Love Burned, She Rose Unscathed

Chapter 198

Roseanne's face turned frosty. "Everyone and their mother has seen my interview video online. If you still have a problem with my score, by all means, take it up with the university. But don't just start accusing me without any proof." "The cost of spreading rumors is way too low nowadays. Like the person who sneakily posted that photo of me and Mr. Reynolds online, we still haven't figured out who's behind it."

As Roseanne spoke, her gaze was locked on Hertha, not missing a single twitch or flicker of emotion on her face.

The moment she mentioned the "photo" and the "mastermind behind it", Hertha's eyes darted away, a clear sign of guilt.

It was obvious to Roseanne that Hertha was the one behind it all. This wasn't entirely surprising, but it was still within the realm of possibility.

Roseanne shot back, "Why are you coming at me with all this? Is it just me or is there a hint of jealousy in your words?"

Hertha's face then took on a look of regret, as if she was kicking herself for not thinking of a better scheme earlier.

"...And what's there for you to be so smug about? Millie's pregnant, carrying my brother's baby. Bet you didn't know that." Roseanne responded calmly, "Actually, I found out about it just a day before you did."

Hertha was speechless.

"You're here to see Ms. Payne, aren't you? She's not in. You can leave now."

Hertha reacted as if Roseanne had stepped on her tail, her temper flaring up instantly, "Who do you think you are? Ms. Payne being out doesn't give you the right to send me packing! I'm getting in today, what are you gonna do about it?" "I might not be able to do much, but perhaps I, the host, can," said a voice from behind.

Ms. Payne adjusted her glasses, her face an expression of utter frost.

Hertha's face stiffened, unsure when Madeleine had arrived or if she had heard any of the conversation.

"Ms. Payne, I was just-"

"I remember you," Madeleine said, her gaze sharp behind her glasses, "You came looking for me before."

Hertha was surprised the professor remembered her, but before she could feel any joy, Madeleine spoke sharply, "Wasn't I clear enough last time?"

"I'm a professor, and I expect my students to earn their grades with their own abilities, not by looking for backdoors!"

Madeleine had seen too many

students like Hertha. She was strict

by nature, especially when it came

to academic integrity, and she

wouldn't tolerate even the smallest transgression.

For Hertha to blatantly try and pull strings right under her nose, Madeleine's patience was wearing thin.

"Take your things and leave. I don't want to see this happen a third time!"


Walking out, Hertha felt a mix of dejection and indignation. Madeleine had been harsh with her but so cordial with Roseanne. Why? What did Roseanne have that she didn't?

As she stewed in her frustration, a gentle voice suddenly broke her train of thought, "You were in the postgraduate interviews, weren't you?"

Hertha looked up to see an elderly

lady with a kind smile, dressed in an emerald green dress, her silver hair neatly combed, exuding elegance and calm. The neighborhood was known to house professors and academics, and this lady was clearly one of them, a professor at Kingswell University, much like Madeleine, based in the School of

Life Sciences.

"Are you... Ms. Edna?"

Hertha was taken aback, then immediately felt a glimmer of hope.

She had seen some information about Ms. Edna online. Although her academic achievements might not match those of Madeleine, she had made significant strides in her field in recent years.

More importantly, while Madeleine was known for her strictness, Ms. Edna had a reputation for being approachable and warm towards her students.

Being recognized by such a professor gave Hertha a sudden boost of confidence, feeling perhaps she wasn't so worthless after all.

"I happened to be observing during your interview, so I remember you. I heard you were the fourth runner-up, just missing out on the third spot by a whisker."

Ms. Edna's smile was warm. "I happen to have one more spot for a postgraduate student. Would you be interested in being my student?"

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