Love Bites

Chapter 35

School was set to start in two months, with the twin’s birthdays in three. Days passed, then weeks, both twin calling Lily daily until her voicemail was full.

Both knew that meant she wasn’t checking her voicemail.

Three weeks went by, and Kayla received a text finally. It was an address, a time, and a name. Kayla wasn’t sure what it meant, but it came from Lily’s number, so it was progress.

She tried texting Lily back, but got no reply, then she tried calling again. The voicemail was still full.

Damnit, she thought.

Calling Abby to see if Blaine were around to maybe give her a ride, she was surprised to learn that Abby received the same text.

Kayla looked up the address using one of the search engines that showed pictures of the streets and told Abby they could have Blaine drop them off near the place so he wouldn’t know what they were doing.

“Is Lily going to be there?” Abby asked.

“I hope so, but I don’t know. Her voicemail is full and no reply to my texts,” Kayla told her.

Neither was sure what to wear, so they wore sweats and t-shirts, and brought shorts just in case.

They had Blaine drop them off a block away at a strip mall, where he asked what they were going to do there.

“Just pick us up when I call, sweetie. I’ll make it worth your time,” Abby said with a wink.

Blaine had no further objections or questions, trying to grab her butt as she got out.

“Un-uh. Later,” she said, closing the door.

Kayla got out and Blaine drove away, then they walked a block to their real destination. Walking in, they were met by a man who introduced himself as Andre in a slight South American accent that neither could place and neither asked about.

He was an intimidating figure, standing 6’1”, two hundred pounds of muscle flexing under the t-shirt he was wearing, and was black as ebony.

“What can I do for you young ladies?” he asked with his accent.

“I think we’re supposed to meet someone here. Do you know Lily Madison?” Kayla asked.

“Ah, you are the two. Welcome. Ms. Madison has arranged everything. I believe she has said that school starts in a month or so, so you will come twice a week until then, and then once a week after. Unless of course you wish to partake more often, then we can make other arrangements. It is all covered by Ms. Madison, who wished me to express her sorrow at not being here with you.”

“Do people come more than twice a week?” Abby asked.

“Oh yes,” he replied. “We have several who come every day.”

“Wow,” Abby exclaimed. “That must cost a fortune.”

The big black man simply shrugged and said, “Shall we?”

“We didn’t know what to wear,” Kayla said.

“What you have on is fine for now. As we go, whatever you feel most comfortable in is fine,” he said, leading them back into the building.

“Great,” Kayla said. “That means that Abigail will be naked soon…” which earned her an elbow from Abby. “What? Floozy…” Kayla chuckled as Abby glared at her.

They must have reached their intended destination as Andre stopped.

“So, who’s supposed to… you know?” Abby asked.

“Ms. Madison didn’t tell you?” he asked.

Both girls shook their heads.

“Why, I am of course,” he said stripping off his shirt.

The girls looked at each other. Kayla looked scared, but Abby looked excited.

“Wanton floozy,” Kayla mumbled to Abby.

“Shall we ladies? I’ll be gentle the first time. It usually hurts the most. After that, you don’t really notice that much,” he said with an excited look in his eyes.

Andre got them going. After they were finished, Andre gave them a time for their next appointment, and they walked back to the mall.

“You’re walking funny,” Abby teased.

“Andre might have been gentle, but damn, the first time hurt. Why aren’t you walking funny?”

“I’m more flexible. Blaine’s broke me in already. I can already see wearing less will be a lot easier too. He was a little rough with me though, my boobs hurt,” Abby complained.

“Floozy. After that pounding, you’re going to give Blaine a turn?” Kayla asked, amused.

Abby groaned. “God, I don’t know if I can handle him after what Andre did. I might have to beg off.”

Kayla laughed at that. “Blaine isn’t going to like Andre cutting into his sex.”

“Oh well. One of us will have to deal with it.”

They got to the strip mall and called Blaine to pick them up. He arrived shortly and picked them up, and then dropped Kayla off at home.

Abby hadn’t mentioned that she was too worn out from Andre to give it up to Blaine, at least not while Kayla was in the van.

Kayla went up the walk and found Cory sitting on the swing.

“Was Lily there?” he asked.

“No,” she said, shaking her head.

Cory sighed and said, “I miss her Kay,” as she walked past him.

“So do I big brother,” she said going into the house, in need of a shower. She hadn’t realized that she would get to sticky and sweaty from that.

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