Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Eadon.


I feel aweful. I thought about how I would fix the situation with Eadon for what seems hours. Suddenly I see my chance clean. Conan believes I’m mad at him, which I am, so he will believe that I would go to Tiff. I grab my phone and call a cab. When I have ordered one I grab a few clothes, mostly the ones I have gotten from Eadon and head downstairs. The sadness in Conan’s eyes when he asks me where I’m going is almost enough to make me stay.. Almost.

The moment I’m outside and far enough away from Conan not to hear me anymore I pull out the phone Katherina gave me. I look at the contactlist and yes, Eadon’s number is the only one who I saved. After a few rings he picks up.

‘You have made a smart choice. I missed you so much, angel.’ Eadon’s voice sounds sad and something else I can’t quite name. ‘Where do I need to go?’ I ask him in a shaking voice. Now that I know the truth about him and why he kidnapped me I suddenly don’t hear the sweetness in his voice anymore. He gives me an adres just as the cab comes driving up. I send Tiff a quick text to explain the fight and why I left, telling her not to worry and that I’ll be back in time. I stare at my window. The trees passing by quickly get replaced by buildings. Buildings turn into meadows untill I slowely fall asleep in the back of the cab.

When I open my eyes I see that I’m in a simulair room I had at Eadon’s house. I sit up and something stirs next to me. Eadon’s wolf is laying on the bed and looking at me carefully. He looked amazing in wolf form, but I can’t forget why I’m here. I get out of bed and turn my back against him. ‘Shift.’ I demand him. After I hear some ritseling with clothes I turn around. My breath stocks in my throat when I look at Eadon. There’s dark shadows under his eyes, when he looks at me I feel like he has the eyes of a mad man.

‘I see you have had your head filled with lies. So I will waste no time in trying to set them straight. This is what you’re going to do. You will tell Conan that you don’t want to be his Mate.’ I look at him in shock. I don’t know if I want to be Conan’s Mate but I want it to be my decision. ‘If you do not as you say.. I will kill your beloving friend, what’s her name again? Tiffany?’ I clench my jaw and take step forward. ‘NO!’ I growl from deep within. Eadon lowers his gaze for a moment, before his eyebrows draw together and he looks up to me again. He stares at me with a puzzeled face for a second before he turns around and walks out the room, slamming the door behind him.

Why did I go here? I should have told someone. I pace back in forth in my room trying to come up with a solution, any solution. However I come up with none. I will not jeopardize Tiff’s life. Not now, not ever. I will have to break the bond I have to Conan. Sadness comes creeping over me. These past few days, well untill he kidnapped my stuff, were great. It almost felt like we’ve been a couple for years. I have learned to read his body language and furfil his needs. I felt safe with him around me. I sit on the bed and lean my head in my hands. A single tear drops from my eye and for the tenth time this week I ask myself; where the hell did I get into?

Around dinner time there’s a knock at my door. I have taken a shower and put on some clothes that were hanging in the closet in my room. When I open the door I see Katherina standing there.

‘What are you...’ before I can finish my sentence she pressed a vinger on my mouth. ‘I come to collect you for dinner, Luna.’ she says while shaking her head. Okay, so Eadon wanted to send someone I like. I understand. I nod at her and follow her at her heel. I keep looking down at the floor, not even bothering to take in my surroundings. This time I won’t try to escape nor will I disobey, I don’t want Stacey to get hurt. In a small dinning table Katherina pulls back a chair for me, Eadon isn’t there yet. She puts a hand on my shoulder and I feel something hard press underneath it. I put my hand on hers and she slides her away, a piece of paper now in my hand. I quickly stuff it in my bra as I hear footsteps approaching. I look down at the table and don’t look up when Eadon takes his place.

‘I thought it’d be good for us to do something familiar. I don’t want to threaten you, I don’t want to hurt you in any way. But unfortunally you have left me no choice, Anastacia.’ I just simply nod and grab his plate, stuffing it with food. After I have stuffed mine too we eat in silence. He doesn’t even try to pray. Guess he doesn’t have much to be thankful for this time. When I’m finished eating I shove my plate away and stand up.

‘Please, stay. We have much to discuss.’ Anger creeps over my again but I take deep long breaths sitting back down. ‘You will return tomorrow night, so you can be with your friend’s ceremony. I heard she found her Mate.’ I look up at Eadon in confusion. How does he know this? ‘After the ceremony you will take Conan apart and tell him that you disagree with our ways and that you don’t want to be his Mate nor his Luna.’ My eyes fill with tears. When Eadon sees them he stands up roughly his plate flying with him. ’You will do as I say, Stacia. And I don’t care how much it will hurt you. Do you know what Conan said when I first threaten him with his Mate? He said ‘I don’t want a Mate and I never will.’ He doesn’t even want you, he never will. Not like I want you. After the bond is broken, you will return to me and I will mark you to be mine.′ Before I can respond to his words he turns around and walks out of the room, again slamming the door behind him.

I sit there for a long time while I play out my future in my head. I’ll have to move her, under Eadon’s command every second of the day. My life will be taken away from me and I will have nothing to desire anymore. Atleast Katherina and the kids are here.. Suddenly remembering the note I get up quickly to go back to my room. It takes me some time to find it, since I didn’t pay attention where I was going to. When I finally make it to my room, I lock myself in the bathroom and put the shower on. I sit down on the toilet and open the note.

When you get back, tell the Alpha of your pack about Eadon’s plans. There will be an uprising. Remember, you are the Luna who will safe us all.

After reading the note I roll it in toilet paper and flush it. I take off the shower and sit back. They will fight for me. But they think I’m a Luna, I’m not. Conan doesn’t want me and Eadon only wants me so he won’t be alone anymore. I’m not the savior from their Legends nor will I ever be. I can’t risk Tiffany’s life like that. Still, with two packs we can win. However if Eadon uses his Alpha powers, his pack will have to listen to him. Panic creeps over me. What if someone gets hurt? What if it will end up in a bloodfight? I can’t risk it.

The next evening I take a quick shower and put on some clean clothes. I haven’t seen Eadon anymore, but I did get to play with the kids today. Eadon had send Katherina to take me outside and play with them. I felt sad that they had to grow up with an Alpha like this. I quickly rejected Katherina proposal and I knew she disagreed but she couldn’t speak out in the open. The door of my room opens and Eadon stands in the doorway.

‘We will have to wash you intensly first. I’m not going to lie, it’s probably going to hurt. But I cannot risk Conan or anyone else smelling you on me.’ I walk with him, wanting to argue but I know that there’s no point. He is right, if Conan smelled me he would know enough. We get outside and I see hose laying in the grass. There’s a plastic sheet that goes in a half circle. Eadon throws a plastic back of clothes at me. I put them next to the half circle and walk over to get the hose. Eadon grabs it before me and shakes his head.

‘I have already touched this. Undress and rub that stuff over your skin.’ He points at a yellow bottle standing next to the sheet. A blush goes from my neck to my cheeks when I realise that I’d have to be naked in front of him. ‘Don’t be prude, I have already seen you naked when I put new clothes on you.’ Eadon says. Before I can think about it any further I take my clothes off and grab the bottle to wash myself with it. Bleach says the label. Great. Cold water hits my back and I scream. I quickly turn around to Eadon but when I see his eyes gaze over my body I quickly turn my back at him again. I put the bleach over my body in fast tempo, letting Conan wash it off with the hose. When the water disappears from my body, I quickly open the bag and get the towel out that’s stuffed into it. I dry myself off and put my clothes on. I’m surely going to be sick tomorrow, great.

‘You need to walk around the other side of the house to the driveway. A human cab will be waiting for you. If you haven’t called me by eleven tomorrow, I will come for Tiffany.’ With those words he walks away. I was right about him having the eyes of a madman. No emotion is heard in his voice, now that I think of it his apology was emotionless too. A shiver creeps over my back and I put my arms around myself to rub me. I look up to the house one more time and I see Katherina looking down behind a window with sad eyes. It hurts me, but I can’t safe them..

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