Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Today Jace is coming back from the alpha training.

Everyone in the pack is on their toes to welcome back their future alpha, and the wide grin on Luna’s face makes my heart dance with happiness.

I love her.

I, on the other hand, I’m anxious. I turned seventeen three days ago and I haven’t smelled my mate yet. That’s a relief to me because I want it to be him.

Jace is the only person I see myself with. I have been asking the moon goddess to make him my mate since we were young.

There was always a raw connection between us that made his parents, and most people in the pack believe that the two of us will end up being mated.

I’m scared. If I spot him and he turns out not to be mine, I will die.

`I have loved Jace for as long as I can remember, and I am positive he felt

the same way. Though we never admitted or acted on our feelings to each other, so in case if we didn’t get to be mated it would hurt less. That was 2 years ago before he left.

I don’t know how he turned out to be but I want him to return as the Jace he was. My Jace.

I miss him so much.

“Hurry up dear, we only have an hour,” Luna impatiently affirms but the smile on her face doesn’t alter.

“Yes Mum” I answer enthusiastically, rushing to my room to get ready.

Oh, Goddess! An hour is so little time for me.

I need to look my best. Luna bought me a dress I should wear and I made sure to choose his favourite colour.

I know everything Jace likes and I’m going to make sure I achieve each one of them in the little time I have.

I have been living with the Alphas family since I was five. I don’t remember anything about where I came from or who my parents are. Luna said they found me in the woods alone crying. They decided to take me home in case someone came asking for me.


No one did though. Sadly.

So being the good people they are, they agreed to raise me as their own along with their son Jace. Who is two years older than me.

I have never tried makeup before but Luna took her time yesterday to train me how to do it. I chose a blue short flared dress that matches the colour of his eyes and also his favourite.

Goddess! He loves my long dark hair down.

I let it fall in curls down my waist and the stupid grin on my face refuses to go away. “I’m so happy!” I shout falling face down on my bed and burying my face in my fluffy pillows.

He left his phone behind. At the training, they don’t allow them to have phones. I wish I could talk to him. We can’t mind link either because of the distance.

It could have been easier if we communicated.

“I can see that sweetheart” I quickly turn around to her voice and her face mirrors mine.

“Do you think he is the one?” I sit up, flashing away the fear in my eyes. But my voice carries enormous hope.

“Of course baby, the moon goddess is not that cruel you know” Jace mum walks towards the bed and sits beside me.

She is beautiful. Jace took after her blue eyes and brown hair. Poor Alpha got nothing.

“Listen, honey, I want you to be optimistic, I want this smile to remain no matter what today turns out to be. Just remember everything happens for a reason” She squeezes my hands and I sigh.

I don’t want it to turn out differently than expected.

“They are here, you have your gift ready?” She quickly stands up and my heart beats. What does he look like? Does he still love me?

“Yes,” I nervously head to my closet to take the red box that contains my surprise gift for him.

My heart is about to break from the cages of my ribs. I’m sweating like crazy and my nerves are all over.

Please be mine. I keep chanting in my head.

“Come on” She takes my sweaty hand and I feel my wolf stir. She has been restless since morning. I bet she is happy to meet him too.


“I’m scared” I whisper watching my steps. Mother thought these heels would go well with the dress. I hate them.

What if I have to run to him and mistakenly trip?

The front doors open and the fresh air immediately hits me. I take in a greedy deep breath and it helps me relax a tiny bit.

Every member of our pack is present and keeps themselves busy with one thing or another.

My ears perk up when the sound of a roaring engine is heard and I swallow nothing. I can feel my heart in my ears.

I untangle from Mum’s hold and wipe the invisible sweat from my forehead.

Today is the day that will break or make me. All the years we shared, our memories, the longing we had for each other but we chose to keep our sanity.

Goddess, please.

My heart stops when a blue Ferrari passes the gates and is followed by two black SUVs. His security.

My Jace.

It’s him.

My wolf instantly comes forward due to the incoming intense scent.

It’s strong, it’s addicting and it makes me weak in the knees. The strong smell of wood mixed with masculine cologne.

“Goddess!” I breathlessly whisper, almost falling to my knees.

She heard me. She made him mine.

I can’t move. I stand still and wait.

It’s like the world around me is rotating. A nervous grin breaks on my face, followed by a giggle and I’m suddenly laughing like a crazy idiot. Tears of joy breams in my eyes and I feel like screaming, howling, or letting out some reaction.

Everyone is watching, anxiously waiting for the perfect moment when he steps out.

The car finally stops and so slowly, the door opens.

My eyes have never looked this hard. The first thing he does when he comes out is look directly into my eyes. It’s like he knew where I would


be standing.

His eyes shine in recognition and mine does the same. My wolf slowly whispers the four long-awaited words and my grin widens to its full



Jace is different. He is a lot more grown than he was when he left.

Slowly and steadily, I take a step forward then another. His face is still, he doesn’t show any emotion and I wonder if my imagination are playing

tricks on me.

Jace wouldn’t be standing there and blankly looking at me, especially when we are finally mated.

It was our big dream and our main plea to the goddess.

Something changed.

It’s confirmed when he turns around and opens the other door of his car. The action makes me hesitate in my movement. A shining red stiletto steps on the ground, followed by long creamy legs. Then bare thighs and finally the shortest red dress I have seen.

A woman’s figure finally appears, with long red painted nails, blue dyed hair and finally red smudged l*ps stretched in a wide smile.

I watch in horror as my mate stretches his hand forward and she gladly takes it.

What is happening? .

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