ground, Liam rushes to Ana who is readily waiting for him with stretched hands. 

“Hecy” My mate coos as she showers Liam’s face with k*sses.” Can you please Grandpa to make me breakfast?” Ana sweetly smiles at our son who returns the siles with a huge grin. He behaved the exact opposite when he saw me. 

“Okaay” Liam draws and trots away when Ana places him back on the floor. I know she is sending him away to create privacy for us to talk. 

On cue, I lock the door and slowly walk to Ana who hasn’t looked at me since I got here. 

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