Love Bites

Chapter 14

The sun rose, making the sky pink with white feathery streaks Lily saw as she climbed out of the tent quietly. She found herself the first up, and after slipping her shoes back on, she padded off to the restroom.

After taking care of her morning needs, she returned to camp and decided to start breakfast. Setting up the grill, she lit it and got the food ready as the coals heated up. Once they were hot, she took out a skillet and started cooking bacon.

Cory was the next up, woken by the smell. Abby and Blaine came out of their tent next, following Cory’s wake, also awoken by the smell of bacon.

Lily laughed at Abby, who’s hair was a mess. She had gone into the tent with her long red hair in a perfect braid and came out with her hair sticking up every which way. It seemed as if half her hair had come out of her braid.

Looking at herself in the van’s side mirror, she was mortified by the thought of her hair’s appearance telling the whole story of her night. She grabbed up her stuff from her tent and ran off to the restroom to fix it.

Cory and Blaine followed her to the restrooms to take care of their morning business as well. The boys finished first and came back and offered their help with fixing breakfast. Cory cooked the eggs, while Blaine got out the paper plates and sporks, and set the picnic table.

While the eggs were cooking, Kayla popped her head out of her tent. “Up and at’em sunshine,” Lily called to her. “Breakfast is almost done. Hurry and pee before you have to wait.”

Kayla’s head disappeared into the tent for a second before reappearing, and she stepped outside. Her hair was only to her shoulders but it a tussled look.

Lily was glad she was up first and fixed her hair before anyone saw it. Abby came back, her hair now back in a prim and proper braid a d casually started to tease Kayla about her errant hair.

“You get into a wrestling match with a grizzly last night?” Abby asked Kayla demurely.

Kayla turned red and tried to pat her hair down.

“This coming from the one who lost to the six handed alien?” Cory said to Abby casually.

Abby matched Kayla in color now and everyone laughed.

“Go take care of business,” Lily pointed at the restrooms. “And breakfast will be done by the time you get back.”

Kayla and Dallas walked off to the restrooms together.

Breakfast was indeed ready and waiting for them when they got back. Everyone sat and ate in silence, enjoying the morning sky, the sounds and smells of nature and wood smoke and the simple food.

After they had finished, Lily asked, “So, did everyone get a good night’s sleep?”

Heads turned left and right, looking at each other. Before anyone spoke up, she asked, “Maybe the better question would be, did anyone get any sleep?

They all laughed at this. Blaine spoke up and said, “At least we were all quiet.”

“Well, mostly,” Kayla quipped, glancing at Abby. Abby’s face went white, and her mouth made and ‘O’ but remained quiet.

“What?” Kayla asked innocently. “Your… um, voice just carries.”

Abby looked mortified.

“But you certainly sounded… very enthusiastic,” Kayla added.

Lily and Cory looked at each other and simultaneously started saying, “Yes, yes, oh yes.”

Everyone but Abby and Blaine started laughing.

Blaine just sat there, his face red. Abby had her face in her hands, horrified.

Both Kayla and Lily got up and went to Abby, and Kayla hugged her. “Oh, sweetie, we’re only teasing. I’m jealous, you obviously had way more fun than I did.”

“Oh my God,” Abby said into her hands.

“Hon, why be embarrassed? It’s part of what we came up here for. What exactly do you think Lily and I did?” Kayla blushed and said, “Well, maybe not as much, but we had fun too.”

Abby let out a little giggle. She peeked out of her fingers and said, “I can’t picture you doing anything,” to Kayla.

“Really?” Kayla challenged. “Was this from a giant mosquito then?” she asked, pulling back her hair, showing them all a big hickey under her right ear on her neck.

Both Lily and Abby said, “Wow.”

Cory looked at Dallas, who in turn was looking at the clouds. Cory got mad at Dallas, then realized that his sister let Dallas do that, and that she in essence, was showing it off. Knowing what he and Lily did the night before, he couldn’t very well judge Dallas as long as Kayla was okay.

Abby started to relax and put her hands down.

“Now that the crisis is over, let’s talk about what’s next. I say we go play in the stream. It’s warm enough already,” Kayla said.

Abby replied, “I didn’t bring a suit. Swimming wasn’t something I expected here in the mountains.”

“I don’t think anyone did,” said Blaine. “We could all go in the buff.”

All three girls said, “NO!” right away.

Lily said, “We could all go in our skivvies.”

“Huh?” asked Abby.

“Our underclothes,” Kayla told Abby.

“Oh. Well, I guess that’s okay. I mean, they cover as much or more than my swimsuit does.”

Kayla was going to say no, but decided Abby was right. She nodded in agreement.

The guys were all wide-eyed that the girls agreed to go swimming in nothing but their bras and panties, however.

“Be right back,” Lily said, leading the other two girls off to the large tent. They returned a few minutes later, each carrying two towels, to the trio of boys who hadn’t moved.

Each girl walked to their significant other, taking their hand and led them towards the stream.

They all walked in silence, listening to the birds’ chirp and call to each other from the canopy of branches above their heads. Lily led them along the stream, looking back towards the campground every now and again, trying to pick the most secluded spot for their swim.

Once she found the spot she liked, she stopped and said, “Okay, this looks like the best spot for privacy as well as a good spot in the stream.” She picked a spot on a low hanging branch to hang her towel and Cory’s and began undressing.

The others took their cue from Lily and followed suit. Cory came over to the branch Lily was hanging her clothes from and slowly began undressing beside her.

Kayla and Dallas found their own branch as did Abby and Blaine. Since Lily had led the group, she was the first undressed, or rather, dressed only in a pair of skimpy blue lace trimmed bra and panties, and padded barefoot over to the water.

Cory had stopped to watch her, until she turned around and looked at his expectantly. He quickly finished, hanging his clothes on the branch next to Lily’s and followed her into the water dressed only in his briefs.

The other two couples followed shortly after, all dressed similar, looking at one another, trying to size up how embarrassed they should be. Each was wearing what had been expected really, which was as much or more than the bikinis at the pool party had covered.

Kayla was clad in a plain, simple, white drab bra and panties that was more functional than appeasing to the eye.

Lily thought she was going to have to have a talk with her before more guys started seeing more of that. Pretty her up some.

Dallas wore simple white boxers and Blaine, like Cory, had on white briefs.

Abby’s attire could have been classified more as lingerie than simple underwear. It was as much lace as material, in a vibrant green that matched her eyes.

The teens all got into the water. The water was cool, offsetting the heat that had begun to build, but it didn’t stop any of them from playing into it.

Since it was summer, the snow had already melted and it hadn’t rained in a while, the little creek was shallow, only eight to twelve inches deep in most places. This mainly allowed for a little splashing, kicking up water, stomping if you wanted to risk a twisted ankle, or sitting in the almost waist deep water.

After a while of splashing and making sure everyone was wet, they settled down, walking up and down a little way, or sitting and talking. They had relaxed after the modesty factor wore off and decided that the underclothes did indeed cover more than the swimsuits did.

A few hours later, they all agreed that it’s time for lunch, so they got out and dried off with the towels provided by the girls, then put their clothes on over their wet ones.

While they were reasonably secluded at the stream, there would be more people around the camp and on their arrival, it was suggested that the big tent be used to change. The small tents wouldn’t allow a person to stand and change while the large tent would.

It was that, or they could walk over to the restrooms, which weren’t exactly the cleanest of places. Everyone agreed to use the tent.

“Blaine and I will go first,” Abby said, tugging on his hand to go get their change of clothes. The others followed suit. Grabbing their change of clothes, Abby and Blaine went hand-in-hand into the big tent to change. They took their time in the tent and upon exiting, Kayla was standing a way back, waiting and watching.

Abby looked into her blue eyes, which shimmered with mirth, and took on a pink tinge.

Kayla winked at her, and Abby turned a slightly darker shade of red and at once averted her eyes, but grinned, knowing she had been caught with Blaine’s hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.

Dallas walked up, much to Abby’s relief, and directed Kayla’s attention. “Shall we?” he asked her.

“Um… in… no. I forgot something. You go ahead,” she stammered and turned, walking back to the smaller tent.

Dallas just shrugged and went into the tent to change.

Lily and Cory had arrived as Kayla got back. Dallas came out saying, “Next.”

“Go for it, sis,” Cory said.

Kayla looked at Lily, who shrugged as if it say, no biggie to me, then went in to change. Coming out a few minutes later, she said, “Next up,” and smiled at the two standing outside waiting, holding hands.

Lily started into the tent, still holding on to Cory’s hand as it pulled her to a stop. “Come on,” she said. He still hesitated and she gave him a look that said, Really?

Cory flushed a bit and said, “You go ahead.”

Her mouth dropped open slightly as if she was going to say something, then stopped, thinking better of it. She shrugged her shoulders and then mouthed, your loss, and smiled mischievously at him. Coming out a few minutes later, she was dressed in cutoff sweats and a tube top that left her midriff bare. “Your turn,” she told him.

As he passed her, she put her hand on his arm, stopping him and whispered in his ear, “Now you have to use your imagination as to what I’m wearing under these. Or if I’m wearing anything at all.”

His mouth dropped open and she sauntered away. Cory finally went into the tent and changed, trying not to think about what Lily told him. He thought she did that to mess with his head. Didn’t she? That only got him thinking about it more.

He finished and exited the tent only to find everyone getting lunch ready, so he joined them. Once the sandwiches were made and chips set out, everyone grabbed drinks and sat down to eat.

The mood was quiet but upbeat. Dallas asked questions to everyone, trying to find out more about them and the town since he was reasonably new and hadn’t done a lot of exploring.

Abby asked Lily if her parents had gotten back yet to which she replied, “No.”

Dallas asked her about what they did, and after she told them he asked about the places she had visited and lived.

Lily was vague and said, “Oh, too many places to name. They all seem the same to me after a while.”

Cory wondered about her answers since he had asked the same questions and she had answered him in detail but said nothing. Sensing her unease, Cory redirected Dallas’ questioning by asking him questions of his own. At one point, Cory saw Lily glance at him with thanks in her eyes. He smiled at her happily.

After the food was eaten, everyone sat around for a while longer talking and relaxing. The sky was a bright powder blue between the branches, leaves and pine needles. It was dotted with small white clouds, floating like little marshmallows in a sea of blue. Birds were singing their songs from the trees, which a few squirrels ran up and down, looking for nuts or scraps of food.

Blaine sat idly by, watching, and throwing bits of bread for both the birds and squirrels. The talk finally wound down and the couples decided to wander around taking in the scenery and fresh air, each going their own way.

The day went by as the couples roamed around the campsite, taking in the wilderness not available in the city. As the sun started to set, giving the sky a pink nacre, the kids migrated back to camp to get dinner ready.

Cory got out the charcoal and started the grill heating while the girls got out and opened cans of stew. The stew went into a pot and Blaine put biscuits into a cast iron skillet. Veggie chili went into a second pot for Dallas and anyone that wanted some.

Once the coals were hot, all three were put on the grill. Since the stew and chili only had to heat, they heated while the biscuits cooked, all finishing at the same time.

Abby brought out bowls and a ladle and dished up food for everyone. The biscuits were taken out of the skillet and slathered with butter on top and in the middle, and split among the six, each getting two.

Everyone sat at the picnic table and ate, talking about the day’s activities and joking as the sun set. The -night sky progressed from the shimmery white pink to a burnt orange, darkening to an indigo before fading into the inky blackness of night.

As the night stars became visible, everyone was looking up at the mass of bright white dots hanging in the sky, Lily started pointing out constellations and Dallas joined in. Not to be outdone, while pointing out the star formations, Lily started adding in the ancient beliefs and representations each had.

To her dismay, Dallas did the same while pointing out his. Once all the visible constellations and major stars and planets were pointed out and discussed, the group just sat around the fire looking up, watching for shooting stars or something, while the burning wood popped and hissed occasionally.

Abby and Blaine were the first two to excuse themselves and went to their tent together again.

Kayla teased them by saying, “Try to keep the bliss down tonight, will you?”

Both pretended not to hear her, but Kayla saw a hint of red on Abby. Kayla and Dallas sat side-by-side holding hands, while Cory leaned against his rock and Lily sat between his legs, laying back against his chest with his arms wrapped around her.

The light in Abby and Blaine’s tent went off not long after it went on and the kids around the camp heard Abby’s giggles again.

Lily glanced at Kayla and thought she saw her flush slightly in the dim fire light. “Well, it’s getting late and Cory’s yawning, so it’s time to turn in.” Getting up, she put out her hand to Cory and helped him to his feet and they both brushed the dirt off of them, then went to their tent.

Getting to the tent, Cory said, “I wasn’t really tired, I just yawned.”

“I know, I just wanted to get away from Dallas. He’s strange and there’s something about him… IU don’t know, it just makes we wary.”

“I noticed.”

“Not to mention I’d rather have you all alone,” she said, pulling him closer and kissing him. Coming up for breath they heard movement outside. “Your sister is off to do… whatever,” Lily said.

“Are you trying to put me out of the mood?” he asked.

“Geez, be happy for her if it makes her happy. Don’t you think she’s rooting for you? Or put off because you might get lucky and not her?”

“Get lucky? Um, what do you have in mind?” he asked, thinking about the condom in his wallet.

“Oh, relax,” she said slapping his arm gently. “I imagine you wouldn’t think of sullying my virtue here, now, would you?”

“Uh, I wasn’t planning on it,” he told her.

She sighed and said, “Yeah, that’s what I figured. And can I ask why?”

“Uh, I don’t know. I’m shy I guess.” That came out more question than statement.

“You’ve seen me in a swimsuit, in my bra and panties, which was more than my suit mind you. I’ve been nearly naked except for a few square inches of material, and you’ve touched two of the three places hidden by said material so… You had a chance to at least see me in all my glory today, and you turn it down.”

“Kayla did the same,” he said lamely.

“True, but she said no to Dallas seeing her, and she has more to show than he does. She’s not really yet – at last not in the relationship. They have only started dating, unlike us. I imagine if she had to, she wouldn’t think twice about getting in front of me or Abby… or probably even you.”

At this, Cory blushed. She continued, “Your sister isn’t too confident about her own body yet, even though she has nothing to be ashamed of. She’s very pretty. Soon she’ll realize it and be confident both in and out of her clothes. It’s all about comfort. Let’s just say I’ve been to places where the definition of proper of covered from head to toe, neck to ankle or simply a few well-placed leaves or fronds. I’ve skipped the totally nude places, but that wasn’t due to modesty, it was more culture and hygiene. When you’re younger, modesty isn’t a big thing, so the thought of wearing, or not wearing clothing isn’t a big deal. As you get older, it depends on the person and their culture.

“Are you shy, and modesty makes you cover up? Is it a cultural taboo not to show your body? Or are you confident and clothes or no clothes are the same, as long as culture hasn’t told you you must cover up?

“You and Kayla had no issues with being naked together until you hit puberty. And then you put limits on things to give each other privacy, not even because our culture says it’s not right for siblings to be naked together after a certain age. You two share a bond that goes beyond just about everything. As for me… I think – no, I know – I have nothing to worry about. I think I look good, both in and out of clothes, and if others don’t agree, well, too bad for them, don’t look. It doesn’t hurt my feelings, well not much anyways,” she said and smiled at him. “I can walk around in clothes, a swimsuit, my bra and panties, or nothing at all and not feel any different in my self-confidence or self-assurance.

“Soon, your sister will gain that confidence in herself and her body, and she will lose her shyness and be as confident in clothes as she will be in her own skin. But she has to find her own way. And the choice is her as to when.

“You on the other hand have to come to terms with our confidence in our bodies to overcome your jealousy. Once you realize that nudity is no big deal to us, then you adjust accordingly. As far as your own sense of modesty, I’ve learned most males have little to none as long as they feel comfortable with those around them, or if they don’t care about them or their opinions. Most guys would walk around naked just for the shock value if they could. Am I right?”

Cory thought about all she had said, then slowly agreed.

She continued. “So, what’s the real difference then if you feel my boobs through my shirt or bra, or if you feel them directly? A millimeter of cloth? Or for that matter, if you feel them directly, what’s the difference if you see them too? Without the millimeter of cloth, you get not one, but two of your five senses going. I mean, your mind already has some kind of mental picture at this point of what they look like, it’s just not totally accurate in detail. You know the general size and shape, the feel, and, um, pointiness.

“As for my butt, same thing, except less detail to see. You’ve seen basically all you can in either swimsuit or panties except maybe coloring due to my tan. So, seeing my backside naked should be no big deal. As for the front, it too is all about detail. You’re a healthy teen, so you’ve got a pretty detailed idea of my equipment, only the options vary. Color, texture, some size variances, hair color and texture, etc. But overall, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all basically. And I’m sure by now you’ve seen one, at least in pictures, so… Remember, it’s not yours to be modest with. If a girl wants to show you her body, it just means she’s okay with herself, and she likes you enough to share it with you. So, take it as a good sign and don’t be shy.”

She paused and waited for some kind of response from him. It took him a minute to process all she had said, and she patiently waited for him, before he finally said, “I think I get it.”

“Good,” she told him. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable when I suggest something to you that make either one, or both of us feel good. A relationship is about making each other feel good, both mentally and physically. Right?”

“Yes,” he agreed.

“Good, so kiss me you fool.”

He leaned into her and kissed her. After the kiss, she backed up an inch and murmured, “Still skittish, I see. That’s okay, you’ll come around in your own time. But in the meantime, I’ not shy.” She took one of his hands and placed it on her breast and leaned in to kiss him again.

Placing a hand on his leg, she moved it up to find what she was looking for – his arousal. As she touched him, Cory’s reflex was to flinch, which caused his hand to clinch.

Lily, caught off guard, let out a murmur of approval at his squeeze.

Cory felt himself blush as he realized what had just happened and moved his hand up slightly.

Lily realized he was losing his nerve and groped him again.

His hand reflexively moved down toward his leg, but his curled fingers catch on her tube top, which offered no resistance as his fingers and arm draw it downward. He only stops when the material gathers under the curve of her breasts and pulls free from his fingers.

Looking down, he realizes she is now bare chested, and he can see her pointed nipples tightened and sticking out in the dim lantern light.

Shock registered on his face, but Lily stopped him by saying, “Too late now. What’s done is done and you’ve already seen them. So, you might as well get used to it. Can’t put the genie back in the bottle. And you’ve already felt them, so you might as well keep going.”

She moved his hand back up to where it was before and let out an appreciative noise.

Cory seemed to be hyper aware of all of this. He wasn’t sure if it’s his imagination or it was real, but he thought he could feel her nipple harden and elongate even further under his palm.

Gently squeezing, he started to relax and began enjoying it as much as Lily was. As they quietly kissed, Cory placed his other hand on its matching spot across her chest, touching and caressing, but paused when both heard someone say, “Ow!”

Both freeze as they heard a grunt of pain and a low keening. Cory said, “That was Kayla. She’s in pain, hurt, I can tell.”

“Was she planning on giving up her virginity this weekend?” Lily asked. “That’s what it sounded like.”

They both listened for the sound of pain or possibly pleasure from Kayla’s first time, but the area was eerily silent.

Lily quietly said, “I smell blood.”

“Huh? I don’t smell anything. I might be new to this, but she wouldn’t be bleeding so much from losing her virginity that you would smell it from here, would you?” he asked.

“No, it’s something else.”

Worried about his sister, Cory called out, “Kayla, you okay?”

It stayed quiet and there was no answer from Kayla.

“I should go check on her,” Cory said, but Lily grabbed his shirt and said, “No! Something isn’t right. Stay here.”

She started towards the zipped door and began to unzip it.

Cory moved toward her and said, “No, if something is wrong, I don’t want you getting hurt too. I’ll go.”

Lily turned back to look at him and her eyes blazed a golden color and she said, “No! Stay here. Something is wrong. Seriously wrong. I’ll take care of this.”

As she was talking, Cory saw two long, white incisors grow into what looked like fangs inside her mouth, until they hung down from her upper jaw half an inch with her mouth closed.

“What the hell?” he cried and started forward.

“I said STAY,” she said in a snarl and opened the tent, jumping out in a flash, not even bothering to pull up her top.

Cory was stunned into inactivity, trying to process everything that happened in a mater of maybe three seconds. His connection with his sister pushed her physical pain to him, his girlfriend’s insistence that she smelled blood, her vehemence that he stay in the tent, her sudden transformation right before his eyes, and the impossible speed at which she exited the tent.

Cory heard voices. “So, my suspicions were right. It really is you.” Dallas?

“Do I know you?” Lily.

“No, but your plaything’s father met me – briefly.” Dallas?

“You!” Lily.

“You better hide human. She’ll kill you too, just like your father. Be warned.” Was that directed at me? He thought. From Dallas, about Lily?

“You aren’t getting away that easily,” Lily said.

The sounds of fighting and inhuman guttural noises and hisses broke Cory’s reverie and then began to recede as he moved to the tent opening. As he got to the door, he stuck his head out, but saw nothing. The fire had gone out and the only light came from the moon and stars.

A light turned on in the tent that held Abby and Blaine, and Cory could make out that the large tent was no longer standing, more by what he could see rather than what he couldn’t.

A voice no louder than a whisper spoke to him. Cory turned his head towards it, but then realized it wasn’t coming from outside, but rather directly inside his head. In his mind. He at once recognized it as Lily’s voice and it said, “Leave. Leave NOW. Help your sister. Get her, get in the van, and go. Leave everything. Don’t come back until morning. Go, go NOW. Be safe.”

Cory scrambled out of the tent frightened. He wasn’t sure what to think or believe, but if his sister was in danger, he didn’t have to think. Coming out of the tent, he yelled, “Abby, Blaine, get out here now, we’ve got trouble. Grab the van keys, we have to leave, NOW.”

Their tent flap opened, and Blaine stuck his head out and said, “What’s up?”

Cory replied while running past. “No questions. Do it. Now.” A split second later, knowing it would get Blaine to act and not question he added, “Kayla’s been hurt.”

While Cory knew that Kayla had been hurt, he wasn’t sure to what extent. He knew by his connection that she wasn’t dead, but that was all. It was a guess that she was even in her tent.

As he got there, he could see her pale form laying just inside the tent’s opening. Quickly, looking back, he saw both Abby and Blaine out of the tent hastily pulling on clothes as they started for the van.

Abby paused, looking at Cory, trying to decide whether to head for the van or to run and help Kayla.

Cory told her, “I’ve got Kayla. Get the van open, get in and be ready to go once I get there.” Ignoring her and hoping she listened, he bent down and pulled his sister further out of the tent by her shoulders. As he scooped her up, he both saw, and smelled blood on her. His subconscious registered the blood and the fact that Lily told him she smelt blood, but his conscious filed it away for consideration at a later time.

Now he only had one thing on his mind. Get his sister and get out of there alive. His sister was only about 20 pounds lighter than he was, but he had no trouble carrying her as he ran to the van.

Blaine had started it already and was inside waiting while Abby had both the sliding door and passenger doors open.

As he arrived, he jumped into the waiting van, yelling, “Go, go, go,” to which Abby slide the door closed, jumped into the passenger door, closing it behind her.

Blaine put the van into gear and hit the gas, spinning the tires in the dirt. “Where to?” he asked Cory.

Cory thought briefly and said, “Town.” If his sister was hurt, the hospital near home was too far. The town was too small for a hospital, but they had both fire and police, so medical help was closer by if they headed there.

The van was sliding and fishtailing over the dirt road as Blaine sped towards the mountain road.

“Easy, Blaine,” Cory admonished. “Nothing will be gained by getting into an accident before we make it to town.”

Blaine slowed slightly, bringing the van under control. He turned sharply and slide onto the macadam, heading towards town.

Cory turned on the overhead light to look at Kayla, who was still in his arms. He slid his arm from under her bare legs and, while the other hand cradled Kayla’s head, used it to push back her sticky hair from her neck.

The coppery metallic tang was now pungent in the enclosed van. Abby turned around in her seat, watching Cory and gasped when she saw the blood on Kayla’s neck and hair. She turned, opening the glove box, to look for something to staunch the flow of blood, but all she found were some tissues.

“Here,” she said, handing him the tissues. “It’s all I could find. I’ll keep looking.”

Cory took them and began wiping at Kayla’s neck so he could at least find the point of origin of all of the blood. He found one spot on her neck that had a small puncture wound that was slowly trickling blood, but nothing that would account for the amount of blood down her neck, on her t-shirt, or in her hair. Pulling her shirt up, he saw no wounds from her shorts to her bra, only smears of blood left by the shirt. The blood hadn’t made it as far as her shorts, which were still clean and pink. He dropped her shirt back down.

Abby couldn’t find anything other than the tissues she had given to Cory already, so without thinking, she pulled off her own t-shirt and held it out to Cory saying, “Use this to apply pressure to the cut.”

Cory felt and looked through Kayla’s hair to see if that was where the bleeding was coming from, knowing head wounds bled a lot. Finding nothing once again but slowly coagulating blood matting Kayla’s hair, he looked up at Abby and said, “Keep it. The only thing I can find is one small stickle of blood on her neck and the tissues should be able to take care of that providing it stays the same.”

The mountains were still cool at night, even in the summer, so since all she had on was a pair of baby doll shorts and her bra, Abby put her shirt back on. “Where did all that blood come from?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” Cory told her. “It looks like it should be hers, but I can’t find where it came from. It’s too much for her neck.” He kept the tissues pressed against her neck as they drove and checked them every few minutes until the blood stopped. Even after the bleeding stopped, Cory kept the tissues held gently to his sister’s neck.

It took about 20 minutes to get to town, at which time Blaine asked, “Where to now?”

“Well, considering I have no answers to what happened tonight, and even though Kayla’s unconscious, she’s not bleeding, and her pulse is strong and steady, and she’s not having breathing problems, so… Find somewhere brightly lit with some traffic wherever we can park and regroup to figure things out.”

Blaine pulled into the parking lot of a brightly lit convenience store and parked. “Okay, now what?” he asked.

“I guess we wait,” Cory said.

“For what?” asked Abby.

“Lily said the morning.”

“What happened to her? Where is she?” Abby asked, alarmed, realizing finally that neither Lily nor Dallas where with them.

Cory looked into her eyes, not sure what to say. Finally, he said, “I think Dallas did, well, whatever he did to Kayla. Lily knew something wasn’t right and went out to help her and got in a fight with him. I don’t know what happened or where they went.” He figured he would omit the conversation her overheard between Lily and Dallas. “Lily told me to get everyone out of there and not come back until morning. So as long as Kayla is okay, we wait until morning and go back.”

He didn’t bother to add that Lily had told him all this without actually being anywhere near him.

“Providing we make it through the night,” Blaine added.

Cory only shrugged. Abby asked Blaine, “You leave your wallet in the van or at the camp?”

“It’s in here,” he said, pointing at the door pocket.

“Good, gimme,” she said, reaching out for it. He pulled it from the door and handed it to her without question. Looking at both of them she said, “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

Blaine started to protest but she simply held up her index finger as if to say No arguments and he stopped. She opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind her. “Lock the doors,” she said through the window.

Blaine did as she said.

Padding barefoot, wearing clothes more appropriate to a girl’s sleepover than a trip to an all night store, she walked into the store. Neither of the boys could see inside the store from where they were parked, and they waited anxiously for her to return. After four or five minutes, Blaine started to say he was going in to get her, when she walked out carrying a large paper bag. Blaine unlocked the door to let her in.

Getting back into the van, she sat the bag down between the two front seats. She handed Blaine back his wallet and said, “Sorry sweetie, I spent all of your money.

He gave her a look that said, That’s the least of my worries right now.

Abby started pulling items out of the bag, handing them to Cory. The first items were a dish rag and a bottle of water.

“To clean her up,” she said to explain. While Cory opened the water, pouring it on the rag and wiping Kayla with it, Abby took out three more bottles of water, handing one to Blaine, setting one down for herself, and setting one on the floor for Cory to drink.

“I figured we didn’t need any caffeine after all the adrenaline or we’d crash bad,” she told them. Next, she pulled out a small bottle of hand sanitizer to use on anything that needed it, followed by a box of assorted sized bandages. “Just in case,” she said. “I got some snacks too if anyone gets hungry. I’ll leave them in the bag.” She paused a moment then added, “Oh, and I got these cute flip flops,” holding er feet up, showing a set of pink and white sandals.

Blaine actually groaned and said, “Only you…”

She looked at him and said, “What? They’re cute… and I needed something on my tender feet.”

Cory washed Kayla off the best he could. Her hair was still a mess but without pouring water into it, which would get blood all over the want, it was as good as he could get. He cleaned her up under her t-shirt, which was mostly dried up now, and left it on. Her bra was soaked through as well, but he left it was it was and only cleaned the areas he could see without moving or removing it. He figured he would let her clean that part later.

Checking Kayla’s neck again, Cory couldn’t find any trace of the small puncture wound he found earlier.

What the hell, he thought. I know it was here earlier.

“I guess we’re here until morning,” Blaine said hitting the power locks, locking all the doors. “If Kayla’s all right, I’m going to try to get some shut-eye.”

Cory only nodded. Blaine tipped his seat back and closed his eyes.

“Go ahead Abby,” Cory said. “She’s okay as far as I can tell.”

Abby looked at him, an unasked question in her eyes. Cory answered it out loud, saying, “Really. If I didn’t believe it, I’d be doing more.”

She sighed and said, “Okay, but if you or she needs anything, let me know. Wake me.”

“I will,” he promised.

She laid her seat back and closed her eyes as well. Cory shifted on the seat, moving further towards the end until Kayla’s head was in his lap and the rest of her was laying across the seat on her side, knees bent. Taking a finger, he hooked her hair around her ear and down her back so he could see her face and neck. He watched her regular breathing and her face for any signs of distress until he himself fell asleep, lulled by her peaceful appearance.

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