Love in the Limelight Novel

Chapter 24

Chapter 24
“Nah. I just wanna be friends with her there’s no way I’m marrying her If you guys force her to marry me, fl starve myself!” After
laying down the law, Colton stomped off into the elevator. Elio watched Colton’s furious exit, shaking his head That girl sure was
slick- not only did she take Colton for all he was worth, but she also got him to sort out the engagement party mess Even though
she’s not famous yet, this whole thing needed to be kept on the downlow If someone with an axe to grind spills the beans, she’s
in hot water
But there’s no avoiding the unavoidable As a foster mother, she needed to face the music
Farrah was taken aback Colton might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he s hell–bent on his decisions When he says he
won’t eat, he won’t eat! Last time, she promised to take him to Disneyland and didn’t, he went on a hunger strike that nearly did
him in!
Even though Colton’s not all there, Farrah cant just let him starve So, she whipped out her phone and gave Sandra a ring.
Sandra, who was hobnobbing with other society ladies, saw Farrah’s call, and immediately picked up, all smiled “Hello, Mrs.
Fortner, what can I do for you?”
Farrah “I’m sorry Sandra, our families marriage alliance is off
“Off???” Sandia’s smile froze She thought this marriage could be her ticket to the high life, but now. Astrid’s already here, but
there’s a wrinkle in the plan.
“Mrs Fortner what happened? Did Astrid upset Mr Fortner? I’ll sort her out, I promise!” Sandra blurted out.
“It’s not Astrid’s fault, it’s Colton’s decision, Farrah intervened. “Don’t take it out on Astrid. As for your money, I can give you more
time to repay.”
With the money that was practically in her grasp now gone, Sandra was completely deflated. Even if she got more time, she still
had to pay it back! Where was she supposed to get that kind of dough to pay off her gambling debts!
It had to be Astrid’s doing! She’d underestimated Astrid. She’d had her kidnapped, and yet Astrid was still causing trouble!
Furious, Sandra was about to give Astrid a piece of her mind when her husband, Vernon Irvine, came over looking like a
thunderstorm and grabbed her hand, accusing her loudly, “Sandra, will you only be happy when you’ve run me into the ground?!”

“What What did I do?” Sandra was already livid, and her husband’s accusation was the last straw. “Why are you yelling at me?”
Vernon pointed an accusing finger at Sandra, shaking with rage, “Our secretary Just called. All our agreements with the Lampard
Group have been scrapped. We’re looking at a loss of about 20 million dollars.” “20 million dollars?” Sandra panicked. That was
half a year’s profit!
Vernon was fuming, “This is all your doing! The Lampard Group said It’s because you offended the CEO’s wife, so they’ll never
do business with us again!”
Sandra was puzzled, “How can the CEO of the Lampard Group have a wife? Everyone knows Mr Lampard is single!”
“Until today. I also thought Mr Lampard was single. But he wouldn’t make up a lie just to avoid doing business with our small
company! You’d better reflect on who you might have offended. You’ve really screwed us over!” With calls from higher–ups
flooding in, Vernon glared at Sandra and stormed off.
Sandra, usually careful not to offend anyone, racked her brain but couldn’t think of who this so–called CEO’s wife could be.
Just then, the usually quiet Lucinda suddenly said, “Mom, could it be Astrid?”
Sandra burst out laughing. “Lucinda, have you lost your marbles? Mr Lampard would be interested in someone like Astrid? If
Astrid really is the so–called CEO’s wife, I’d gladly apologize to her!”

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