Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Eleven.

The Atlantians upon the world which the Fool had reprieved, were keeping Earth updated by the size of the fleet now around earth’s galaxy, and this had not included the remaining fleets and military left guarding invaded planets and galaxies. Their infiltration was growing, yet they needed extreme care not wanting exposure until they had brought their plans together.

Sadly, it never came as the Fool realised that he had travelled to every country upon Earth and was now walking the very ground upon where his hearts love lived and worked, and still nothing of any relevant had been detected.

He thought, ‘At least I detected for a certainty upon that world where Gresteller kissed me.’ He stopped ‘Dam what is wrong with me, they must be playing with my mind,’ he said, speaking to himself. Then he became angry, audibly speaking aloud, “I allowed that world to live free of invasion, and they manipulated me, that’s the only answer.”

He was in such a rage he immediately had his personal cruiser which had been cloaked and following him in low orbit beam him aboard, and from there he immediately returned to the safety of his fleet.

His second in command greeted him, “Sir we picked up your orders and the fleet are ready.” The Fool looked at his old tutor and friend. “Memtap you have been a loyal servant and friend, and I owe you much, now we go to seek out those who would dare try to manipulate with my mind and make them pay. Come, my friend, we go to prepare for war.”

As the huge fleet left for the Pegasus galaxy each ship’s captain received direct orders, as the Fool wanted to ensure there could be no mistakes, The Atlantians had been using their time wisely and had evacuated millions of citizens, but it was not enough, as time had run out as intelligence informed them of the impending invasion.

They knew this day would arrive, only they had wanted more time, they needed help from their own kind, and they were still too far away. As the Fools fleet arrived, they circled the planet and started beaming troops down in their millions. No violence was enacted upon anyone, but within the very minds of the remaining citizens the Fool could detect fear and that they had been warned.

Realising these were but simple folk, he collectively started reading their minds trying to see who had manipulated them, even the leader’s minds gave the very same results, that it was a life form who lived in their oceans upon the polar region of their planet. Immediately the Fool ordered his entire army to this region and they started searching in force, only coming against vast resistance and seeing thousands of their troops die.

The fighting was intense, and the Fool wanted the leaders alive so he could communicate and gather intelligence. Focusing all of his concentration he focused harder than he had ever before and had his second in command and old friend his tutor assist him. Between them, they started to break down a mental shield which appeared to be surrounding a central area.

As the fighting intensified the Fool could see some of his ships were starting to explode killing thousands in one stroke. This enraged him even more and he forced his mind passed anything he had ever undertaken before, yet the war intensified, and he knew this was it.

This was the very place he had been looking for, never in all of his history had he come against such powerful minds, but he knew he was the stronger and by the sheer volume of numbers alone he had the greater army.

It took an incredible three months and some days before he broke through the mental shield and the death toll had been vast. He ordered his troops to cease fighting and there he and his second in command looked at the devastation around them. He respected strength, and whoever this was, had presented a formidable battle and resisted well, now he was about to face those who thought themselves his superiors.

As he beamed down upon the direct area where his troops had been fighting, to his utter surprise he saw only his dead warriors, it was then a voice spoke within his mind. “Your strength is formidable, even I the leader of my kind upon this planet could not hold any longer against you, you have killed me and I am already dying, why…, why would you…,” but he stumbled to the floor exhausted.

The Fool looked in stunned silence as he realised he had been fighting but one mind, as he looked deeply into the dyeing human looking alien before him he saw his last thoughts, Earth was his home and there were others of his kind there, less powerful than he, but none the less they were there and he now knew where to find them.

As the Atlantean stopped breathing he lay upon the floor and the Fool saw death all around him, he had lost over a million of his troops as they fought each other thinking they were fighting the enemy, while troops upon his ships sabotaged their own vessels, killing thousands in one stroke. Never before had he come against a single mind like this.

The very fact that this had been the leader of his kind comforted him, he had beaten him and those remaining although strong would be no match for him, and with that thought, he regrouped his fleet and started to return towards Earth galaxy with the full intention of a full-blown invasion. Only unknown to him his mother whose mind he had manipulated and warned any who threatened earth regardless of who they were was to be terminated.

Three months earlier word had reached his mother, that her son was approaching the Milky-way Galaxy and had a massive fleet with an intent of invading earth. The Queen had ordered her entire planetary fleet and those upon other worlds to prepare for war as Earth was under immediate threat. As the massive fleet gathered in number the Queen took her seven handmaidens with her and boarded the Flag Ship leading her fleet to come to earth’s aid.

She had been aware of her son’s actions against her, as he had deliberately implanted the thought of his actions to torment her and stripping her of her dignity. She wanted revenge and this was the only weapon open to her. Her son had ordered his entire fleet that earth was not to be harmed and regardless of who it was they were to be terminated, he had also ensured this order could not be negated, such was his love for Gresteller.

As the Fools fleet entered the Milky-way galaxy, he was receiving reports that his mother was attacking with an equally vast fleet, he tried communicating only to discover his efforts were in vain, as there was an equally powerful mind force blocking him. So, determining to defeat this, he ordered his fleet to intercept his mother’s fleet and destroy them, while he in the Flag Ship carried forward to earth.

He beamed his small contingent of troops and those whose minds were the most powerful within his fleet, into the Everest Station, and they entered the central control area, only to be greeted by Simon Barret. “Welcome your Royal Highness we have been expecting your visit with anticipation. As he was speaking seven females were suddenly beamed to Simon’s side.

The Fool instantly recognized them as been his mother’s handmaidens. “You…, you are the slaves from…,” But his words were cut short as his mind was enveloped in a blanket of unbreakable energy. Suddenly above him the war was over as the Queen ordered her fleet to return, in her mind, it was over, The Fools fleet did the same as each individual received direct orders, stating the war was over, and that the Pegasus Galaxy and Earths galaxy were now off bounds forever.

They were ordered to follow the queen’s orders and no other, and at that they stopped the fighting and returned, withdrawing as they did from all those planets and moons and galactic systems they had conquered and returned to their home world. The fool was the only one left, as even his most trusted minds were beamed aboard the Flag Ship all but the second in command.

As he sank to one knee, he lowered his head in respect, “My Lord I present to you his Royal Highness, the Harlequin Fool as named by his father.”

“You served us well Peter, it was not an easy assignment to be a mere tutor and later the second in command with one as powerful as he, we commend you and honour you for completing your mission, your family have missed you and await your return,” stated Simon.

He then turned and humbled himself before the seven handmaidens, “I most humbly thank our Queen for allowing you to visit us here upon Earth, please convey how grateful we are and assure her all is under control, only I am saddened to report that Alttarick died, giving his life to gather us more time for your arrival.”

“No Simon he is not dead, we arrived in time to reinforce his mind while we left their home world, we united our minds with Alttarick’s and gave the impression he died, it was us who overpowered the Harlequins mind and presented him to you here as he is now,” came their collective reply.

Simon smiled at the knowledge his old friend still lived, “What has the Queen ordered to be done with his Royal Prince” inquired Simon. “We will deal with his mind, and you may continue with our assigned duties and protect the earth as we have always done,” came the reply.

The Fool awoke and turned to see Gresteller by his side, and in his mind, they had married and always been in love, he was a humble sand dweller upon his mother’s planet, He had chosen this lifestyle rather than die, and he was happy, never had he been so content, as was Gresteller, as she had found the person she truly loved. Nor had he realised the very people he now lived among and worked with, were actually true Royal Blooded Atlantians, and who had had been watching over his development since a child.

Yet unknown to the Atlantians the Fool had foreseen these events and sectioned his mind, and making it look as if he had been defeated, for now, he was with the person he loved, and in a position to gain vital intelligence and start the long process of slowly manipulating the minds of the Atlantean leaders.

The End.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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