Love For Hire

Chapter 33: 33

Four weeks later...
Kinsley sat in the exam room as the nurse carefully removed her cast. It had been nearly six weeks since she broke her arm.
Once the cast was off, Kinsley began to scratch and sigh with relief. That had been driving her nuts for weeks. Kinsley thanked
the nurse and decided to head home. She flagged down a taxi and headed back to her parents’ house. She had taken a job as a
waitress. The wag was complete crap, and so were the hours, but her options were limited, so she took what she could get.
Kinsley had only been on the job for two weeks, and it was hard to do with her cast on. Things would greatly improve now that
she had full use of both her arms. Her parents were allowing her to live on their couch until she could save up enough money to
get her own apartment.
As the taxi pulled up to the building, Kinsley noticed the expensive luxury car parked on the curb outside the apartment. Kinsley
paid the driver and got out. As the taxi drove away, Kinsley watched the luxury car’s doors open and out stepped Octavius and
Stephan. Stephan stood by the car while Octavius walked her way. “Afternoon, Miss. Wells,” Octavius greeted her with a polite
nod of his head.
“Afternoon Octavius. Funny seeing you here. How have you been?”
“Well enough.”
“And how is the royal family?”
“Well enough.”
They both looked at one another. She was sure the tension was because they both wished to speak of Nicholas, but she refused
to. “Well, it was fun catching up. We really must do it again,” she said, taking out her keys and heading for the main door of the
building. She knew Octavius would follow her, but she wished he would not.
“Kinsley,” Octavius spoke informally, playing on their friendship. “It is Nicholas,” he said. “He needs you, Kinsley.”
“He told me to leave,” she reminded him.
“He was trying to spare you because he loves you. Kinsley, he has given up. He is dying. The final days are upon him. If you love
him, you will not allow him to die alone. Come back to the palace. Spend time with him. Hold his hand. He is terrified, Nicholas
tries to pretend like he is ready, but his pending death has him living in terror. Go to him. Comfort him. Help him find peace. You
only have to stay until he passes. It will not be long. A week at the most. After which, the King and Queen will compensate you
for your time.”

Kinsley turned to face him. “Why are the King and Queen not comforting their son?”
“Nicholas has locked himself in his private rooms. He never comes out, and he refuses to allow anyone but me to come in, and
he only allows that so that I can keep his drugs and liquor stocked.”
“If he refuses to see anyone, what makes the King and Queen think he will even see me?”
“Nicholas has a soft spot for you. If anyone can convince him to see them, it is you. If he turns you away, then so be it, you will
be compensated anyway,” Octavius promised.
She thought about the request. She decided to try. “I will come by tomorrow.”
“With all respect Miss. Wells, the King has instructed me not to return without you.”
Kinsley shook her head. Royalty was far too demanding. “Fine,” she said as Octavius walked her to the car. Stephen opened the
rear door for her, and Kinsley got into the back. She would see Nicholas. He might have sent her away, but she still loved him.
She would help him die in peace and then move on with the rest of her life.
When she arrived at the palace, Kinsley was met by Naya; the queen had come to the door to meet her. Naya hugged Kinsley as
she came through the door. “Thank the merciful God, he found you. It is so wonderful to see you again.”
“Too bad it is not under more pleasant circumstances,” Kinsley said. “How is Nicholas?”
She could see the pain on Naya’s face. “He is failing fast. He does not have much time left. Please go to him. He really should
not be alone at this point. I wish I could be at his side, but he will not allow it.”
“I do not think he will allow my presence any more than he did yours.”
“All I ask is that you try. Please do not let him die alone.”
“I will try to get him to see me, but I make no promises.”
“All I ask is that you try. Bless you, child; you are an angel of mercy.”
“I will show you to the room,” Octavius offered.

“I know the way,” she smiled and left them both at the door.
Kinsley made her way through the palace and up to the private rooms. She stopped outside Nicholas’ door and took a moment
to compose herself for what she might see upon entering. He had been a shell when she last saw him, and he had four weeks to
degrade further. Steeling her nerves, Kinsley first knocked and then went in without waiting for an invitation.
The room was dark as she went inside. It was late afternoon, but the room was pitch black. Kinsley walked over to the windows
and opened the curtains to allow some natural light to flood the room. Kinsley walked over to the large bed, where they had
spent so much of their time together.
Nicholas was lying in the middle of the bed. He was asleep... or already dead. She could not tell which just from looking at him.
Kinsley approached and took a seat on the mattress next to the man she loved. He looked terrible. He was extremely emaciated.
He had withered away so quickly, the man she had met that first night was no more. This man lying in bed was nothing but skin
and bones. His hair was thin, and his face was sunken. His eyes were circled by dark shadows, and his skin was an ashy colour.
He lay in the bed dressed only in shorts. She would assume since he was topless, the blanket draped around his waist. Kinsley
gently ran her fingertips over his chest, brushing over every defined rib. He must have just stopped eating altogether after she
left. Octavius was right. Nicholas had given up. He had drugged himself and gone to bed, where he literally remained and simply
waited to die. To say his days were numbered was an understatement. If he survived a few more days, it would be a miracle.
Kinsley lay her hand to his face lovingly. “Oh, Nicholas, what you have become breaks my heart.”
She noticed as Nicholas slowly lifted his heavy eyelids. It looked like the act took all he had. He fixed her with his wavering gaze.
“Kinsley,” he breathed so softly she could have missed it.
“Yes, Nicholas, I am here.”
“You should not be.”
“I am not leaving you,” she said, taking his hand in hers. “And if you want me too, you will have to get up out of this bed and walk
me to the front door of the palace yourself,” she said, knowing he did not have the strength to lift his arm, let alone escort her out.
“You are so stubborn,” he breathed.
“I am not the only one. Your Mother tells me you will not allow anyone to sit with you.”

“They keep trying to convince me to seek treatment.”
At this point, she did not believe any form of treatment would be able to save him now. He was too far gone. “I do think they are
past that point. They just want to be with you when you die. Your mother is losing her son. Do not make the loss worse for her by
not allowing her to spend your final moments with you,” Nicholas’ let out a shallow breath, and his eyes closed once more. He
was not moving. “Nicholas?” She leaned in closer. Did he just die? Suddenly he took in a breath and opened his eyes partly. It
was a hell of a struggle for him to stay conscious. That much was clear.
Kinsley looked down at her hand when she felt Nicholas’ boney fingers close around hers. “I am dying.”
“I know. I will be here with you until the end, I promise. You will not be alone.”
She saw the slights twitch pull at the corners of his mouth. “You are a good woman Kinsley. It is why I fell in love with you.”
“If you love me, why did you send me away?” She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him admit it.
“I sent you away because I love you,” his voice was barely more than a strangled whisper. “I did not want you to see me like
“I knew you were sick when I agreed to marry you. I was prepared for this,” the truth was she had thought she was prepared for
his demise. She knew this day would come and soon, but knowing it did not make it any easier to see him on his deathbed. She
wanted to cry, but she would not. She would remain strong for him.
“I thought there would be more time,” he tried to squeeze her hand, but it was barely a twitch. He did not have the strength. “I am
sorry, Kinsley.”
A tear fell from her eye as she leaned in and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I will be with you,” he was fading fast. “I am going to
call your family in to sit with you,” she whispered in his ear. “We will all stay with you.”
There was a moment of silence, and then Nicholas breathed the words she had been hoping he would utter. “Alright,” she had
succeeded where others failed. Kinsley had convinced Nicholas to allow his family to stay with him.
Kinsley stood up and went to the door. She stepped out into the hall to find Octavius standing sentry just outside the door.
“Octavius, fetch the family. Nicholas has agreed to allow them to sit with him,” Octavius nodded his head, but before he left, she
had to ask. “Octavius?” He paused and looked back at her. “Out of curiosity, did the law ever catch up to Matthew?”

“He returned home, trying to escape the law here. The King had Matthew arrested upon landing in Kustium. As I understand, he
is presently under house arrest. He is confined to his chambers. Upon the King’s return to Kustium, Matthew will stand trial for
treason. The royal family refuses to return until after Nicholas’ passing. Do not fear though Matthew will be punished severely.”
That was good to know, but it would not give Nicholas back the years his brother had stolen from him. Kinsley sincerely believed
Nicholas would have survived two or three more years had Matthew not poisoned him while his immunity was compromised by
the radiation therapy. She truly hoped Matthew would pay for his crimes with his life.
“I will fetch the royal family,” Octavius bowed his head and then walked away.

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