Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 68: 68 Revenge


- the act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you


In our table, I was just studying Nick and Mrs. Devaloines' movements but I couldn't tell if they are together or not cos they aren't really that sweet. Nick was just sitting next to her while looking at the other guests with a drink on his hand. I feel like I'm going to explode any time soon cos I'm sharing a table with Nick.

All of a sudden, the female wedding singer who was on stage started singing Can't Help Falling In Love while everyone was starting to gather up the dance floor. That song, I remember that song. It was what Nick sang to me while we slow danced on our first New Year's Day together. I smiled on that thought and as I move my head to him, he was already looking at me.

"Wanna dance baby cakes?" Kurt asked me.

"I would love to." I say as I gazed at Nick.

Kurt offered me a hand and I accepted it. He leads me to the dance floor and he slowly positions his hands around my waist and I placed my hands over his shoulders. I gaze at Nick, he's staring at me while I'm in the arm of another man. But then I looked away when he saw me looking at him.

"I'm glad you asked me to dance." I tell Kurt.

"I love this song, that's why." He says.

"Me too."

I swayed along the music while Kurt was leading our movement. He spins me around and spins me some more then catches me again that made me smile cos he's just cute.

"You're making me dizzy." I say.

He chuckles. "Sorry. I'm eyeing on that cute guy over there."

I looked over my shoulder then laughed softly. "And you're using me to get his attention?"

"Yes. But he's staring at you, so I'm thinking he's straight."

"You are so crazy."

My eyes moved back to our table, when I saw a very sophisticated woman who sat down right next to Nick's other side and she was so close to him too! He locked his eyes at her while they were talking. She's smiling while she was fixing Nick's tie. He didn't seem to move away from her but he just continues talking. She wasn't there before, where on earth did she come from? I looked away when Nick's head was moving back to us. I covered my eyes behind Kurt's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked.

I nod. "After this wedding, can we tour around Las Vegas?"

"Sure. I know all the good pubs. You feel like celebrating?"

"Yeah. Let's get wasted together."

He laughs. "Alright. Please don't let me flirt with other men. I don't want my students to caught me that'll be a great scandal."

I smirked.

I moved my head back to the table, and this time, the lady was whispering to Nick's ear. Like what the actual fuck. They are obviously flirting to each other! And even though I have no right to get mad anymore, I still can't help it. How could Nick be like this? He was never like this. He wasn't such a flirty guy.

"Kurt?" I called out.

"Yeah baby cakes?"

I looked into his eyes and he looks back at me. "Kiss me."

Kurt's eyes widened. "What?"

"Kiss me. Kiss me on my lips. Now."

His brows are creasing. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Please. I'm just... I need to do this cos--"

"Cos of that Nick guy over there? That was him, wasn't it? From your past?"

I paused for a while and nodded slowly. Kurt sighs and held my chin up so I could face him. I gazed at Nick from the corner of my eyes, and I see him looking at us now.

"Is he looking?" Kurt asked.

I nod.

"You owe me big time for this Savannah. And I hope you have a mint." He jokes.

I smiled. "You're overacting."

Kurt smiles.

Slowly, I already feel Kurt leaning forward to me. He puckered his lips before he planted a kiss on my lips. Both of us closed our eyes synchronize as I feel my lips opening the second he dips his lips deeper into my mouth. We kissed for a little more then I finally feel him pulling away from me.

"That was so disgusting." He playfully mocks.

I smiled at him. "You're a great kisser."

He laughs. "I know I am baby cakes."

Kurt sways around thirty degrees that made me have a good view of Nick. His eyes are now looking at us and never leaves anymore while the woman next to him was still busy talking. I'm sure he's not paying attention to her anymore cos of what he saw. But, did it really bother him? I tried to look away as I feel the pangs of pain in my chest growing now.

"Did he see it?" Kurt asked.

"I'm sure he does. He's not looking away anymore."

"He does realize what he lost now, that's why he can't speak to you."

I smiled at Kurt. "I hope you're straight Kurt. I would want to date you."

"Baby cakes, you can't date your teacher."

I laughed and just pinched the tip of his nose while he joined me laughing.

Kurt and I finished the whole song and I noticed that there were only a few people left dancing on the dance floor. Once we were about to go back to the table, we were stopped by Nick. He stood before us while he eyes at Kurt.

"Can I dance with her?" Nick blocked us.

Kurt and I stopped then glanced at each other as I take a grip tight on Kurt's sleeve. My heart is getting heavy right away. I don't wanna dance with him but then at the same time, I want too. "Sure, man." Kurt said. "I'll be waiting on the table baby cakes."

I smiled at Kurt as I watch him walk back to the table. Nick walks closer and extended his huge hand to me. I looked into his eyes for a while before finally accepting it. My hand on his hand is making my armpits sweat. Like it's as if it was the first time I ever held it. He placed my arm over his shoulder while he holds out my other hand to the side and his other hand was grasping around my waist. Gently and carefully. We stand a little bit far from each other, awkward was in the space between us. There weren't a lot of other people that's left dancing now. It was just me and two others.

His eyes are looking at me but I'm looking down at his chest cos I don't want to look at him. He's wearing a three piece suit and how I badly want to tell him that it looks good on him but then I remember all the things he did to me. I feel my heart beating even faster as we dance along this sensual piano piece called Kiss The Rain which makes my heart ache even more.

"You look beautiful today." He says whisperingly.

I took a deep breath in and tried to calm myself down. I tried to act as impassive as I can. I tried to copy his blank expression all the time. I tried my hardest not to say anything to him cos I don't want to hurt myself anymore.

"I still regret it." He says.

I bite my inner cheek as I kept my eyes close, avoiding not to cry.

"I guess right now you're only a stranger with all of my secrets." He added.

"Let's just dance Nick. Don't talk." I spit as I open my eyes again.

"Savannah, I'm really sorry."

I pulled my head up to him and looked back into his eyes. "It's been a year Nick."

"Get over it." I spit.

"Have you gotten over it?"

"It wasn't hard to do, was it?" I asked him back.

He looked away and just pulled me in closer to his body. My heart is beating loud cos I smell his musky scent on his neck, the same familiar scent that I love the most. His huge hand is now placed on the bottom of my spine while his cheek was pressed against my temple. We're too close and it makes me want to cry again cos after a year, we get to see each other again and become this close like nothing happened to us. We just danced quietly until the song came to an end. We still swayed a little more even when the music was already ending and another slow song was starting to play.

"I still love you." He whispers to my ear.

My heart dropped all of a sudden as he pulled himself away from me. He leads me back to the table while I was holding back my tears from falling. Kurt looks at me and he knows I was going to cry any minute now. He stands on his feet right away and takes his blazer off of him then he walked towards me and placed it over my shoulders. Kurt squeezed my arm gently and I looked up at him, as I smile to tell him that I'm okay.

"Wanna go now?" He whispered.

I didn't answer.

"If we stay behind any longer, you'll really end up crying." He says to me while Nick was walking back to his seat.

He wipes my tears and I didn't even notice that I was already crying. I just nod at Kurt. Both of us faced the other guests on our table while Kurt was placing his hand around my waist. Nick was looking at Kurt's arm that was around me but I pulled myself closer to Kurt to make Nick even more jealous.

"I think we really have to get going now. My date still has an early flight back home tomorrow." Kurt says to everyone.

We bid goodbye to all the guests on our table but I didn't even dared to look at Nick because I couldn't take another glance at him. The feelings of furiously mad but missing him so much is mixing up inside my system and it's just so confusing. Kurt and I left the table while I remained silent until I got into his car.

"You okay?" Kurt asked.

I nod. "Yes."

He exhales. "What happened back there?"

I remained silent then shake my head.

"Still wanna go to the pub?" He asked.

"Yes. But I need to change. My dress doesn't fit to be in a pub."

Kurt laughs. "There's the Savannah that I know. We still have time to have dinner."

I smiled.


Later that night, I wore this black tight dress with a leather jacket over it and a pair of black killer heels that I bought in New York the day before I came here in Vegas. Kurt was waiting for me, we were in one room and since I'm comfortable with him around and he feels the same way since he's gay, then there's no problem about sharing one room.

"Savannah I need to use the bathroom. Hurry up in there." I hear Kurt.

I opened the door for him then fixed my earrings again. "Could you zip up my dress for me Kurt?"

Kurt stands behind me and does it.

"You look very handsome." I say as I stare at our reflection.

"Oh baby cakes I know I'm gorgeous."

I laugh and turned to face him. "Sorry about the kiss a while ago."

"Oh it's okay. You're lucky I look like a guy or else your plan won't work."

I laugh softly. Kurt grabbed his perfume and sprayed a small amount on him. Gosh, if he wasn't only gay I could hook him up with my friends.

"Let's go?" He asked.

"Alright." I say.

But the words I still love you were echoing and bothering me the entire time even if I try not to think about it.

Both of us headed out of the hotel room and walked out to his car. It was just eleven in the evening, I needed to get out and enjoy the night. When we finally reached this pub, Kurt pulled up his car. "There are tons of hot men in here." He says as he fixed his hair.

I smiled. "Straight?"

"Any kinds of men. Don't worry, if someone is flirting on you, I can tell right away if he's bi so just calm your pussy down before getting some tonight."

"Kurt!" I laughed.

"Let's go." He says.

Both of us headed out of the car and trutted out stuff inside the pub. It was insanely huge and people were filling up the place coming out from God ows where. It was full and there lots of sexy women dancing on the floor. Kurt holds my hand as we walk through the sea of drunk people until we reached a vacant table. We sat down while a waiter was taking our cocktails. I could tell Kurt was flirting on him but he wasn't really getting too much obvious.

As the night goes by, I finished my second glass of drink while I was still on this table talking with Kurt.

"And since when have you such been a drinker?" Kurt arched his eyebrow.

"Since I got to college."

"Your new friends are bad influence to you. Did Nick teach you to drink?"

"Kurt of course not. He's even mad when I drink or get drunk."

He nods. "Hey look over behind you, that guy keeps eyeing on you. I should say me but I'm sure it's you."

I looked over my shoulder and he was really looking at me. "Not my type." I say.

Kurt laughs. "I knew he couldn't pass your standards. How about you and I dance? I feel like dancing."

"Oh please don't dance so gay-ly."

He laughs again and stands on his feet while grabbing my hand. "Trust me. I know some manly dance moves."

Kurt and I headed to the dance floor and we started facing each other. I glanced at the other women who were staring at Kurt. I placed my hands over Kurt's neck as I start moving my hips while his hands were holding it. I know he's my teacher and I know I have been having issues in NYU about my relationship with Kurt but this isn't school grounds.

"Where did you know those moves?" He asked me.

I smiled. "I've went to a couple of frat parties last year."

Kurt laughs but then it fades away as his eyes darted at something from behind me.

"What's wrong Kurt?" I asked.

"You wouldn't want to see it."

I turned my head around and saw Nick kissing that girl from the wedding reception a while ago. He seems to enjoy much of her company. He's smiling and his hands were around her hips.

"Why in the world is he here?" I asked.

I turned my head to Kurt again. "We can transfer to another pub if you want."

I shake my head.

"No. I wanna show him that I'm over him and you've gotta help me."

He groans. "Again?"

"Please Kurt." I begged.

"Oh for the love of revenge." Kurt says.

"You're the best."

Kurt pulled his head up looked over at Nick's table. "He noticed me."

Kurt quickly pulled my body closer to him as I feel his hands on my butt. He's groping my ass. He's taking a handful of my ass but I wasn't conscious about it, I'm more curious of how Nick is reacting.

"Ew I am holding your fucking ass Savannah. You owe me for this one. Big time." Kurt hissed.

I smiled.

"Is he looking?" I asked.

"Damn right, he's fucking looking."

Kurt bends closer to my ears as he pushed my hair away from my cheeks. "Now get your ass grinding on my crotch baby. We're in a pub, we're no longer at the wedding reception."

I smiled.

That was so sexy if Kurt was only straight.

I turned around and faced my back on Kurt. Now I'm facing Nick but I didn't really look at him. I was looking at another direction while I was grinding my ass on Kurt's crotch. My hips swaying around while my hands were up to the ceiling. Kurt's hands are rubbing on my inner thighs while I was getting on the mood of sexy dancing. I take a glance at Nick's table but I wasn't making it look obvious and his eyes are still


I smirked.

That's it Nick, get jealous.


Love Actually - Cady Groves

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