Chapter 60

Chapter 60


I open my eyes as their presence fades from the house. I know I am being a dick to Ana but I feel like a total failure. My biological father is the reason her dad is in the state he is in right now and to make matters worse, I am hurting the man that has dedicated his life to me since I can remember.

I throw the covers away and get out of the bed. My wolf is back and I know just what to do. I have to make everything okay.

Just because my mother was a b*tch and my father is a damn traitor, doesn’t mean I can’t do anything right. No matter what happens, I have to rescue the guards that are being tortured for no reason.

I don’t understand why people are so bent on provoking the Goddess. Unlike in the past, nowadays no one takes the mate bond seriously. Wolves are forgetting the magic of having that one special half of you. Instead, everything in today’s world is greed for power without minding who gets hurt.

“You shouldn’t have brought me here. I am the Alpha and my absence will raise eyebrows” I hear Dad’s voice in the next room, followed by their scents and I rush to them.

“And let you die? Do you think she came to play hide and seek, Alpha? Why do you think of all the packs in the kingdom she came here, she probably suspected something was wrong and you are the closest person to the people in this room” Kyle explains and I hurry to Ana. She is carrying my sleeping son in her arms and she appears shaken.

“What is going on, Dad are you okay?” I ask the restless man as I carefully pick Liam from his mother.

“No, son. That b*tch is in our house” He says in exasperation, stressfully running his fingers in his hair.

f**k, Andrew said he won’t let her near my family. He can’t even put a leash on that b*tch. What if Kyle was not here and she took my son? I need to meet him soon even though I don’t know how. We can’t use phones because they will be easily traced to our location.

“Are you, okay?” I hold my mate’s shoulders and she turns to me with teary eyes. I feel bad for pushing her away. I am hurting Ana and I hate it.

“I will lay him down, give him to me” She stretches her hands towards our son and I give him back. Ana silently walks away and I sigh facing Dad. We need to clear the air before we proceed with anything else.

“Dad..” I start and he silently faces me. Kyle excuses himself and I am thankful for the privacy ” I don’t know what to say, Dad, you know I love you, right?” I whisper hating the sadness in his eyes. If I were to choose, I would choose him a thousand and one times.

“I know, son. I was hoping you didn’t find out. That way, you would only recognise me as your father but it happened anyway” Father sadly chuckles and I raise my brows in confusion.

“You knew?” I whisper in disbelief.

“For a while now, yeah”

“It doesn’t mean a thing though, you are my father. The rest doesn’t matter. I am sorry you have to go through this, Dad” I don’t want to imagine my life after raising Liam for twenty years, and later learning he is not mine. The amount of pain I would have to endure would be out of this world. It’s been only months since I met the boy and yet, I love him with my all. What about twenty years from now?

“Yeah. Thank you” He whispers, but the hurt and pain in his eyes don’t falter. What was wrong with my mother? “Let’s discuss how we will end this madness for once. I want my peace of mind back” He pats my back walking towards the chairs and I sadly follow.

On a normal day, Dad would have hugged me or at least smiled at me or assured me it was going to be okay. This just makes me feel worse. Is he repelled by me? But I love him. My feelings haven’t changed since I had that conversation with Andrew.

Now I wish he never appeared to me.

›”Is there a way we can save the King’s men before they die on those damn

posts?” Dad asks sitting in the dining chair facing Kyle.

“We can use the invisible spell but it has limitations” Kyle answers placing his phone on the table.

“What kind of limitations?” My mate chimes in and stands behind my dad. Ana wraps her arms around my dad’s n*eck and places her chin on his head. Seeing them in this position makes me a lot more jealous. My dad is upset with me and my mate is giving me a cold shoulder.

“I can only teleport three people at ago. Another bad news is that I can sense the presence of another witch in this pack. The presence wasn’t


here when I arrived which means the queen is up to something, and it’s just a matter of time until she finds out what is happening here” Kyle says to our displeasure.

“Goddess! We are so dead if the king doesn’t wake up quickly. I need to train before shit goes down. I can’t let them take my son” Ana rumbles and Dad gently holds her hands that are still around him.

“Easy, honey. No one is taking Liam from you. I will protect him with everything in me, even if it’s the last thing I will do. I promise” Dad mutters, slightly easing her worry.

“The only people you trust are three of you. It’s not enough manpower to save those guards because I can’t guarantee a rescue without a fight. Also, the royal pack is more heavily guarded now than ever” Kyle adds.

“There has to be a way, Kyle. I am not yet trained but if I let my wolf take control, she can be ruthless, Jace is also a good fighter. How about we sneak in at night and while you and Dad handle the prisoners, Jace and I will hold the guards” Ana says in determination and my heart swells in pride.

She is selfless.

“Good point princess, but we will only need an hour. If I work past that, my strength will wear up and it will be risky. You know what I mean” The only thing we can do now is take chances. The queen will find out about us soon and when she does, there is no doubt she will finish those men in an instant. So, our only option is to head out. The more men we have on our side, the better for the King.

“Wait, what about Liam and the King?” I ask remembering we can’t leave my son alone in here with the unconscious king.

“I will take care of him” We quickly turn to the rough voice behind us in ‘shock.


Authors note;

Thank you everyone for supporting me to this far. I wouldn’t be here without you because you are all my inspirations.

I have been reading comments and damn! Some of you are just a hard nut to crack, but anyhow, I am grateful you still read my book.

We are almost at the end of this story to my relief, and if you want to read more of my stories you can reach out at [email protected].

I am writing this because many readers are complaining about the high prices they are charged to read these stories.

If you are not interested please, no rude comments. You don’t have to

hurt my feelings.

Thank you.

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