Love Bites

Chapter 39

Cory woke with a start when his alarm went off. He woke up with an erection, which wasn’t unusual but as he got out of bed, he saw a now drying stain on his shorts. Pulling these off he saw an even larger stain on his underwear.

Oh, for the love of… he thought.

The dream came rushing back to him. His imagination had caused problems in the past, but this was way too realistic. And over a girl he had only known for eight hours.

He grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the shower.

Kayla was already in the bathroom, but he walked past to get in the shower.

“Do I need to leave?” she called.

“No. Damage was done last night thanks to you,” he replied.


“You and your ’dream of Annabelle’ crap.”

“Oh. So, um, have a nice dream then?” she said laughing.

“Too nice… hence the shower. Have you ever had, well, I dunno if girls call them wet dreams or not, but…”

She laughed again. “Think about it dummy. At the least, that’s what you could call ours. Sure, I’ve had dreams where I had to um, change when I got up. And wash. Yeah, wet… sticky… you get the point. I don’t think I’ve ever orgasmed because of a dream, however. But honestly if I slept through the dream, I might not know. Unlike you, I don’t have to orgasm to end up with a mess.”

“I’m blaming you for this and somehow I’ll pay you back.”

“Good luck with that. You’re going to be busy today. Just think, every time you look at that poor girl, you’re going to have flashbacks. Might want to pack an extra pair or three of briefs, knowing your imagination. You might really need them today,” she said, laughing again.

Cory sighed and turned off the shower.

“Okay, I’m outta here, all yours,” she said leaving.

Cory had a hard time concentrating the whole day. He couldn’t look at Annabelle without turning red.

Even though they walked together from class to class, Cory didn’t say much. Finally at lunch, Annabelle sat next to him instead of across from him, put a hand on top of his and said, “Cory, what’s wrong?”

“N-nothing, why?”

“Well, why didn’t you call me last night, and since I don’t have your number, I couldn’t call you. And today, you’ve been acting strange. It’s like you’ve been avoiding me or something.”

“Oh. Oh, no. I had to do something last night and wasn’t done until late and wasn’t sure how late I could call. And I’ve just been, um, distracted today. I had a… well, strange night,” he said.

“Well, tell me about it then,” she said with a smile. “They say it helps to talk about your problems.”

“I, uh, can’t. It’s just to… I just can’t, sorry,” he said, shaking his head.

“Okay, well, if you want to talk, you have my number.”

“Um, yeah, sorry about that. Give me your phone, I’ll put it in.”

“It’s in my pack, just tell me, I’ll remember. I’m good with numbers,” she said.

He gave her his number, and she repeated it back, then said, “Got it.”


“Yep. Maybe you’ll see tonight. Oh, and you can call me at any time. It’s my cell, so it’s pretty much always on. And it’s on so low that it won’t wake anyone but me.”

“Okay. Hey, do you own any white tank tops and shorts?”

She looked at him funny. “I’m sure I do. I only wear white in the summer when it’s hot, and even then, don’t like it much. Too easy to get dirty,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “Why?”

Cory went red again. “Um, I… well… just wondered.” He knew he wasn’t going to be able to come up with a plausible answer, not without having to tell her the whole story, and he certainly wasn’t going to do that.

“You’re a strange boy Cory,” she said with a drawl that he thought was so cute. “Good thing I like strange.”

Yoshi, Yuri, and Abby showed up just then to save Cory any more embarrassment except that Annabelle’s hand was on top of his the whole time.

No one commented on it, but he caught Abby glance at their hands several times.

Annabelle spent lunch splitting her time talking to the two exchange students in Japanese, and Abby, for which Cory was also glad, but he was aware of her hand on top of his, as every so often it moved a fraction of an inch here and there as she talked, using only one hand.

He also noticed that her hand was cool, not as warm as his.

By the time PE came, Cory was glad to have some space from Annabelle because acting normal was actually taxing on him.

Escaping into exercise, Cory lost himself for forty-five minutes, not thinking about Lily, Annabelle, or that he was cheating on Lily in his dreams.

The bell rang and Yoshi had to nudge him towards the locker room so he would know that the class was over. They changed and left, splitting up as Yoshi left to meet Yuki.

Cory turned back towards the girl’s locker room and was startled by Annabelle, who was now standing right in front of him.

“Boo,” she said.

He already looked startled, so she said, “Guess it worked,” with a wink.

“You startled me,” he said.

Well thank you Captain Obvious,” she replied.

“I mean… I didn’t see… or hear… never mind.”

“Okay, now that we’ve established that I’ve scared the bejesus out of you, we can move on. So, you gonna call me tonight? If not, I know your number so I can call you. I might need some help with my math,” she said with a grin.

“Oh, yeah, sure.”

She put a hand on his arm and said, “Okay, don’t forget me,” before walking away.

Cory turned to watch, thinking fat chance as is mind turned her PE tank top and shorts white. He watched the slow, rhythmic sway of her hips as she walked until he was interrupted by an ahem.

Spinning around, he saw his sister standing where Annabelle was when she did the same thing. Arching her recently plucked eyebrow, she said, “See anything you like?”

Cory turned red at being caught.

She glanced down and said, “well, at least you didn’t let your imagination run wild watching the show. And take it from me, that was a show. No one’s butt sways like that naturally.”

“Where’s Abs?” he asked trying to change the subject.

“She’ll be here in a second. Glad she’s running late as she might try to imitate that walk and the two walking hormones will be all over each other and we might have to walk home. Blaine’s van would be bouncing but it wouldn’t be from the potholes,” Kayla said, and they both laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Abby asked walking up.

“Nothing,” Cory replied, still chuckling.

Blaine showed up a few minutes later and drove the twins home.

Having lost the bet, Cory did both of the twin’s chores again and then met Kayla in their study to do homework.

He opened his book, and his phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hey cutie. You didn’t call yet, and I got stuck on a problem, so I thought I’d call,” Annabelle said. “Do you have time to help me?”

“Um, yeah. I just finished my chores and opened my book. Which problem?”

The two of them talked math problems for a while and Annabelle got him to start talking about school and other things without him even realizing it.

After a while, he noticed some retching sounds and looked up to see Kayla sticking her finger in her mouth, then she started to make kissy faces and smacking sounds.

Cory tolled his eyes at her and she closed her book, stood up and came around the desks. Bending, she kissed his cheek and whispered into his other ear.

“I’ll give you two some privacy in case you start having phone sex. Good night.” She stood upright, then added, “Pleasant dreams,” in a normal voice.

Annabelle heard and said, “Tell your sister I’m sorry I missed her after school. I had to get home.”

Cory relayed the information and Kayla said, “Good night Annabelle,” who in turn told Cory to tell her good night as well.

They went back to their conversation and talked until Annabelle said, “Oh my. It’s after midnight. I should let you get some sleep. Sorry for rambling on. It’s just so easy to talk to you. Well, good night Cory, I hope I’m in your dreams,” she told him before hanging up.

If he had a repeat of the night before, he considered taking the third day of school off. School having just started, it wouldn’t be a good thing, but he didn’t know if he could keep it up.

He went to be and did indeed dream of the new girl in his life, although it wasn’t quite as vivid as the prior night.

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