Love Is Fair

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 28

Chapter 028 Why Did You Marry Me
The moment when Hailey revealed her true identity, especially that she was a Newman, everyone was shocked.
Wade stood up in shock. “What? Scott was your father?” At the same time, Owen also raised his eyebrows. Scott had passed
away three years ago, but his name was still remembered by everyone. Although Scott was no longer active in the industry, his
legends never died.
He was a business genius. He founded Crystaldale Company and became the richest man in Poya in only half a year. One year
later, Crystaldale’s jewelry brand was known to everyone in the country. In the second year, Crystaldale was on par with
Mazedew Jewelry. It defeated Mazedew Jewelry in the third year and became the supplier for DT
Jeweler. In the fourth year, the company beat Mazedew Group again and became a diamond dealer for an international mining
corporation, Lucent Corp. As a result, Crystaldale became a well-known international luxury brand.
At that time, everyone thought that Scott would slow down and play steadily. Unexpectedly, he seized the opportunity and
expanded his business empire.
The Newmans’ advertisements were all over the real estate, hotels, film industry, and food and beverage industry. Crystaldale
Company was established by luck and became the strongest rival of Mazedew Group. Crystaldale Company was listed in the top
500 companies in the country, and Scott made it to the top of an international fame and fortune list. In the past, Wade and his
younger brother had lost to Scott in business.
Although Scott was gone now, the Moores still weren’t comfortable with the mention of his name.
Hailey nodded. She had always known about the conflict between her family
and the Moores. Three years ago, she had hidden her identity when she married Owen, worrying that the Moores would oppose
the marriage because she was a Newman.
‘You’re the daughter of the Newmans. Why did you marry into our family? What is your purpose?”
Unepier VO
At the mention of the Newmans, Wade could no longer remain calm. For many years, Scott was his nightmare and a thorn in his
flesh. Hence, when facing Hailey, he automatically cast hostility toward her. “Wade, lower your voice. Don’t shout at her.”

“Hailey, don’t be afraid. Take your time.” Upon scolding his second son, Wade, Old Mr. Moore turned back to look at Hailey. His
expression softened. To be honest, in the face of Wade’s questioning, Hailey wanted to say something back. But Old Mr. Moore
and his wife treated her very well, and she respected them a lot. Hence, she did not want to be rude in their presence. Her voice
was calm as she explained concisely, “I know that our families are rivals. We have gone through many trading wars, though later,
we reached a settlement and divided the market with Flemronto Canal as the line. You guys took the north market, and our
family took the south. From then on, we mind our businesses.”
Seeing Old Mr. Moore nodding, Hailey continued, “Three years ago, both my parents passed away. I was ordered to take over
Crystaldale Company during its crisis. However, due to some internal conflicts, I resigned temporarily. In the past few years,
under my second and third uncle’s control, the company’s business was going downhill and almost went bankrupt. Hence, I
understand why Uncle Wade suspected I had another purpose in marrying Owen. But if I
really had evil intentions, how could I allow Crystaldale Company to decline to such a state? In these three years, I never broke
the rules in the Moores. Owie knows that.”
Her gaze shifted towards Owen. Owen was thinking about something. When he heard the long-lost “Owie”, he looked up and
suddenly met her gaze. But before he could react, Hailey had already retracted her gaze. It was as if
that glance just now was just a casual look.
Under his family’s scrutinizing gaze, Owen nodded lightly, siding with Hailey. Actually, he already doubted Hailey’s true identity
the day when Hailey left Moore Mansion without taking the money. How could someone not tempt to take the ten million?
Not to mention that Hailey had been a housewife for three years and did not
have her own source of income. It was either she had a backbone, or she did not need the money.
Now, it seemed that Hailey had taken both.
As the apple of the eyes of the Newmans, Hailey led an extravagant life from a young age. Naturally, she had backbone and
money. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have thrown tens of billions into Crystaldale Company in one night to bring it back to life.
But there was one thing that Owen did not understand, and Hailey never

explained Why on earth would Hailey marry him? Nonetheless, there was no need for Owen to prove anything. All these years,
the Moores had witnessed how responsible Hailey was in the family. She took care of her husband, her mother-in-law, and the
elders. She was a good daughter-in-law. Old Mr. Moore and his wife did not dislike Hailey when they found out that she was the
daughter of the Newmans.
Upon calling Hailey over, Old Mr. Moore stated, “Hailey, don’t mind about Wade’s attitude. He was unhappy because he lost to
your father, not because of you. Anyway, it’s in the past, and it’s normal to have competitors in business. Don’t take it to heart,
Abby held Hailey’s hand and said kindly, “We know best what kind of person you are. You’ve brought us joy all these years. Now
that you’re back, please stay. We’re happy to have you in our family. Owen, what do you say?” The two elders tried their best to
keep Hailey and matchmake Hailey and Owen. At the same time, Gene and Benson were also desperately winking at Owen on
the side. Polly was even more frank. She pushed her son to Hailey. As a result, Owen stumbled a little and almost fell on Hailey
before stabilizing himself.
Amused, Hailey looked at him and had no intention of reaching out to help him.
Being teased by everyone, Owen looked a little embarrassed. He wanted to get angry, but somehow, under the teasing gaze of
Hailey, he couldn’t get mad no matter how hard he tried.
Hailey was looking at him as if he was a pet.
It was not the first time Hailey had encountered such a scene. In the past three years, the Moores had tried their best to match
her and Owen, but love did not come from forcibly matchmaking.
After all, forced love did not last, and she had enough of the bitterness of love. “Guys, Owen and I have already divorced. The
procedure should be completed today. Owen and I will live our separate lives from now on.”
With a smile, Hailey continued, “I came back today to say goodbye. Thank you
for taking care of me for the past three years. Although our relationship will shift, you’re welcome to come to Poya when you miss
me. Besides, the roses are about to bloom.”
Owen stood in the rain and quietly watched as Hailey waved goodbye at
everyone. “I’ll send her off.”

Upon saying that, he held a big umbrella and walked out of the house with Hailey in silence. The distinctive rose fragrance on
her body seemed was stronger in the rain and lingered in the air. It reminded him of the rose seal she gave him and the roses at
Moore Mansion that were about to bloom.
Outside of the Moores’ old residence, three cars were waiting for Hailey. Chris, the head assistant, brought two men and two
women-a total of five
assistants-to wait by the vehicles with umbrellas in their hands. As soon as Hailey came out, Chris greeted her, whereas the
other assistant opened the car door and respectfully waited on the side. “Thanks. Goodbye,” said Hailey politely, waving
goodbye to Owen. Just as she was about to get into the car, Owen raised his voice and asked, “Can I ask you something?”
Hailey stopped and looked back. “Why... why did you marry me back then?” Owen felt a choke in his throat. “Didn’t you choose
me?” responded Hailey indifferently.
Taken aback, Owen remembered that it was he who picked and pointed at Hailey among a group of medical staff back then. He
had chosen her, and it was also him who had abandoned her.
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