Love in the Limelight Novel

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Astrid wanted to chew out the old man, but considering the hefty pay he’d always given her, she figured she’d treat it as some
extra dough. After a few seconds of thought, Astrid started typing, “I demand 80% of the reward”
Dr Conrad, “Don’t be so cold–hearted Leave 30% for your old teacher”
Astrid raised an eyebrow, “Haggling, huh? Alright then, I want the whole reward, or get ready to bid farewell to your first love.”
Dr Conrad. “Well, fine, after all I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me 1
Before Dr Conrad could wrap up his sob story, Astrid hung up the call
She took a quick shower, then picked up her phone to see that Dr. Conrad had already sent the patient’s details and address
She rummaged around her room for the necessary medical tools, packed them into a small bag, and thought about the shooting
she was about to join. She put on a mask to avoid unnecessary trouble. Once she was ready, she casually left her apartment
In a villa in Sunhaven
Top–notch doctors from all over the place had already arrived, but none of them could do anything. The old lady lying in bed was
as pale as a ghost, completely bloodless. Seemed like she could kick the bucket at
any moment
There was a knock on the door. The young man in the room immediately rushed to open it, only to find not the miraculous doctor
he’d been eagerly awaiting, but Ello. He let out a sigh, “Elio, you’re here?”
Elio nodded lightly, “How’s the situation? Did the specialist I called have any solution?”
“No, all hope now rests on Aster the Savior,” Wylie said with a troubled look. “The specialists have all heard of Aster, but none
have actually seen him. I’m really worried.” “The miracle worker has already agreed to come, let’s wait a bit...” Before Ello could
finish, he heard a commotion from the courtyard.
Looking down from the window, he saw a famillar figure standing at the villa gate, surrounded by bodyguards.

Even with a mask, Elio recognized her at once. What was she doing here?
Frowning slightly, Elio then headed downstairs.
Staring at the crowd in front of her, Astrid explained for the umpteenth time: “I’m here to treat the old lady.”
The bodyguard said, “The world’s top medical team couldn’t save our madam. What can you do? You say you’re a doctor,
where’s your ID? No ID, no entry!”
Astrid was helpless. Aster was just a code name. Where could she find an ID proving she was Aster?
“If you keep wasting time and your madam dies, It’s on you!” Astrid shot back, but still, the crowd in front of her didn’t budge.
Because no matter how they looked at Astrid, she didn’t seem like the rumored Aster the Savior.
“Let her in.” Elio’s cold voice rang out, and the surrounding bodyguards simultaneously bowed their heads.
Bodyguard exclaimed, “Mr. Lampard, she’s impersonating Aster. We’re afraid she might harm the madam.”
Elo looked at them, “You can’t confirm her identity, but if she really is Aster and the old lady’s life is at stake, delaying treatment
could end with Wylie having your heads.
Hearing this, all the bodyguards broke out in a cold sweat and immediately stepped aside to let Astrid through
“Follow me.” Elio turned and walked ahead, with Astrid slowly following.
Looking at the tall figure in front of her, Astrid wasn’t sure if the man had recognized her. She didn’t expect to run into him so
soon. It wasn’t surprising though, as the rich always mingled with the rich. That was their social circle.
Arriving on the second floor, Astrid walked in and saw the old lady’s critical condition. She immediately said, “All of you get out. I
don’t allow anyone else present when I’m treating.”
Hearing her words, all the specialists sneered, “Who are you? A young girl like you can cure the old lady?”
Tm Aster. The old lady’s time is running out, get out now.” Astrid saw the old lady’s critical condition and wanted to start treating
Immediately, but a middle–aged man stepped in to block her!

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