Love Is Fair

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 33

Chapter 033 Where Are Your Manners
Eve behaved herself for the next few days after being reprimanded by Hailey. She wanted to whine to Morgan, hoping that he
could avenge her, but Morgan and Reid went to join an archeology team in Cloudsouth after hearing that the team had found a
lot of ancient items, so she couldn’t even contact him.
“When the cat’s away, the mice will play” they said. Hailey, the mice, didn’t waste any minute these days. During the time when
Morgan and Reid were not around, she took over all the projects of the Crystaldale Company and shuffled the employees in the
company. She followed the only principle while she was doing all of this-my way or the highway There were too many companies
under the group. After screening the various departments, she had to handle a lot of urgents matters every single day. There
were at least three meetings a day to ensure that she was well-informed of several key projects. “The event of the ‘rose’ series
jewelry has caused a widespread sensation on
the Internet. The response is very good, and the popularity of the product continues to rise since the launch. The artists under
Southern Star Entertainment also participate in the publicity of the event. The fans are very involved, and we have collected a lot
of love stories...”
The director of the marketing department explained the progress of the project. The design department also took out the design
drafts. Hailey listened to their presentation while looking at their reports, nodding from time to time. In the era of advanced
technology, the participation of the people was
emphasized. The higher the participation rate of the netizens, the stronger the operability of the project. In addition, the
extravagant prizes and rewards gave
the participants the most direct motivation. Hence, the effect of the event was very good.
“These designs are all good. Hurry up and produce the finished products as soon as possible. Our next step will be to select the
spokesperson based on the products.”
The manager of the design department and the artist director of Southern Star Entertainment raised their heads and looked at
Hailey curiously. “Do you mean, 1/5 2004
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one spokesperson per product?” Making a series of comments on the design draft, Hailey asserted in a flat tone without looking
up, “Aren’t the artists of Southern Star all so unproductive that they want to end their contract with us and go to another

company? Fire those who don’t want to stay, and let those who want to stay the chance to be the spokesperson. Every cloud has
a silver lining. We should give the chance to those clouds who are patient enough to shine.” After the meeting was over, Hailey
returned to the office and asked Chris, “Has the crisis of Mazedew Group been resolved?” She was busy with the meeting since
early in the morning. She saw that Mazedew Group made the headlines on the Internet again, but her hands were full due to her
own family affairs, so she didn’t have time to click on the news to read about it. Only now did she remember about the news.
Chris served a cup of freshly brewed espresso and reported to Hailey in an orderly manner, “The Western Medical Charity
Project donated by Mazedew Group was complimented by the official media, and all the other media also rushed to report the
news. They urged the netizens to pay more attention to the contributions made by Mazedew Group instead of focusing on Mr.
Moore’s private life.” Due to the compliment from the official media, the Mazedew Group’s reputation quickly rose, followed by
their stock and funds. The topic about them changed drastically
They were praised and worshipped greatly, the stark contrast to the ridicule and satire they received back then. It made one
wonder how many of those who praised them now used to scold them the other day.
This phenomena existed due to the current era of the Internet. The influence of public opinion was too great.
Hailey looked indifferent. She had long known that it was a piece of cake for
Owen to deal with such trivial matters based on his capability. Her father had once told her that in order for a family to prosper,
not only did
they must have a capable leader leading the way, but the remaining members of the family also had to be united to support him
and help him. Only then would they be able to achieve glory. 2/5 40 0
Steven was once the leading figure of the Moore family, but he was old now, and sooner or later, he would have to retire. None of
his sons was reliable except for his eldest son, who was now in politics but had not talent in business
Steven’s second and third sons were useless, including their offspring. The only one who was a little promising was Polly,
Steven’s daughter. Therefore, the future leading figure of the family would most probably be her son, Owen. Owen, who had
been highly regarded by his former father-in-law, was now on his way to Poya.

in these years, he had traveled to many places because of his work, but he had not come to Poya many times. He had came to
Poya once because of a secret mission in the army.
The most famous feature in Poya should be roses. Every May, a rose exhibition would be held in Poya. People around the world
would come here for the exhibition, and almost everyone in the streets and alleys would have a bouquet of red roses. Hailey
liked roses so much. At that time, he had no idea that she was originally from Poya. Owen looked at the scenery outside the
window and fidgeted with the rose seal
in his hand. He felt that he did not know enough about his ex-wife, and now, he wanted to know about her again.
The car drove past the most iconic building in Poya-Golden Rose Tower. “I’m here,” Owen called Matthew and said.
When Hailey was about to get off work, Brook called and asked her to be his
plus-one to a fashion charity dinner.
I’m busy” Hailey refused without hesitation. “Come on, all work and no play makes you a dull girl. The combination of work and
rest is good for your health.” When Brook sensed that Hailey was about to end the call, he blurted, “There will
be an auction at the dinner. I heard that there will be four small porcelain plates. I’ve asked an expert to appraise them, and he
confirmed that they were
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made in the 17th century. Do you want it or not? If you’re not interested, they’ll be mine.” Upon hearing this, Hailey froze before
muttering, “Time and location.” Brook grinned triumphantly. “I’ll pick you up at the Garden of Rose at 7. Dress up nicely, okay?”
Hailey might be able to resist the temptation of other things, but every Newmans were fascinated by antiques and porcelains.
They would go all out to buy the pieces into their collections, even if they were scammed. Hailey went home to take a bath and
changed into a dress. When she came out of the room, she happened to meet Eve, who was also dressed extravagantly and
was ready to go out. The two rival sisters glared at each other as they stood in the corridor.
The moment Eve saw Hailey, she was so jealous. The red velvet one-shoulder jumpsuit that Hailey was wearing was this year’s

Spring/Summer Fashion Week Haute Couture. Eve was looking at the photo in the morning and was mesmerized by the clothes,
but she couldn’t get it. To her surprise, Hailey would wear it tonight. The handbag on her wrist was a limited edition designer bag.
And the emerald pendant on her neck was simply too attractive... Eve estimated that Hailey’s makeover cost as much as a
house. “Are you also going to the fashion charity dinner?” Eve asked bluntly. Standing in a elegant and composed posture,
Hailey fixed her earrings while saying in a flat tone but with an imposing aura.
“You have to be respectful and polite when you talk to your elder sister. The Newmans has always been taught to be respectful
to the elderly and seniors. Where are your manner?”
Eve’s heart skipped a beat, and her pupils shrank in fear. Perhaps she was still
traumatized by Hailey’s punishment a few days ago and was afraid that Hailey would lock her up for a few more days again. She
didn’t want to go through the same torment anymore.
She bit her lips and called out reluctantly, “Hailey.” “Good.” Hailey nodded and looked at Eve’s attire. “You are still wearing
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dress from four or five years ago. Not bad. It matches your temperament.” It was rare to hear a compliment from Hailey. Eve
immediately smiled and felt confident. “Is that so? What kind of temperament do I have?”
She was eager to hear Hailey praise her a little more.
As she wished, Hailey added, “The temperament of a bumpkin and charcoal.”

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