Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 19

Chapter 0019
“I’m screwed!”
That was the only thing she could think of, and she closed her eyes instinctively.
She did not fall to the ground and bleed all over like she had expected to. As she braced for the worst,
someone caught her wrist, and her body hung in mid-air.
She felt as though all air had been knocked out of her lungs as she struck the wall with much force due to
inertia. Her wrist hurt as it was holding the weight of her entire body. She reckoned that her wrist had been
Before she could even catch her breath, her body was pulled up, and the chains made an unpleasant grinding
sound due to friction. She glanced up and saw that Lucius was the one pulling her up.
Even though he was the one who pushed her?
Why was he able to return? Why did he suddenly appear and push her like that?
With difficulty. Violet looked up at him in confusion. His forehead was hidden by his dark hair, but she could
still see his tightly clenched jaw. His face was so dark it seemed as though he was going to skin her alive.
What did she do to offend him again?
He pulled her up to eye level, and she could feel the bone-chilling coldness coming from him. “If you want to
live longer, you better control your mouth!”
What was wrong with her mouth?
Right, Agatha was his prisoner, and he could control her however he wanted.

But she was Violet, not Agatha!
Her stubbornness rose, and she straightened her back to face him before saying, “It’s my mouth, and I can use
it however I want! You better let me go soon, or I’ll ruin your reputation, destroy your family, and let you die an
ugly death!”
“Agatha River!”
“I’m not Agatha River!”
She fell again. Her already injured wrist was starting to look broken. Violet winced while her body dangled by
the window, and she spun helplessly.
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it now. I have plenty of ways to get you to beg me to call you Agatha!”
Willingly bow down and beg him?
That would never happen!
The window closed with a bang, and she was left hanging outside on her own.
She bit her lip, and bitter tears started to fall again. She cried and cursed in a low voice, “You demon, pervert, b

Violet was left hanging outside for the whole night.
Her body had only recently recovered, and her endurance was low. She was on the verge of fainting when she was pulled up the
following morning. After changing her clothes, the servants laid her on the bed. She kept on mumbling softly.
“What is she mumbling about?” Lucius asked coldly. His eyes were full of disgust as he watched her.
A servant lowered her head and listened for a moment. After hearing what Violet said, her face fell, and she did
not dare to speak.
“Say it!”
The servant’s legs buckled, and she fell to her knees. “S-She said...”
Violet, who was lying weakly on the bed, spoke up suddenly. “Demon, b*stard, pervert!” she said clearly.
Lucius’s lips pressed together tightly, and an ominous look crossed his face. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a gun.
“Master Lucius!” George yelled, but he did not stop him. Since such punishments were uncomfortable for both parties, it would
be better to kill her in one shot and put an end to this once and for all.
In the end, Lucius decided not to fire the shot. He could not allow this woman to die just like that. If he did, she
would be getting it off easy.

Violet’s face was paler than the sheets as she lay on the small bed. Her breathing was shallow, and her eyelashes were
trembling slightly, which made her look like an injured animal. She had no idea that she had
narrowly escaped death.
She woke up as dusk arrived. The sky had turned crimson at sunset and matched the hint of red that returned
to her cheeks.
George brought oatmeal and placed it in front of her. “Ms. Agatha, please have something to eat,” he said.
Violet’s hands were shaky when she grabbed the spoon, and she had to work hard to put food in her mouth.
Her wrist was obviously injured as there were bandages wrapped around it, and she was in too much pain to
“George, do you think I’m Agatha too?” Violet asked. After taking a few bites, she stopped eating. Eating would only lengthen her
punishment, and she was tired of it.
“Ms. Agatha, please don’t provoke Master Lucius if you want to live comfortably. Why were you singing when you clearly knew
that he hated your voice?”
George dodged her question and offered advice instead.
“My voice?” Violet wondered while she was chewing, and her eyes darkened as she realized something. “Does
George shook his head. Although he did not show it, she still understood that he meant she was asking questions that she
already knew the answers to.
Questions that she already knew the answers to?
She felt chills down her spine.
She had the same eyes, the same voice, a complete plastic surgery video, and details that all pointed toward her being Agatha.
Who would believe her when she claimed she was not Agatha?

She grabbed her head out of frustration.
What on earth went wrong?
She could not find any loopholes. All she could remember was that she came across a singing competition while traveling and
participated in it. After the competition, someone told her that she had passed the audition and asked her to wait in the lounge for
the results.
She lost consciousness after entering the room, and she was at Imperial Palace when she woke up. Everything, including her ID
and the documents in her bag, had been altered to Agatha’s.
There must be something wrong with that competition!

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