Chapter 22

Chapter 22


No” Leo smirks and places a dagger on my son’s n*eck. So it is true? he was a pretentious snake all this time. He was only close to Liam to please me, and not because he cared.

Gianna is coming with me, and you will have the boy,” he says with a satisfied smirk not realizing how big of a mistake he just made.

Or maybe he is just stup i d.

All I know is that I will be dead before he does anything to my baby.

Jace releases a warning growl, and before anyone can sense what is about to happen, he instantly shifts and charges at Leo. His movement a blur.

I start to shift too. The pain and the dark veins start appearing, and it’s d a m n painful but I can take the pain if it means Liam will be safe.

“It’s okay, baby. I will bring you your son” Dad places a hand on my shoulder, and the pain immediately disappears. I wonder how he does it.

Jace aims at Leo’s n*eck and knocks him onto the floor, but careful not to harm the boy. Instantly my dad approaches them and grabs my son before he could touch the floor.

Thank you, goddess.

The fight between the two men starts. Jace has a lot of frustrations right now and a fit of immense anger toward Leo. To make matters worse, he threatened his mate and pup.

I never met his wolf before, and looking at him today, he is bigger than I thought. His wolf is pure black. He is more enormous than his dad’s or any alpha wolves I have seen. This is not normal.

Leo decides to shift too. It’s a surprise that his and Jace’s wolves are of the same height and color, despite Leonardo being a lycan wolf.

Here sweetheart, Dad pulls my attention from the fight, and hands over my still-sleeping son to me. How come he didn’t wake up after all the fracas? Is he this tired? His steady breaths assure me that he is okay.

Stand down Marco, let them fight” Dad raises his hand and stops his men when they start advancing to the fight.

I want to see how good he is” he whispers, intently staring at the wolves, So far, my mate is taking the lead and I can’t help but smile. He said he


was the best warrior and I’m not surprised. I am so proud of him.

Is your mate an ordinary wolf?” Dad whispers staring at Jace with an emotion I can’t decipher.

I am confused too Dad, it’s the first time I’m seeing his wolf or in a fight” My mate has Leo pinned down and his canines sunken in the flesh of his n*eck. His aim is to kill. Jace is not after submission in this fight. To him, Leo is a threat that should be instantly eliminated.

I look down at my son and sigh in relief. He is finally here. I bury my nose in his hair and greedily breathe in. He has mine and his father’s scent, and it’s so cute.

When he finds his mate in the future, I’m gonna demand a lot of grandchildren from them. I can’t wait to take care of those little cute munchkins.

“That’s enough” Father’s voice growls, and my mate immediately stops battering his opponent. Leonardo is not a match for Jace. He is a big disappointment.

He is not as bad as I thought” Dad mutters walking to the wolves, and I remain in my position. I wouldn’t want my son to wake up to the sight of animals.

My mate is still releasing warning growls. His front paw is tightly pinning Leo’s n*eck on the ground. No matter what his intentions are, he has to obey the higher power even when he doesn’t want to.

“It’s okay son, you can shift back” Dad slowly rubs Jace’s back, and he lowly growls in return before shifting back. Goddess! Is Noah finally warming up to my mate?

Get him clothes” Marco instantly stretches clothes toward my mate at my dad’s order and he disappears in the opposite direction to shift back. It doesn’t take a minute for him to show up again without a scratch.

I don’t wait for him to reach me. I adjust Liam in my arms and happily rush to my mate.

Goddess! I love him so much, and Jace fighting like that was so f u c k i n g hot.

“I love you” I quickly press my l*ps on his and he growls holding me tight. Jace returns the k*ss with the same energy before finally smiling in the k*ss.

When I pull away he glances at his son and all kind


his eyes.

“Can I hold him?” he whispers in a breaking voice. His eyes start to water as he stretches his arms to take him

Sure baby, he is ours” I hand the boy to him and as if in a queue, Lianis eyes snap open immediately Jace holds him. Jace buries his face in the boy’s hair like I did carlier and breaks down.

Shi t, are they tears of joy?

This is the last reaction I expected from my mate.

“I am sorry, son. I neglected your mother and you for two years, please forgive me” he croaks out and falls on his knees with the baby still in his hold.

“I should have known. Forgive me for being a coward” Jace cries harder and I instantly kneel beside him. I cradle both of them on my chest and hold them there. I do everything not to cry. I want to be there for my babies.

From my peripheral view, I spot Dad ushering everyone away to give us


That is so thoughtful of him. He understands what this feels like.

Are you okay now?” I mumble k*ssing his head and next Liam’s who is as confused as hell.

Mummy!” The boys exclaim jumping into my arms and I chuckle

holding him. Is he seriously seeing me now? Or the sight of his dad blew

him away.


How are you, sweetheart” I k*ss his cheek and he giggles in excitement clapping his hands.

F u c k! These two are my life.

Say hello to daddy” I point at my mate and the little bundle of joy stares at his dad with furrowed brows. It’s like his little brain is trying to figure out who he is. Jace on the other hand, has the utmost tender look. His eyes are still full of emotions and I just want to hold him so tight to me.

“I love you” I k*ss his forehead and my son stares between us in wonder. Goddess, I wish I could enter his little brain and find out what he is thinking. He has never seen me k*ss anyone else but him nor admit to love someone elsé.


Baby, say hi to Daddy” I nudge him again, and this time he decides fo talk.

Hi, Liam timidly whispers, and Jace quickly scoops him up from my arms. Liam looks wary at first but calms down afterward.

This is why I didn’t want him with Leo. It’s confusing to him and it makes things hard for my mate. But I am confident he will come around.

The bond will make it happen, like Noah and I.

“Do you hear that?” I whisper, nervously staring around us.

“Yes, take the baby and go inside.” Jace quickly answers but I shake my

head. I am not going anywhere without him.


Ana, they are close. I can’t let anything happen to any of you. Have your dad send backup” The stench smell of wolfsbane and rogues surrounds the building and I wonder where the dam n guards are.

I look at Liam who is innocently staring at his father and quickly take him. We can’t let him get hurt.

Leornado came prepared. Maybe he is not stupi d after all.

Ana run” Jace shouts and just then, wolves surround us from all

directions before I can make it to the door.

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