Love Burned, She Rose Unscathed

Chapter 202

time," he said, his tone as relaxed as the atmosphere of a laid-back coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon.

Owen leaned back against the cluttered workbench, casting a casual glance around the lab that seemed more like a scene from a modern-day alchemist's den. "The lab's all yours whenever you need it. No need to clock in every day. Just swing by when you've got the Roseanne found herself neck-deep in a sea of papers and journals, all handed down by Ms. Payne, alongside keeping tabs on the latest buzz in their field. Now, with an official thesis topic on her plate, she was busier than a New York subway at rush hour.

Owen was well aware of her workload but he had confidence in her. With her knack for time management and proactive approach, he knew she was more than capable of handling the pressure.

He went on to brief her about the nuts and bolts of working in the lab. Each lab had its own quirks and vital points to remember. Roseanne paid keen attention, jotting down the essentials as Owen outlined them.

"...Currently, it's just my team using the lab. Besides me, there are four others. I'll introduce you when they're around..." he trailed off as a figure emerged from the adjacent break room.

The man, in his forties, was a towering presence with a physique that screamed 'linebacker' rather than 'scientist'. Yet, the thermal mug in his hand, bobbing with a couple of blueberries and steaming gently, painted a picture that was more at home in a cozy, early morning kitchen scene than a lab.

"Hey? Owen, we're bringing in new blood?" The man's gaze landed on Roseanne, curious yet not intrusive, his demeanor walking that fine line between inquisitiveness and respect.

"Let me introduce you. This is Stoddard, a colleague and one of the team. He teaches basic physics over at Kingswell University," Owen explained.

"Pleasure to meet you," Stoddard said, extending a hand, his stern features melting into a warm, approachable smile.

"I'm Roseanne," she responded, shaking his hand, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected friendliness.

Stoddard raised an eyebrow, his glance bouncing between Owen and Roseanne. It wasn't every day Owen brought friends to the lab...

"Don't be so formal. No need for titles here; just call me Stoddard. We're all friends," he laughed, putting her at ease.

Despite his reassurance, Roseanne continued to address him as "Mr. Stoddard," reflecting her meticulous nature.

By nine o'clock, the rest of the team had trickled in Jen was the first, her casual attire belied her academic achievements and her role as a mother. Her life was a whirlwind of family, school, and lab, with her only solace being the drama series she binge-watched while waiting for data to process.

Sammy followed, still yawning from his data analysis marathon. The lab was his sanctuary, far removed from the less-than-ideal conditions of the shared facilities downstairs.


As Roseanne shook hands with Sammy, who couldn't hide his initial surprise at the new addition to their

team, the sound of high heels announced the arrival of thedast member of their group.

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