Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Three months have passed and my life is more miserable.

I do everything in my power to stay invisible to everyone. Good thing, Jace took his chosen mate to the pack house.

I don’t know how I could have survived if they stayed here. Most of my time is spent in the garden and watching movies in my room.

Luna and Alpha don’t bother me either and I’m thankful for that. They think I’m still hurting with how the events turned out. I just wish they knew.

Since the day he rejected me, I barely see Jace. I make sure my door and windows are completely locked every time he comes to see his parents. It’s to my advantage I’m able to smell him from a mile away.

Unfortunately, today I had to go out. To be more specific, I needed to come to the pack hospital.

Two months ago I had an inkling that I was pregnant but I refused to accept the fact. How will I take care of an unwanted child at barely seventeen?

It’s a miracle I had completed my high school before his return. It could have been a shame going to school with a swollen stomach.

I know his parents will surely ask who is responsible since they still believe that I’m not mated. On the other hand, I can’t keep hiding it anymore. Alpha kids are born in six months while other wolf babies go up to eight or nine.

The pregnancy was inevitable. Alpha wolves tend to impregnate their mates on their first mating or when they complete their mate bonds. I should have searched for pills but I didn’t know who to ask. Also, it could have raised a lot of questions if I came to the pack doctor because werewolves rarely use them and no one knows I’m already mated. My tummy is now visible and I have to wear big sweatshirts to hide it. I even learned the art of masking my scent so my secret would remain hidden. I think now it’s becoming impossible.

Yesterday Luna got suspicious, and she was about to start interrogating me when her phone rang. I had to run to my room and pretend to be sleeping.

Today I woke up so early before everyone else could and here I am. Worriedly staring at the man who has been running endless tests on me. “You seem weak, do you eat well? You don’t get enough rest too don’t you?” he carefully looks into my eyes and I’m sure they hold no ounce of life. I feel like I’m a walking dead.

“I rest a lot and I never miss my meals” I instantly lie but he sees right through it. Who am I kidding? Sleeping is like an unimaginable miracle for me. My wolf is the one who keeps us going, I rarely eat. She is a strong wolf and I’m dying to meet her.

I don’t know why I didn’t shift on my birthday though. She just made her presence known within me but never came out.

“What happened to you Anna, did you find your mate? Did something happen to him?” I look down at my fingers and blink away tears. I can’t answer that.

How will I tell him the truth?

Does Luna know about this? I’m sure she would have brought you here sooner” the man continues pressing and I feel my composure wavering. No one knows what I’m going through.

“No, no. I’m okay really. You don’t have to involve her in this” I quickly stand up and pick up my jacket from his table. I took it out when he wanted to draw blood from my arm.

“Sit down, Ana. They are here” My blood ran cold at his words. They will be upset that I lied to them.

“I have to go” I turn around to the door and there they are, Alpha, Luna, and the idiot himself.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” she whispers, disappointment clear in her voice, and my heart aches. How will I tell them their precious son is my mate, who got me pregnant and he doesn’t want me?

I can’t look at him.

By any chance I give birth to this baby, he’s not coming close to it. He rejected it when he rejected me.

“Who is your mate, Anna, who got you pregnant?” Alpha tenderly asks, moving forward and my eyes start to water. All kinds of emotions are going through my mind right now and I’m letting them all out through


I would want to see Jace’s reaction but It will be so embarrassing to look


at him. I still believe that I’m dreaming and that one day I will wake up to a grand reality.

“I.. I… he left” I stutter with a sniffle.

“Was he from this pack?” Luna walks in and drapes her arm around my shoulder. It hurts lying to them. It hurts that he is standing right in front of me but he is not saying a word.

I remain quiet and instead, my crying becomes louder.

Without another word, I gently straighten from her embrace and walk out without looking back. It’s better if I don’t see him.

An immense pain erupts in my lower abdomen and I quickly sit up panting for air. What is happening?

It’s only four months, it can’t be labour pains.

The same pain reappears but this time, so unbearable that it has me screaming my lungs out. It’s different from the one I keep experiencing. I concluded that maybe it is my wolf seeking to be let out.

Then again the dark veins and eyes scare the life out of me. I have never seen something like that before

It doesn’t take long before the door burst open and Alpha rushes in. His eyes widen in fear when he spots the blood staining my sheets and the next thing I know, he is yelling Jace’s name.

“We need to take you to the hospital, you will be okay sweetheart, I promise” he assures moving closer but a loud growl 1 don’t recognize, leaves my mouth causing him to take a fearful step back.


“Jace” he yells again louder, pulling out his phone in the process. “Why is this boy so stupid?” he screams, throwing the phone across the room and tries to move closer again but my wolf won’t allow him. ” I’m going to kill him” he angrily mumbles to himself pulling at his hair.

“Let me help you, sweetheart,” he whispers, holding his hands forward to show he is not a threat. Just like it happened when I conceived this child, my wolf takes complete control and half-shifts, alpha lets out a gasp and his eyes widen in fear.

My b*dy is covered in black fur. My nails are black too and so sharp I’m scared they might hurt me. Werewolves don’t have a shift, they are either in full wolf form or human.

It’s strange to me but I have no time to ponder about it when the pain strikes again.

Blood continues to seep through my clothes which are on the brink of tearing. I slowly get off the bed with the intent of saving my pup. I can’t let it go, it’s my only hope.

More figures appear from the door and one of them is Jace. He has bloody hands and what causes more pain in every inch of my b*dy, is the fresh wound on his n*eck.

He let her mark him despite knowing the consequences. He knew the pain I would have to suffer but did it anyway.

This is like a wake-up call for me, he meant it when he said he doesn’t want me. How else would he harm us in this undeserving way? At least he could have let the baby live.

That mark is the cause of the turmoil I am in right now. Goddess please, at least save the child.

My wolf releases a loud warning growl and everyone steps back. I can see the fear in their eyes but I don’t understand why. She is not whining for her mate anymore. Her priority now is to protect her pup and her


“How dare you?” A hard punch lands on Jace’s face but he doesn’t fight back. His gaze remains on me and for the first time since he arrived, he is not acting tough anymore.

He is crying.

“How dare you reject your pregnant mate for some whore, and let her touch you, Jace?” Alpha angrily shouts, raining punches on his son, and everywhere goes silent. Horrified gasps fill the air and I take that as my cue to leave.

I can’t stay and have everyone stare at me with pity. Or fear.

Gradually, I start for the door while tightly clutching at my hurting stomach. I feel my strength fading but I keep reminding myself that I need to get out of here before he hurts me more.

“Sweetheart, the doctor is on the way, sit down please” the crying Luna takes a step toward me but my wolf releases a snarl baring her teeth at her.

Everyone hesitantly makes way for us, sympathy and concern coating their features. Especially the females. I don’t care if I die right now. I


already lost everything that matters to me.

I leave a trail of blood behind me as I carefully take the stairs one at a


“Ana please, I’m sorry” his voice whispers behind me but I don’t look back. I need to save my baby.

When we manage to reach the front door, I don’t know where the strength suddenly came from but my wolf start jogging through the thick forest.

Her movement is nimble and blurry.

The pain and the bleeding don’t stop and I’m sure as hell it will be too late before I get any help. No one from the pack follows me. With the speed my wolf is going, I doubt anyone will surpass us.

I have never witnessed a mate rejecting their pregnant female. Especially an alpha wolf.

It’s something frowned upon and also, alpha wolves are most

overprotective of their mates.

`A speeding car almost knocks me down but instantly stops when the

driver sees me.

My knees give out as the woman exits her car and rushes to me. I don’t have the chance to see who she is because of my hazy sight. My world starts rotating and all I see is black.

Before my senses fade, a loud howl of pain sounds from the direction I came from.

A howl of pain and loss.

Third person Pov;

“We found her boss. Someone else got to her before us. We are following them” One of the two males who have been watching the whole scenario speaks out through the phone pressed on his ear.

“Good. I need a name and their destination” his gruff voice demands before releasing a relieved sigh.

“Okay boss” he immediately hangs up and their car pursues the one slightly ahead of them. Occupied by the two women.

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