Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 65: 65 Abditory


- a place in which you can disappear: a hiding place


Another semester comes in a new university I am in. I don't know how to adjust to the people in this institution but since I need to get away from WSU to forget everything about Nick, I'm sure NYU is a great place. I haven't heard from Nick since then and I just hate him to the bones but I still end up missing him so bad. No matter how hard I say that I don't want to see him anymore, I always end up crying about him at night.

Im so mad at him too cos of what my dad told me. He said he offered Nick money before to stay away from me, dad admitted it to me before I could find out about it from another person and I'm so sure Nick said no to it. But to my surprise, he said Nick accepted the money. He said Nick agreed to it and he knows that Nick is avoiding me. I'm so mad at Nick but I still love him after all he did and I hate myself for loving him.

Dad bought me my own apartment here in New York which was just close by NYU and I told him I wanted to live alone and not in a dormitory cos I have learned my lesson. My own apartment was amazing and I'm happy my parents allowed me to live alone on my own. I tried my hardest persuading them that I can do it on my own now. And since I passed my license a month ago, he bought me a car too, it was a white Volvo XC90.

Since my own father had connections in this institution and other huge publishing companies, he said I could have my internship later this semester then I'll be off taking a few classes while I'm having my internship. That will be amazing cos I'll graduate as soon as possible if I pass my classes. My mom and dad believes in me so much. Dad always had laid out plans for me and even though I hate it that he's helping me cos he's backing me up, I need to grab this opportunity cos I wanna forget about Nick like how he seemed to forget about me so easily.

I parked my car and grabbed my workbooks as I headed inside the institution. I looked over the university map that the school staff handed me before so I wold know where I need to go and I won't get lost. My mind set was all for graduating fast. I told myself I didn't want to get involve with any fraternities in here or any other men. I wanted it to be me and my studies and nobody and nothing else anymore. "Excuse me? Perhaps you know where this room is?" I asked the female student.

"Oh yeah. That way then take a turn right then take the stairs and then first room on the left." She says.

"Thank you." I said.

I followed her instructions and I finally found me room. I entered and marched my way to the middle seat that was available. I placed my stuff down and I was sitting right next to this tall guy with a tousled brown hair with green eyes. He's a looker and he chews a gum that makes his jawline even more sharp looking. I blamed myself for sitting down next to this handsome guy cos he's one of the distractions I'm avoiding. If he only doesn't recognize that I even exist then my game plan is perfect until I finish here.

The teacher walks inside and my eyes just widened out from my sockets. I literally was shocked to see him. He stands before the entire class and he has gotten even manlier and really handsome. He was wearing a white polo that was tucked inside his black skinny jeans paired with his shiny black leather shoes. He looks at us and I'm sure he spotted me cos his eyebrows shoot up.

"Good morning everyone." He says.

He moved his eyes to me. "I'm Prof. Kingsgrove and I'm your subject teacher for this semester and it's a pleasure to see new faces."

I smiled.

I noticed that all of the other girls were giggly and smiling so happily as they stare at Prof. Kingsgrove. Now I know why most of the students in this class are women cos they know it was a handsomely hot teacher and I bet they still don't know that Kurt is super gay. I chuckled to myself as he starts talking.

When the class was done, I intentionally waited for everyone to leave the room and I ran towards Kurt right away when we were alone and I hugged him. He did the same thing too.

"I missed you so bad!!" I exclaimed.

He laughs. "I missed you too baby cakes!"

I pulled myself away and stared at his eyes. Every time I see him, I always tells myself why Kurt had to be gay. He's too good looking to be gay. "They don't know you're gay huh?"

He smiles at me. "Shhh. You're the only one who knows I'm super gay in here."

I laughed. "I missed you Kurt. And I'm so happy to see you again."

"Same here. And I thought you were in WSU? Why are you here?" He arched an eyebrow at me.

I sigh. "Oh it's a long story. My dad wanted this for me and since the offer was good and I also needed to get away from WSU cos of something that I needed to forget about. That's why I came here." He laughs. "Is it about Channing?"

I shake my head.

"No. I'm so over him and you know that. It's about this new guy and... I don't want to talk about him."

"Just tell me his name." Kurt says.

"Nick." I sigh.

Kurt grabs my hand. "Hmm. Wanna have lunch together baby cakes?"

I nod. "Yes. And please tell me it's your treat this time cos last time we had dinner together I was the one who paid for it cos you left your wallet."

He laughs. "Don't worry. I have my wallet with me now. Let's go."

Both of us headed out of the room and I didn't really care how people would say about what they're seeing but I know Kurt's real gender and he's my best friend so I don't really care about them. "I have a car with me. Where we gonna meet up?" I asked.

"Oh I'll drive you there. We'll take my car. You have to tell me about this Nick guy. You need to talk it out while we're on our way to the restaurant."

I smiled.

Both of us headed to the parking lot and I got into his car while all female eyes were on me. I climbed inside the passenger seat and Kurt climbs inside the driver's seat.

"You have lots of college women adoring you here." I say.

"Yeah. It gets freaky sometimes cos there are other students who pushes their breasts on me and Im like mentally saying get off of me sister. But you know, since they see me as I guy, I act like I like it." I laugh. "Oh I wanna see that so bad. I'm sure you're in agony when boobs are rubbed against you."

He laughs.

"Now tell me all about this Nick."

The entire drive was all about Nick. I told Kurt about everything and he even stopped the car cos I was telling me about what happened to me and Nick. He hugged me tight and I was just holding onto his shoulders while I cry. When I was done with my drama, he finally continued driving again. We reached this fancy restaurant that was a little bit far from NYU and we sat down on one table. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked Kurt as we eat this pasta he ordered for me.

"No. I'm single. I need to stay single cos if I get caught being with a man, my reputation in school will down grade. I'm one of the best professors Savannah. I need to have a clean reputation." I smirked. "Well when was the last time you had se--"

"Oh no no no. Please don't ask cos I know what you're going to ask baby cakes. No. Hell no. I ain't answering that."

I laughed.

"You know Kurt, people can really get deceived about your sexuality cos your voice is super deep and you obviously look manly enough to be gay. Look at those muscles. You're not like those homos who tries to speak and dress like women." I say.

"Because I like it better this way. I don't really want to act all total gay cos you know how I was bullied cos of it and I have a reputation now." He speaks.

I wanted to tell him about Billy but then I'm sure Billy will be mad about it. We continued having lunch together and just talked about how he was doing all these years. I didn't expect Kurt would become a college teacher though he qualifies for the spot since he's ridiculously intelligent.

"Whenever I have a totally handsome student, I try my hardest to control myself. For example, that handsome guy who was next to you." He speaks.

"That green eyed guy?" I asked.

"Holy shit he has green eyes?"

I nod.

"I didn't know. That is totally hot. Anyways, as I was saying, that guy next to you a while ago in my class was Damon Dennison. The hottest guy I have ever seen in all years of my teaching." I laughed. "He is hot."

"Sad to say he's straight like super straight. Straighter than a ruler."

I laughed again at what he said.

"I was in hopes he could be bi cos he hasn't been in a relationship. But he's not." Kurt pouts. "Which gave me an idea, how about you and Damon hang out? You look like you make a good couple." "Kurt, I just got off from the craziest relationship I have ever been to and I don't want another one."

"Got off? You never broke up with Nick baby cakes. He left y-- ... Sorry."

I smiled ruefully. "It's okay. It's true anyways. He left me."

"Ugh. He's a dick. Don't think about him anymore. Guys can be really hard to read sometimes. They're there one day and then leaves you then comes back when they only miss you to make sure you're still there waiting for them."

I nod as I twirl my straw around my drink. I seriously miss Nick so bad. He's gone for seven months now, New Year's Day was the last time I saw him and I don't know where in hell he is after that. He said he won't leave me. He said he wasn't going anywhere. I don't know where I can find him. I have stopped texting or calling him two months ago cos if he misses me, he'll text or call but nothing from him.

"Baby cakes you're thinking about him again." Kurt says to me.

"I just miss him even though I hated him for leaving me like this."

Kurt pulled himself up and sat down on the chair next to me. He quickly wrapped his arms around me. "He doesn't deserve you Savannah."

That night, I stayed in my apartment cos I was busy putting up curtains and other home decors that I have bought a while ago. I haven't studied yet since it was still the first day so I think it was a perfect night to set up and beautify my place. The apartment was a perfect one for me cos it was already fully furnished and everything I need was already here plus it has a 24/7 security inside. I don't know anyone in here yet but I sure do hope I get to know someone.

I headed to my door and walked out of my apartment and in full coincidence the door from across me opens at the same time. My eyes widened when he met my gaze. It was Damon. The guy sitting down next to me was my neighbor next door. He looks at me and I'm sure he recognizes who I am.

"Hey." He speaks.

I smiled. "Hey."

"I think we have the same class, right? I'm sure about it." His eyes narrowing.

"Yeah." I snapped. "Kurt-- I mean Professor Kingsgrove's class."

He nods. "Right. It's good to see someone I know in here. I didn't want to be alone. I'm Damon by the way."

I smiled as he walks closer to me while extending his hand out for a handshake. I accepted it anyways. "I'm Savannah."

He smiled. "Beautiful name. Umm, are you out to grab something?" He asked.

"Dinner." I say.

"Me too. Uhh.. Well, wanna go grab dinner together?" He offered.

I paused and stared at him. He looks harmless. "Sure."

Both of us headed to the apartment's basement parking. "I have my car with me." I say.

"Oh please, let me do the driving. I wouldn't want to be such an ass to you in our first dinner."

I smiled.

"I'll drive. I don't want a very beautiful girl like you to be driving around New York lonely. It's very unmanly. " He says with a smile.

I smiled at him. "Okay." I agreed.

We walked to where his... Oh my god. His car was a sleek black Audi R8 with amazing rims. He opened the passenger seat door for me and I hopped inside then so did he. Finally we left the basement parking then started driving on the streets of New York.

"So, where to?" He asked.

"Do you like Chinese?" I asked back.

"That'll be amazing. Let's have Chinese then." he agrees.

When we arrived in this small Chinatown in New York, we hurriedly got inside a Chinese restaurant and started ordering up for us. Damon was nice though he was quite mysterious at first in class a while ago but he turns out to be really kind.

"I'm having my internship later this semester." He blurted.

"Same here! But I still don't know where I'm taking mine." I answered.

"I'm going to this publishing company just around here that my dad recommended to me. You want me to help you up?"

I smiled. "My dad has other plans for me for sure. Thanks for the offer."

He smiles.

All of a sudden my phone beeps up. I quickly picked it up cos I'm sure it's either mom checking up on me how is New York or it's either Cameron asking me if I'm staying away from frat men. He's seriously always been warning me about frat men ever since then.

Frat men...

I sigh inwardly at the thought of it.

New Message from Nick...

I felt my world stopped when I read his name on my screen and my heart beat is accelerating faster than normal inside my chest. My hands is shaking and I even accidentally dropped my fork.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked while he picked up the fork that fell on the ground.

I nod. "Yah. Fine."

He asked for another fork for me while I was contemplating on opening Nick's message. I stare at his name and I feel my tears gathering into my eyes but I'm holding it back. I can't cry here. I can't cry in front

of Damon. I don't want to cry anymore because of Nick.

How are you? - Nick


Breathe Again - Sara Bareilles

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