Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
The message from Simon read, [I know you wouldn’t come out willingly, so I’ve got leverage. Whitney, I have your grandfather’s
old phone book, the one he had before he passed away. Haven’t you been trying to dig into that accident for years now? Are you
sure you don’t want it?]
Simon knew her too well, and he had found her Achilles‘ heel.
Her mom and grandfather had perished in a horrific accident, or so the story went, according to Preston.
She was too young at the time, and she was studying abroad. Upon her return, she was bluntly informed of their sudden deaths.
After they were gone, it was as if a giant hand had wiped away all traces of their existence.
Whitney had never questioned it before. She just wanted to know what really caused the accident. Back when she and Simon
were an item, she had asked him to track down her grandfather’s assistant and any leads. The phone book was probably what
he had found.
But after being double–crossed by the Valentine family, she started suspecting their involvement in her mother’s and
grandfather’s deaths.
On the day of the funeral, she had searched the Valentine Mansion to no avail; Preston had cleared out all of her mother’s and
grandfather’s belongings.
The phone book could reveal who her grandfather had been in contact with. If she could get her hands on it, it would be her only
Whitney decided to call him back.
Simon’s voice was smug with triumph. “So, Whitney, what have you decided?”
“Where’s the phone book?”
“Come meet me. Agree to my terms, and I’ll hand it over.”
Whitney’s eyes narrowed. With a sly edge to her voice, she spoke, “How do I know the phone book is real? Show me a video of
it now, and then we’ll talk.”

Simon agreed, and about two minutes later, he sent her a video.
Whitney squinted at the footage. Aside from the yellowed pages of the phone book, she recognized the background–the
furniture, the layout–it was his bachelor apartment.
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Armed with the information she needed, Whitney did not hang up in a hurry.
Simon’s voice had a hint of pleasure as he said, “Meet me tomorrow night at Crystaline Bar’s private booth. You come, and I
Whitney agreed. “Fine.”
“Don’t stand me up!” Simon sounded genuinely pleased.
After hanging up, Whitney immediately contacted Tiana. “Tiana, do we have enough time? Did you get his location?”
Indeed, she had coordinated with Tiana before the call, asking her to trace Simon’s location.
“He made the call from his bachelor apartment!”
Whitney nodded, confirming the video was shot in real–time and the phone book was there.
Tiana smirked. “So, what’s your plan?”
The following evening.

Whitney lied to Natalie, saying she would be back before eight.
Her phone buzzed with a Facebook message from L, [What are you up to? Dare ignore my messages?]
Whitney pondered for a moment. He had told her to call him if anything came up. She furrowed her brows, her fingertips
hesitating over the screen before ultimately closing Facebook.
With an indifferent expression, Whitney left for her appointment.
She needed to draw Simon out to make her move easier.
Inside Crystaline Bar’s private booth, Simon stood tall before Whitney, gazing at her with a mysterious intensity.
“Come in and sit down, Whitney.”
Whitney stood her ground near the door, catching a whiff of alcohol on his breath. “What do you want to talk about? Make it
Simon’s eyes roamed over her figure, hidden beneath plain clothes. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with a striking face and
delicate features. She had once been the object of many a young man’s affections in Banyan City, exuding a noble elegance
without a hint of vulgarity. At times, her demeanor was as playful and vibrant as a young girl’s.
She was such a beauty; no man would want to let her go.
“Is the baby really that thug’s?” Maybe it was the dim light, but Simon’s gaze was deep and fervent. Whitney pressed closer to
the door. “That’s not something you should care about, Simon.”

“Why can’t I care? You, your body... It was all supposed to be mine!” He stepped closer.
Whitney clenched her fists, a chill settling in her heart. Her lips curled into a sneer. “In your heart, I can die, but I can’t carry
another man’s child? Is your pride hurt? Are you here because you can’t stand it? How did you weigh your options back then?
You realized I would become a pawn for the Valentine family. You used me to start your business, and after Monica wrapped you
around her finger with her seductions, you dropped me without a second thought. The Valentine family could secure you the
Perlman inheritance, and I was outnumbered, right?”
Her piercing words left Simon’s facade in shambles, his pretenses ripped away. He seized her shoulders. “It wasn’t like that. I still
have you in my heart!”
“Can you ever escape Monica’s seductions?” Whitney taunted him bitterly.
“What right do you have to judge me? You’re nothing but a fallen woman. If so many men can have you, why can’t I?”
His rage shocked Whitney to the core. It took her a moment to regain her composure, staring at him like he had become a
Whitney’s heart trembled with a cold fear. “What do you want, Simon?”
“Forget that lowlife. Come to me. I hate seeing you trade your body for leverage. You were always mine.” His drunken gaze
locked onto her.
Whitney’s laugh was cold. “So you can’t stand to see me with someone else, and now you want me as your secret lover? You’re
despicable, Simon, and drunk to boot!”
Her phone vibrated again, and she glanced at it discreetly. Her expression eased, “Forget it. I don’t want the phone book
anymore. I’m not going to keep you company.”
She made a show of naturally reaching for the door.
Suddenly, with a loud bang, Simon rushed over and slammed the door shut!
Whitney was taken aback, her face cool with alarm. “I’ve already refused you, Simon.”

Chapter 30
“Ha, Simon caressed her shoulder, leaning down to smell her hair. “You think I don’t know how dever you are You might fool
Monica with these games, but I know you too well
Whitney, I know you’re stalling for time. The thief you sent to my place is already being held at the curb having tea with my guys!
Whitney halted abruptly, turning around.
She had enlisted Tiana to hire a local cat burglar, planning to have him sneak into the apartment and steal the phone book while
Simon was out meeting with her.
But she had not counted on Simon being so acutely aware of her tactics. His people had caught the thief red–handed!
“The phone book is back in my possession, and now, I’m not considering any deal with you. You’re not going anywhere tonight
With swift motion, he scooped her up and strode over to the couch inside, proceeding to tie her up.
“What are you doing?” Whitney’s face immediately paled, but she dared not struggle too much for fear of hurting herself. She
was helplessly shoved down.
Simon’s eyes, heavy with intoxication, burned with enthusiasm as he leaned in to tear at her clothes. You forced my hand. I’m
going to have you tonight.”
“You’re insane,” Whitney subtly reached for the sewing kit, but her hand was abruptly caught by his.
Simon sneered, “I know you’re crafty. Don’t even think about pulling any tricks.”
“Let me go, Simon!”
He closed his eyes and pressed his lips onto hers forcefully.
“Stop!” Whitney clutched desperately at her clothing, fear taking over...
With a loud bang! At that moment, the door suddenly burst open.

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