Love M

Chapter Love M 34

Chapter 34

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Kyle trok her to buy restaurant, pesquer with crops. He led her to an empty table by the windoww “Quinn, Alexander will join you after his meeting. Just hang tight, he said.

Quinn nodded and smiled.

Kyle didn’t stay long. After a brief exchange with the restaurants manager, he took his leave.

Seated by the window, Quinn found herself captivated by the dazzling neon lights and towering buildings that stood out against the night sky. The restaurant was alive with the hum of livet


A burst of laughter and commotion drew her attention to a proposal happening nearby. She turned to watch the spectacle.

The entire restaurant was caught up in the celebration, cheering, shouting, and even letting out high- pitched screams of joy for the couple.

The woman, overwhelmed by the moment, govered her mouth as tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

The man took her hand and slipped a diamond ring onto her finger. Amidst the chorus of congratulations, they held each other tightly.

Quinn couldn’t help but smile at the


They were so fortunate to be able to openly express their love for each other.

However, Quinn’s finger was devoid of a ring.

On their wedding day, Kaitlyn scoffed, “What’s the point of a ceremony for a dummy? She’ll just be a spectacle, totally embarrassing.”

Alexander had been preoccupied. He simply wanted to secure a marriage certificate.

Their union had been devoid of blessings.

Over the years, he had showered her with gifts–clothes, shoes, extravagant jewelry–but never a ring. To him, symbols of love were not to be given lightly.

By the time Kyle returned to the office, Alexander had just wrapped up a meeting.

Upon entering the office, Kyle noticed Getty idly scrolling through her phone in her cubicle, the epitome


Chapter 34

of nonchalance.

“Everything’s set, Alexander,” Kyle informed him.

“Mm,” Alexander acknowledged, picking up a document from his desk and quickly scanning through it before signing his name.

Getty sprang up at his return, and with a glance towards Kyle, she asked, “Why are you still here?”

Kyle opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to remind Alexander of something. But noticing Alexander engrossed in his paperwork, he silently retrieved a box from his coat and placed it next to Alexander’s hand.

The gift you asked for is here

Getty’s eyes darted to the box. She arched an eyebrow and was about to reach for it when Alexander placed his hand on the box first.

“It’s not for me?” she asked, taken aback by his reaction.

Alexander didn’t bother to respond or even glance in her direction. He simply tucked the box into his breast pocket before returning his attention to the documents.

His indifference irked Getty. She immediately knew that the gift was intended for that dummy.

Frustrated, Getty leaned over and whispered to Alexander, “Darling, I’m pregnant.”

“Get rid of it,” he said flatly, still focused on his paperwork.

Getty bit her lip in frustration “I’m serious. I’m not lying!”

At that, Alexander paused and turned to look at Getty.

She blinked at him, insisting on the truthfulness of her words.

He stared at her for a moment before saying, “Then have it–but if that child isn’t mine, you and he will both pay with your lives.”

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