Chapter 53

Chapter 53


“What did they say?” I quickly approach Fred as soon as he enters the house after making a phone call to the witch King.

“Their King said they can’t intervene in what is happening in our kingdom” The man utters dejectively. ” But since he had a quite good relationship with Noah, he is willing to secretly help us” I sigh in relief after he completes his sentence.

“So when will this help get here?” I eagerly ask Fred.

\”Probably in two days” He answers and I gape at him.

“No. Are we just going to sit around and wait for the two days” I lament in distress “The queen has already announced her king and right now Noah poses a great threat to them. Do you think they will just sit around and not harm him?”

Oh! goddess, they might kill him.

“Hey, there is another broadcast” Jace yells, and we immediately rush towards the TV. The queen is already making another announcement and what appalls me is the content on the TV.

“No shit” Fred cusses staring at the television with wide eyes. If the previous announcement was bad, this

one is worse.

The TV is showing our pictures. The shadow guards, Fred and his son, and lastly Jace and I. The caption reads; ‘The most wanted’

“The named above wolves are traitors. They are a threat to our Kingdom and I wasn’t anyone who comes across them to contact the royal pack immediately” the queen strictly declares and I stare at her unblinkingly.

“What is happening?” Pac members whisper to themselves before wearily glancing our way.

“Did we just become fugitives and we did nothing?” I stare at my mate in guilt. I dragged Jace into this. If he just stayed behind his life wouldn’t be this messed up.

Goddess! What about our son?

“Any pack that shelters the mentioned wolves will be considered our enemies from now on. I hope everyone is aware of what happens to the enemy” The room becomes quiet you can hear the sound of a pain drop.

“Come on” I take my mate’s hand and drag him outside with me.

“This is bad Jace, what should we do, it’s clear we can’t stay here anymore. What about our baby Jace?” I worriedly whisper feeling dread of what is about to happen.

“Hey, baby calm down” Jace grabs my shoulders and gently pulls me in a hug. “We both know she is doing this because she is aware we are looking for your dad. We just need to find him and everything will be okay” My mate says in comfort.

“I am worried, Jace. What if we don’t find our dad, We will be done for”

“We need to leave right now. I just called the royal pack and none of our people are answering. My mate too.” Fred walks to us accompanied by the rest of the group we came with.

“My mate is not answering her phone either. Let me try my son” The head of the shadow guards says pressing his phone on his ears and everyone else pulls out their phones to contact their families.

Goddess don’t let her do this.

“No one is picking mine either,” Another guard says with a deep sigh.

“I just got a message” The only lady among the guards walks to Nosh with her phone.”The queen knows you went after the king. She locked everyone who supports the king in the cells and she also promised that you will never find him” The woman reads.

“This can’t be happening, we need to act quickly. It appears we won’t be waiting for the witch anymore”

“Yes, and the more we stay here the more we endangering this pack. We can’t let harm come to them, my son is here” I chime in worrying for Liam. That woman won’t spare my baby if she sees me as her enemy. The penalty for all traitors is death.

“My mater is right, we can’t let them attack this pack. My family is here. Let’s just go, we will figure something on the way” Jace announces taking my hand and rushing to the car.

The group doesn’t waste time and we all buckle up before driving away. Goddess, I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye to Liam.

“Can you try contacting the witches again, and ask if he can reduce the two days to one?” I ask Fred and he shakes his head.

“The mentioned two days is the used to travel, dear”

“Can’t they use a plane or something?”

“They are doing us a favor princess, So it would be rude if start questioning their mode of transport” Where are you, dad?’ I whisper in the mindlink but it meets a dead end.

My mate reads my discomfort and pulls me into his chest.

“I think we should go back to the royal pack borders and start tracking his scent from there. No matter how faint it will be, I think my wolf is sensitive enough to trace it” I hopefully mutter staring at Fred for


“If we knew this would happen, we could have just done it straight away instead of wasting time,” Fred says in frustration.

Almost at the royal pack, the car before us suddenly screeches to a stop compelling the rest of the cars to


“What is haoppenung?” I whisper staring out of the window.

“I will check it out” Fred alights from the car and his son follows him.

“Let’s check it out,” Jace says and we also get out.

The front tires are flat due to bullet holes in them. Before we could fathom what is happening, bullets from nowhere rain our way each meeting its target.

“What is happening?” I whisper, dizziness taking over my senses. The foul smell of wolfsbane becomes prominent in the air and before darkness can engulf me, a large group of armed men and shifted wolves surround us.

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