Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 10

Chapter 0010
“You really don’t want to be Agatha River. Isn’t that right?” the demon asked through clenched teeth.
She shook her head repeatedly and said, “I want to be her!” She did not want the acid to damage her eyes. She did not want to
become ugly for the rest of her life or lose her ability to see the world!
Nothing else mattered when she was feeling desperate.
Lucius finally let go of her jaw, and she was free. Violet collapsed to the ground, and tears landed on the grass below. She was
overwhelmed with unbearable sadness, fear, and misery. She could still feel the remnants of the coldness of his fingertips on her
chin. It felt bitterly cold.
“Who are you?”
“Agatha River...”
The demon was finally satisfied, and he began to leisurely wipe his fingers. “Now that you’ve realized who you are, you should
know that I’m keeping you here so you can make up for your sins. You will begin to accept the punishment you deserve
Violet said nothing.
As it turned out, saying that she was Agatha did not grant her freedom.
She was filled with extreme sadness, resentment, and anger. She stared at the bottle full of clear liquid and could not even say
anything. Then, she fainted.
It was hot. It was burning.
Did they push her into a hot furnace?

Violet shifted in discomfort. Her body felt heavy, and she had trouble even moving in the simplest manner.
She vaguely heard people talking, and slowly, she was able to hear clearly.
“Master Lucius wasn’t always like this. He was incredibly kind to Ms. Agatha and gave her everything she asked for. Everyone
was saying how fortunate she was to have him.”
“She really took everything for granted, and that’s why she ended up this way.”
“You don’t say.....”
Master Lucius? Ms. Agatha?
She simply could not imagine the Master Lucius the servants were referring to when all she knew was the demonic Lucius.
When Violet’s eyes fluttered open, she noticed that she was on the floor, and two servants were standing close by. The servants
immediately stopped talking when they realized she was awake.
She was still wearing her clothes from earlier, and her body was covered in dark, dirty mud from the swamp. The mud had not
yet dried. and it was sticky on her skin. The fact that she loved to feel clean made all of this feel like torture.
Her head hurt. She felt hot and dizzy. She had a fever.
Rattling sounds reached Violet’s ears as she struggled to get up. She noticed that her wrists were shackled, and both of her
hands were chained together with an iron chain that was as thick as a thumb.
“What’s all this?” she asked out loud. Her throat was as dry as sandpaper.

“It was Master Lucius’s order,” a servant replied respectfully.
“What gave him the right to chain me up?!”
The servant did not respond, but she figured it out. Had she not acknowledged that she was Agatha earlier? So, she was now
his prisoner.
NO ONE COURO possibly be more unfortunate than she was.
After a year of waiting for the man she loved to wake up, he ended up falling in love with her sister. Then, she had oddly become
the culont who caused her sister to lose her voice. And now, she was trapped here.
She blinked. She wanted to cry, but she was out of tears.
“Is there water? I want to take a bath,” she asked in an attempt to feel a bit more comfortable,
*I’m sorry, but we can’t give you anything without Master Lucius’s permission.”
“Where’s your master?”
The mention of that man made her shudder. At this point, it had become a reflex.
The servant shook her head.
“Master Lucius’s whereabouts are not something we are privy to.”

So, she was going to suffer like this indefinitely?
She lowered her head weakly and lay down again. Her entire body felt as though it were on fire. The cool surface of the floor was
her only source of relief. The mud that was sticking to her skin was starting to smell because she was burning up. She felt like
throwing up.
She gagged.
The servants saw her reaction and immediately reported it to George.
“Help Ms. Agatha to wash up and change,” George ordered.
Violet took a refreshing bath and finally got rid of the dirt on her body. It would be even better if not for the bothersome shackles
on her
Her hair was still wet when she was led into a room after her bath. She found the room’s design, which combined cool monotone
colors like black and white, to be lacking any sort of life. Lucius was seated on the sofa in the room.
As soon as she entered, his eyes darted to her belly.
She instinctively shrank back when she noticed Lucius. The terrible experiences she had with him in the past had traumatized
Without a word, he asked her to lie down on the bed by gesturing with his chin.
The horrible memories that she had with beds started flashing through her mind. She paled and drew herself farther away.
Today’s Bonus Offer

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