Chapter 27

Chapter 27


“Sit down sweetheart, you are making me feel dizzy when you keep doing that” I ignore my dad’s comment and continue shifting from one point to another.

Three f u c k i n g hours. It’s been three hours since my mate left and he is not back. What is taking Jace so long? He is not picking up my calls and I can’t help but assume the worse.

“I will call him again” I worriedly mumble, dialing his number and it goes straight to voicemail. “See what I’m talking about Dad? his phone is switched off.” I have called him about twenty times but non of my calls were picked. The phone going off is really a bad sign.

Oh! goddess. I tug at my hair and breath deeply.

Baby, sit down please” Dad grabs my shoulders and pushes me into a seat and I groan. He doesn’t understand. ” Take this.” Father hands me a glass of water and I sigh drowning it in one big gulp.

“Dad, my instinct is telling me…” I worriedly start, but he immediately cuts me off. So rude.

“Hold on there, sweetheart. First, you are too young to have an instinct, and second, my men went with him and they would have notified me if anything went wrong” I don’t trust his men or anyone else around my


“Are you forgetting what happened the other day” I am about to stand when he pushes me down again.

Goddess! Am I overreacting?

I should trust my mate. He is strong and a hell of a fighter..

F u c k, even my own words are not convincing enough.

I knew I should have gone with him. My mate needs me, Dad” I look at him with pleading eyes, and he starts laughing. What is funny so here? “Hey, stop laughing at me” I complain hitting his arm with my phone, “Hey, stop laughing at mummy” My son chimes in, and it’s only now that I’m realizing he woke up from his nap.

F u c k me.

You should see yourself right now sweetheart, you just woke un you are

too weak to do anything he mumbles trying to stop himself from laughing. He is so cute.

Daddy said I should protect my mummy” Liam defensively stands in front of me and I chuckle ruffling his hair. Of course, my Superman will protect me. It’s never boring with him in the room.

Come and get me, my prince, show me what you got” Dad beckons him with his arms and my baby runs toward him with a cry of war. He will be a great warrior like his dad.

Three minutes later, I smell him and that has me getting off my sit as fast as lightning.

“Oh, babe! you are okay” I run to my mate as soon as he enters the front doors.” Are you okay?” I ask, inspecting him for any signs of injury,

“I am perfect, See” He widens his arms and gestures down to his b*dy with a wide grin. ” Come here, baby” Jace holds me to his chest and I sigh wrapping my hands around him.

“I have been calling you without response, do you know how worried I was?” I mutter inhaling his heavenly scent.

“Sorry baby, I left my phone in the car” he mumbles k*ssing my head.

“I’m fine too Ana” I look behind Jace to see Chase. What is he doing here? My trust issues are showing up again.

“Daddy, I am protecting mummy. See, I beat Grandpa up” We turn around and laugh at the sight of Liam pinning my groaning dad on the floor.

“Da m n, he is cute!” Chase mumbles taking steps forward for a better look.

“That’s my champion. Can I know what he did to her, sweetheart?” Jace says picking him up from Dad. I love the fact that they are getting along just fine.

‘He was laughing at mummy and… and he said mummy should sit down” He enthusiastically explains and his father chuckles and winks at me. Dam n, Jace.

Woah! That was so bad baby, thank you for keeping her safe for me. yeah?” Jace pinches his cheek and he giggles with frantic nods.

Do you need help down there?” I stretch my hand out for Dad and he chuckles taking it.


saddens and I quickly embrace him.

“We are here now Dad, we are here” I mumble patting his back.

“Is everything okay son? someone was about to come to look for you” Dad smirks looking at me and I roll my eyes. Every mate will behave the same way I did.

“No, I just said, I should have gone with him” I quickly defend and Jace gives me that knowing smirk again. They are now ganging up on me.

“Tell me you found something” Dad hopefully asks and Jace nods with a slightly sad smile.

“What is he doing here?” Dad points at Chase with a frown, his demeanor completely changing.

“He is a friend, Dad,” I tell him grabbing the backpack from Jace,

I can tell the contents of the bag will be another shocker to us. But I hopefully believe it will also lead us to the enemy.

“So you are telling us we don’t know her real identity?” I whisper staring at the countless passports she owns. This is just high-end crazy. Jace placed everything on our dining table and because of security problems, he excused Chase from the room.

“Yes, and there is more” He pushes a camera and a bunch of our photos together in front of me and I gasp. This is crazy. How do you even threaten your own son? With the way I love Liam, I can’t imagine myself doing anything to him.

That woman can really act. F u c k, I loved her so much because I thought she was one of the kindest people I ever met in my life.

“I found this file too, I am not sure I want to see what is in it” He mumbles in a sad voice, and I gently squeeze his hand to offer comfort. This must be so hard for him.

“It’s okay son, Ana and I will check it out” Dad assures him and he quickly gets up from his seat.

“My dad?” Cra p! I heard Alpha was in the cells.

“He is at the pack hospital. I will have him brought here” Jace nods and k*sses my head before leaving the room.

“Jason Parker” I read out loud the name on the first document. It’s a marriage certificate between Jason Parker and Cla… 1


Do you know any of these names?” I ask Dad who appears to be deep in thought.

The name Parker sounds familiar, I just don’t know where I heard it from” He keenly reads the paper and sighs pushing it away.

The next document is a title deed that shows the joint purchase of land in the human world. There are also documents showing the various properties and businesses the couples own. The last page of the file though, has a picture of Jace’s mum and the other person in the photo has part of his head torn, making it hard for us to identify him.

“Do you think maybe there are chances of this Clara being Jace’s mum?” I mumble staring at the blonde in the picture. How can someone have so many personalities? She is so fake.

She obviously has a lot she’s hiding from Alpha. Poor man.

“We need to find this Jason guy and we will get our answers. I will do everything in my power to serve you and your mum the justice you deserve honey. Whoever these people are, they won’t stay in hiding forever” I have never seen the determination in his eyes before.

Who is that woman and what has she been up to?

Who is she working for.

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