Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 38

Chapter 38
In the morning light, Whitney, Tiana, and their assistant, each toting a laptop, strode into the competition hall–a hive of creativity
and cutthroat ambition.
As they entered, the sleek company vehicle of Skye Gem Ltd. slid to a halt at the entrance. Monica stepped out, her stilettos
clicking a rhythmic challenge to the pavement, followed by the formidable procession of her design entourage. The contrast was
stark; Whitney’s party felt distinctly out of place, almost shabby.
Their gazes met across the charged space, a silent battle in their standoff.
Monica sauntered past Whitney, her eyebrow arching in a slow, condescending smile. “Look who showed up. Best of luck, Sis.
I’m sure you’ll need it to snag first place,” she teased with a voice dripping in lazy sarcasm.
Tiana bristled. “What’s with her snide remarks? And that smug smile–she knows full well your talent. She should be the one
shaking in her boots, the fake.”
Whitney’s frown deepened. Tiana’s words echoed her thoughts. Monica’s confidence was unsettling. Even though Monica might
have pilfered Whitney’s earlier designs, Whitney had brought her A–game with her latest collection, far surpassing her previous
work. Yet Monica appeared utterly unfazed.
Something was amiss.
Tiana’s phone rang abruptly, and she exchanged a few terse words with the person on the other end.
Whitney recognized the voice of Tiana’s fiancé.
“Go,” she urged, “I’ll manage.”
“Of all times for a lunch date. At least Stella is nearby for an ad meeting. Don’t worry about me,” Tiana reassured Whitney before
heading out.
Whitney nodded and, with her assistant in tow, proceeded inside.
Her eyes swept the judges‘ panel, a hint of surprise crossing her face–Ludwik, her notorious rival, was conspicuously absent.
Was he not the head judge?

A flicker of annoyance brushed her thoughts. Why was he not here? He had insinuated a compromising offer just days before,
and now he showed no interest? She had wanted to prove her mettle to him, but perhaps it was for the best. It was better not to
deal with him at all.
The announcement for all contestants to submit their work snapped Whitney back to the present. She handed in her designs and
returned to her seat, only to catch Monica flashing her a cryptic smile.
Whitney’s breath hitched.
What did that smile mean?
She suppressed a rising unease and settled down with her assistant.
When the designs were displayed on the large screen, the room fell into a stunned silence. The crowd was visibly confused.
Whitney’s eyes shot up to the screen, where her work was displayed next to Monica’s–identical in every way. Her assistant’s grip
tightened on her hand in disbelief.
“Whitney, what’s happening? How can your work be...”
Monica stood abruptly, her gaze piercing Whitney with incredulity. “Sis, how come your design is the same as mine?”
Her accusation sent a ripple through the audience, sparking a flurry of speculation about plagiarism. Whitney’s eyes turned to
ice. So that was why Monica had been so calm–she had laid a trap.
Standing up with a thunderous rage, Whitney declared, “That design is my original creation. Monica has stolen
my concept.”

Monica’s face twisted into a mask of martyrdom. Sis, what are you talking about? That’s clearly my design.” The audience and
media watched, rapt with confusion.
The head judge, Aaron, intervened. “We have identical submissions, and one must be a copy. You both claim originality, so
present your digital file metadata as proof.”
Whitney turned to her assistant, who pulled up the file history on her laptop. The assistant’s face went ashen. “Whitney...” she
stammered, pointing to a blank screen.
All their work had vanished.
Whitney clenched her fists, a cold dread sinking in. As she glanced up, she caught Monica smirking triumphantly, her laptop in
hand as she approached the judges.
Understanding dawned on Whitney; she had walked right into Monica’s snare.
Monica presented her ‘evidence‘ to Aaron, who projected the file dates on the screen–October 2nd.
“Now, Whitney.” Aaron turned to her. “Your evidence?”
“I’ve had a technical issue,” Whitney said, her voice like steel. “But Aaron, the concept of that traditional style jewelry is mine. I
can detail the entire creative process to prove it’s my work.”
Skeptical, the judges conferred and agreed to hear her out.
Whitney began to explain down to every detail.
The judges listened carefully while nodding, their faces filled with astonishment.

However, suddenly, Monica cut Whitney off, saying, “Sis, that is my creative process!”
Then, she continued on Whitney’s words, claiming Whitney’s ideas as her own, describing the most intricate details of the
The judges were shocked to their core. Clearly, Monica could also describe the creative process perfectly.
At this moment, Whitney’s eyes turned cold. She finally realized that Monica had not just stolen her design; she had infiltrated
her creative process.
This was more than theft; it was a betrayal,
As Monica played the victim, claiming that Whitney had sought advice and then stolen her concept, Whitney’s heart sank. She
clearly saw the vicious smile in Monica’s eyes.
At this time, Monica smiled bitterly and said, “Sis, please stop finding excuses. You called me last time to ask me for ideas, and I
told you about my design. Never would I have thought you would steal my idea.”
“Enough, Monica. I started brainstorming my design on the 28th of last month, before you!” Whitney’s voice was icy with
contempt. She knew she had to fight tooth and nail to reclaim her work and honor.
Monica took two shaky steps back, her face awash with hurt. “Sis, I let it slide when you took credit for my work in the past. I
know you’re eager to make a quick comeback at the company, but you can’t keep ripping me off like this. After your scandal, you
vanished, ignoring the countless calls Dad and I made. And now, here you are, making a scene in public, plagiarizing and
framing me–this is a new low for the Valentine family. You’ve gone too far!”
Tears streamed down Monica’s cheeks as she laid out Whitney’s transgressions for all to see.
The judges‘ panel was in shock. It was no secret that the Valentine family had recently weathered a scandal involving the eldest
The Valentines had not disowned her, but here was Whitney stirring up trouble, using the competition to plagiarize and set up her
Chapter 38

The media and audience below erupted in chaos. Whitney had already been exposed for stealing her sister’s work to secure her
position as the CEO of Skye Gem before today.
This was a repeat offense!
“Despicable, this woman is vile and manipulative!”

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