Chapter 70


Chapter 70


I can’t keep calm. My emotions are all over the place and my wolf is on edge. Now and then, my skin turns to fur as my elongate. Does this mean they are in danger?

Of course they are, they went into a den of notorious lions outnumbered.

“I trust your father, princess” Fred utters in consolation but I laugh at his words.


“My father is just a wolf, like any other, his title doesn’t make him invincible and I can’t let him get hurt. Also, how do you expect me to explain to Liam when his dad doesn’t come back to us?”Speaking of Liam, Kyle is keeping him busy with the many toys he brought from the pack house earlier.

“All of you can’t leave him too, you know, he needs a familiar face around here” I nod staring out of the window. Most of the men are already awake but their wolves are still docile.

However, my thoughts are cut short when I feel a scaring pain in my abdomen. “Mate” My wolf growls and completely takes control. Half shifting into my beast. I dash towards the forest like a blur. My movements are snappy and agile in the thick woods, and the only thing running in my mind is my mate.

My senses heighten and my cars perk up when I hear groans of pain and struggle. Sounds of painful howls are all over and that enhances my strength. The scent of wolfsbane, blood, and silver is also prominent, causing the air to smell putrid. However, a strong smell of blood hits my nose seizing my attention, it’s not just any blood. It’s my father’s blood.

With a loud growl, I leap in the air and softly land on the battleground right where my parents are fighting. A witch is holding my dad on the ground while my mam mocks and slices his b*dy.

Caught off-guard. I swipe my sharp claws on the witch’s n*eck rupturing her jugular. My bi tchy mother is too occupied to notice a presence behind her..

“Oh! I love watching this,” She mocks slashing my father’s b*dy and it gets me so mad.

“I am sure you do” I mumble, and when she turns around, I dig my claws into the flesh of her n*eck. Her pale face fearfully stares into my black eyes and I watch her with nothing but hate. My wolf doesn’t even hesitate when I ampute the hand holding the sword and tossing it away.

Her painful scream fills the battlefield and the fighting ceases. “How dare you touch my father” My voice is deep and menacing like thunder. I throw the b itch on the floor and she screeches when I pick up her dagger.

Werewolves don’t re-grow their org ans. The wound might heal but the hand won’t regrow. You killed Chase, blew us up in that building, you tortured innocents. You don’t deserve an easy death, bi tch” 1 pick her up by her n*eck like she weighs nothing.

Everyone is silently watching. I don’t know who her people here are but no one is fighting anymore. Instead, they pave the way for me as I drug the pathetic bi tch to the crosses she made with her own hands.

It’s time for her to taste her own medicine.

“Bring me wolfsbane, Dad, and silver and every poison that will harm this b itch” I don’t turn around to look at Noah, giving him the needed privacy to find clothes. We are wolves but he is still my father.

To my utter amazement, the b itch in my grasp hasn’t stopped talking even for a second. Kill them, Idiots. Why are you staring at me like that? I swear, I will kill all of you” She keeps yelling and I darkly chuckle.

I won’t tell her to shut up. She will do it by herself when the pain worsens. Her wound is already healing that’s why she is so loud.

When we reach the crosses, I am surprised to find them full of wolves despite us rescuing hundreds of men just the other day.


Chapter 70

“Bring them down, now” I yell and a couple of soldiers rush to rescue the injured wolves. I take the silver ropes and tie them all around her b*dy as I ignore how harshly they burn my skin. She needs to go at all costs.

After tying her up. I grab the bottle of wolfsbane and syringe from my dad and inject a lot of it into her system. Maya keeps thrashing and screaming and to shut her up, I pour the remaining dose in her mouth and hold her mouth and nose until she forcefully swallows the poison.

Tie her up” The guards quickly bring her up the cross. The look in her eyes hasn’t changed one bit. She keeps glaring from me to Dad with loathing but I don’t care, she must die at all costs. However, our moment of victory is short-lived when two witches wake up from their unconscious states.

Their first action is to release Maya from the ropes. At the same time, pain strikes at my mid-rib rendering me speechless. My mate. They are using my mate to get me.

“Find Jace, Dad” I breathlessly mumble eyeing, Maya. We can’t let her be rescued. We will be her sl aves forever. I ignore my mate’s pain and lift her by her hair. With her sword, I place it around her throat, and I am about to swipe it across her n*eck when the witch lands in front of me with a dagger pressed on my mate’s n*eck the same way.

“An Eye for an Eye” The witch stares at me with a victorious smile on her face. The other witch is holding everyone in place including my father. They cant move or fight.

Iglance at my mate’s drop eyes and my heart breaks.

Please, Goddess,

What do you think Ana s

should do?

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