Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 48: 48 Twitterpad



Origin: English


"Why are we here?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

He just smiled at me. My brows creasing by his response. I'm confused and I'm scared. It's not that I don't trust him but what in hell are we doing here? We stepped out of the car and I noticed that he had a gol club on his hand. My eyes widened. Shit, is he going to fight someone in here? Why did he bring me here? Is he looking for trouble?

"Are you going to break someone's windows in here?" I ask.

He gazes at his golf club and laughs. "No. I hope you know how to play golf."


There is a golf course here?

He just grabbed my hand while he was carrying the packs of beer on the other hand along with the golf club. I trust Aries but I just don't know what exactly were we gonna do around here. We headed right inside the building then got into an elevator. My heart was actually thumping inside my chest for some reason but I'm still going with him anyways.

When the elevator opens, I noticed that we reached the last floor of the building, which lead us to the rooftop. There was a couch under a shade of the roof and a box of golf balls too.

"You live here?" I ask.

He chuckles. "No."

"Then who?"

"My dad owns this apartment and this entire rooftop is mine. No one's allowed to come here but me. This is my favorite place." He answered.

He leads me close to the edge of the building and it was insanely windy. I kept pushing my hair back behind my ears.

"You see that?" He points.

I gasp.

"It's a port." I say.

I look at the entirety of the view and it was astoundingly beautiful at a time like this. "Oh my gosh Aries this place is totally awesome!"

"I know right?"

"I mean the lights from the city and the port plus you can see that lighting bridge from afar. Over there! Wow."

"That's why it's my favorite place. It's so peaceful here."

I smiled. "It's the place where you hide from your women, isn't it?"

He laughs.

"You don't need to answer that." I say.

He just smiles at me.

I smile back as I take a longer time in admiring the view. It was undeniably a sight to watch at night. It's a place where you can hide from people who you want to hide from. Nick includes that. I don't know why feel the need to hide from him sometimes, but I hurt do. Aries walks away from me and I just kept looking over at the city lights that was before me. The last time I saw city lights was that time when I confessed to Nick. I sigh inwardly as I remember that day. It was one of the biggest highlights in my life.

All of a sudden a music started playing and I looked over to my shoulder to find Aries walking back to me and handed me a can of beer.

"Tell me if you don't want to drink anymore, I wouldn't want you get drunk on a school night." He says.

I accepted the beer. "Thanks."

He stands next to me while holding his can of beer on his hand. We sat down on the edge but we were careful enough not to fall to the edge. "Do you usually come here?" I ask.

"Sometimes. Not much as before."

I take a long drink from my beer.

"Savannah what's up with you and Nick?"

I almost choked on my beer but I tried to fake it that I wasn't shocked by what he asked me. Did he notice something?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"That night. At that party."


"I know something's up with you and Nick. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much?" He asked me.

I faked a laugh. "Nothing is up with me and Nick."

I gazed at him. "Nick's a total ass most of the times and he doesn't really care about people around him."

I looked straight ahead. "Nothing's up with me and Nick." I repeated.

He stares at me for a while.

"Let's play golf." He snaps

He pulls me back to the couch and grabbed the golf club then a few balls. He lets me stand on this mini box while placing the golf ball down. He grabs my can and handed me the golf club.

"Here." He says.

I accepted it.

"You know how to play right?" He asks.

I nod.

"Hit it hard like it's that thing that is making you sad. You can scream too. No one's gonna give a fuck." He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He nods vigorously.

I positioned myself as if I was a pro golfer then I take a grip on the golf club. I didn't care where this will hit but I want to try it. I swing back my arm and once I hit the ball as hard as I can, I screamed as loud as could too. Aries was laughing and clapping.

"That's more like it." He cheers for me while he was handing me my beer.

I take a long drink from it and he placed another golf ball down.

"Again." He says.

"Your turn." I said.

"Okay. Step aside for the pro."

I laughed as I step down from the mini box. I held his can of beer for him while he starts to hit the ball. He hit it much force than I could and he screamed as well. It was fun. I could let go of my sadness like this I could vent my anger out.

"This is for the guys out there who just fucks!!" I yelled then hit the ball.

Aries laughs louder. "For me?"

I laughed with him. "You belong on that category too."

We took turns on playing it until we were on our second can of beer. I was getting tipsy but I was still enjoying too much. We ran out of golf balls and my arms feel sore. As a new song starts playing on the stereo, I quickly paused and turned to Aries.

Uh huh life's like this

Uh huh uh huh that's the way it is

"Oh shit I love this song." I say.

"Me too! We should sing it. Cmon."

He drags me to the edge of the rooftop while we were blasting the music loudly, this was my jam tonight. We raised our hands up to the sky while swaying like drunk people on top of this rooftop.

"I like you the way you are when we're driving in your car and you're talking to me one on one but you've become!!" I screamed while I was singing out loud. I think I'm out of tune but I don't care. I was singing i for Nick, as if he was around here and listening to my breaking heart singing.

"Somebody else 'round everyone else you're watching you're back like you can't relax." Aries is now singing too. He's drunk but not too drunk. He's not much of a great singer and I was laughing at how he sucked at singing.

"Tell me!!" Aries and I screamed together.

We laughed then toon a deep breath in.

"Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated." I sang my heart out with Aries.

This song was for me.

This song was fitted for me and Nick and what we have.

What we have is complicated.

Fucked up.

Screwed up.

Totally complicated.

My tears are filling my eyes but I just shut it, hoping it won't fall down my cheeks. I'm still singing so badly. My voice is crooked but I'm still singing. I'm still letting it all out. I didn't care if Aries was here cos he's doing the same thing as I am, though he's not hurting. He's just doing this for fun.

When the song came to an end, I finished my second can of beer. I don't know when have I been such a drinker, but alcohols do make you feel at least you can forget your problems just for one night and even though I know tomorrow, the pain will still be there, at least even for the meantime I can forget about the pain.

We crashed to the couch and we were both panting from all that dancing, singing and screaming. It was fun. It was what I need. Another Avril Lavigne song plays and I'm just staring at the sky.

When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone the pieces of my heart are missing you

I exhale.

All of a sudden Aries was wiping something from my face. I look at him.

"You're crying." He says.

I slightly gasp. "I am?"

I quickly wiped my tears.

"Why? Are you okay angel?" He asked.

I smile. "Yeah."

He pulls himself up and pulled me up as well. He pushes my hair behind my ear.

"Who's making you cry?" He ask.

Nick Wilde

"Nobody." I say.

"Are you going insane? You're crying without any reason?" He asked.

I laughed.

"Can you drive me back home now? I think I've had too much beer already." I say.

He nods. "Okay. Let's go."

He turned off the music and both of us headed out of the rooftop while he was helping me down the stairs and on the elevator. When we got inside the car, I went totally quiet. I was still thinking about Nick. I didn't even notice that I already arrived right outside the dorm. Aries opens the door for me and helped me out the car.

"Thanks for tonight." I say.

"We had too much fun it's almost two in the morning." He blurted.

I laugh softly. "Oh god right."

I pulled my head up to Aries and his head was looking down at me. I smiled at him.

"Savannah. Can I kiss you?" He asks.

My eyes widened.

"I wanna kiss you with no dares involve. It's okay if you won't let me." He added.

All of a sudden I nodded. I don't know why I'm letting him kiss me but I would want to be kissed by Aries. Maybe because I think that I need to kiss some other guy just to prove to myself that I could feel what I feel when I kiss Nick.

"It's just a kiss." I say.

He slowly cups my neck with his right hand and I was grasping into his black leather jacket. He leans over to me and I feel his lips touching my lips while I was closing my eyes. No matter how I try to make it feel like sparks are flying just like how I kiss Nick every time, but I just feel nothing when Aries kisses me.

The beer is taking over my body. My heart is telling me no but my head is telling me it's okay to kiss Aries. It's okay to kiss someone else. Nick doesn't own me. Nick doesn't have a ground on me. He doesn't own me even though he owns me physically and mentally.

I feel Aries' tongue entering my mouth and I was fighting back my tongue with his. We kissed for a while until I feel him pulling me closer to his body. Our heads were moving in the same pace and his lips were good at kissing too but Nick was the best.


I pulled myself away from Aries and my eyes widened the moment I saw Nick standing right behind Aries a few steps away from where we were. Nick is here. Nick is seriously here. He just went out the ladies dormitory. He's standing by the doorway. His brows are creasing.

Holy hell he saw it.

He saw me kissing Aries.

Nick starts walking towards us and got inside his car. He speed off without saying a word or anything to us and Aries looked confused too. My heart is beating fast. Why didn't I notice that there was a car next to Aries'? Damn it. Why do I feel like I did something wrong?

I hurt Nick.

Did it hurt him? God this is fucked up.

"Goodnight Aries. Thanks again." I say as I march my way to the dorm.

My phone is starting to ring.

Nick calling...


More Than You'll Ever Know - Nathan Sykes☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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