Love Bites

Chapter 31

Lily drove around until driving became impossible due to the tears. She pulled over into a parking lot that was half full, parking in the back.

Company wasn’t what she wanted right now. She was confused and hurt. Mostly hurt. In 300 years, she hadn’t felt what she felt for Cory.

What did she do that was so wrong that he would kick her out of his life? She didn’t know what to do. It was getting late, but she didn’t need to sleep much really. She could go four or five days without sleep and barely feel it.

It surprised her that she fell asleep in Cory’s arms the night before. Her body was still trying to heal, maybe that was why, she thought. It didn’t matter, right now she wasn’t tired and was now in a bad mood.

A hunger filled her, one she tried to ignore but found that in her current state she couldn’t. Although she was a vampire, she only required blood maybe once a month. The rest of the time normal food sufficed. Times like these were different. Highly emotional times triggered the need for blood. This qualified as one of those times.

Lily climbed out of her car, locking it behind her and started randomly walking. Subconsciously she knew that any blood would ease the urge she felt, but she didn’t really want to hurt an innocent person. She didn’t need to kill, but once started, it was hard to stop.

As she walked down the street, she turned onto another side street that was dimly lit by an occasional working streetlight. Going a few blocks, she heard the thump of bass coming from a building ahead.

Neon lit most of the windows. A bar, good, she thought. As she approached, she saw a lone figure standing in the shadows at one end of the building. He was probably trying to hide and surprise a drunk, then rob him, but Lily’s vision saw him clearly.

She walked straight up to him looking him over. Mid-twenties, muscular with lots of tattoos and piercings. A typical street thug.

“Buy a girl a drink?” she said by way of introduction.

The man looked her up and down. She was dressed in her t-shirt and jeans, her glossy black hair shining in the neon light. “You don’t look old enough to drink,” he said almost as an afterthought, like he really didn’t care.

“I’m seventeen, is that old enough?”

“You’re a few years shy.”

“I won’t tell if you won’t. It’s not like I haven’t had a drink before… I’m not nearly as innocent as I might look,” she told him, pulling back and looping hanks of her hair over her ears.

“Really,” he said skeptically. “You look like you’re still wet behind the ears.”

She plucked the beer bottle out of his hand, wiped the top and took a long drink from it. “I might be wet, but it isn’t behind the ears,” she told him, handing the beer back.

“Well, maybe you can earn that drink,” he said grabbing one of her breasts with his free hand and squeezing it roughly.

“Hey! Easy with the sensitive equipment there hot shot. It’s not going anywhere. I prefer long and easy over short and rough if you get my drift.”

“I could grab a bottle and we could go around the corner to the motel,” he said with a leer.

“How about I save you some money,” she said taking the beer back and finishing it off before tossing it to the ground. “Got a car with a backseat?” she asked dragging her newly done nails down the front of his shirt, stopping at his jeans.

“Around back,” he said. “You really seventeen?”

“Why? Afraid of getting busted? If we are, you’ll at least go to jail with a smile on your face.”

“You don’t sound like a teen. You a pro? Gonna charge me?”

“Let’s just say I’m mature for my age, and no, no charge and no tips. Just your typical little ’ol virgin,” she said taking his hand. “Lead the way.”

He led her out back to a darkened parking lot, mostly empty, to a big boat of a car from the seventies. An old four door rust bucket that probably drank gas and oil, but the back seat was perfect.

He unlocked the door and held it open for her. “After you,” she said. “I get top. Much easier for both of us.”

He started to climb in when Lily stopped him. “Might as well lose the pants here. It’s harder once you get in. Just toss them in the front seat so you can put them on inside before you get back out.”

He thought this over, then took off his pants and tossed them into the front seat.

“Leave the boxers on, those are easy to get off… or just down,” she said with a grin.

He climbed in and settled in the middle of the seat, waiting for her. She pulled off her shirt, and put it on the roof, then pulled off her shoes and jeans, putting them on the roof as well.

Now, wearing her new lingerie only, she climbed in, closing the door behind her. Moving across the seat, she straddled him, and he said, “Wow, nice clothes.”

“It’s lingerie, and it’s new. Like it?”

“Yeah, but it would be better off you. You’re not really a virgin, are you?”

’If it helps you, sure, I can be. Now sit back and relax. This is going to be fun.” She dragged her nails down his chest again, pressing into the fabric of his shirt.

He tried to grab her again and she said, “Don’t get my new stuff dirty, please.”

Surrendering, he complied and grabbed her thigh with one hand, and rubbed her stomach with the other.

“You work out,” he said.

“Yeah, I like to keep a toned body, like you.” She leaned forward and turned his head to kiss his neck. It tasted of sweat, beer and smoke.

Yuck, she thought.

“You got a rubber?” he asked.

She ignored the feeling of him pushing up against her because the thought disgusted her. “Don’t need one. Your lucky night, huh?”


“Don’t you worry, I won’t try to find you if I end up pregnant. And if you’re worried about me crying rape, tell me when you’re close and I’ll finish you off in a different way. No DNA that way,” she said with an evil grin.

He tried to kiss her, and she turned her head. “Only rule, no kissing me. Other than not getting my expensive things dirty.”

“Well take the bra off at least. I wanna see your tits. I can screw you without taking the panties off.”

“My, aren’t we graphic. My last boyfriend could come just looking at me like this, and he was a sixteen-year-old virgin. You can’t?”

The thug bent and licked her cleavage and she shuddered in revulsion, which he mistook for excitement.

“One more kiss honey and you can touch and have me any way you want me, ’k?”

He puckered his lips for the kiss, and she turned his head and bent to his neck once more. Her arms moved down to his biceps and if he could have seen her eyes, he would have seen the flash of gold seconds before she pushed his arms back into the seat and sank her inch long fangs in his carotid artery.

He struggled but was no match for her strength and after several minutes his strength began to wain as his life blood was drained.

Sating her thirst, she allowed the remaining blood to run down his neck after scooting back so as to not get it on her. She wasn’t going to dispose of the body, so she figured she’d let people wonder.

Running her tongue near the puncture marks, the holes slowly closed. She grabbed his pants off the front seat and used a leg to wipe the blood from her fang marks and the thug’s neck. He’d have blood on his shirt and forensics would show blood traces on his neck, but they could only speculate where the remaining blood went and where the blood came from.

She opened the door and climbed out, then used his jeans to wipe the door off and threw them back to him. Enjoying the warm night air, she put on her shoes, and picked up her clothes from the car. Making herself dim, she walked back toward her car, dressed only in her new lingerie and tennis shoes.

If anyone could see her, let them look.

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