Lost Treasure: Into the City

Chapter 8

“Hey there! What’s your name?” He inquires.

“Jewel, and yours?”

“Ben. I noticed a new face, so I thought I would introduce myself. Would you like to sit with a few friends and I for lunch? I’d like to get to know you better.” He says putting a stray hair behind my ear.

Cuts right to the chase, I’m intrigued but my guard is up.

“Well, I'm meeting some new friends at the diner already. It would be be rude to ditch them. You don't mind if they sit with us, too?" I say as I look toward the diner.

"Sure, no problem." He flashes a dazzling smile.

We walk into the diner together. I see Sky and June, so I wave them over. Their eyes widen, they walk over perplexed. "Come join us." I say with a wink. They smile awkwardly and follow us to a booth by the window.

There is two other males already at the table, a red head with freckles and another with dark hair and skin. Red introduces himself as Charles but likes to be called Chuck or Chucky. Dark haired fella goes by Buster.

The waitress takes our order. I look around at the people at the table. I figure they’re going to play fifty questions, so if I want the conversation to go away from me, I better start.

“So, any of ya’ll play sports?” Lacing my fingers together under my chin, resting my elbow on the table. I look at each one.

They look a little surprised at first, but Ben smiles.

“We play basketball every day here before lunch. This fall we plan on trying out for football. Why? You play?” Ben says raising an eyebrow.

“I can play, not sure if I’m any good at it. I enjoy being active, outside. Skateboarding, mountain biking, hiking, and a few other sports. Does that give you an idea, Ben?” I say as I count them off my fingers.

He smiles and looks at the other males.

“I can work with that. Maybe you could join us some time.” Ben says, the others nod and agree.

“Maybe, I’ll check with my guardian and get back to ya. I work in the evenings at her restaurant.” I say as our food arrives.

“Guardian?” Chuck asks as he grabs his burger.

Oh crap! Damn it I brought the conversation back on me. “Oh, yeah. Kim is not my parent. Mine were killed, which is why I moved here. No big deal.” I shrug trying not to get into it.

They’re now looking at me in shock. I pick up my burger and take a bite. After I'm done chewing, I speak again.

“Listen, let’s not make a thing out of it, please. I’m fine, I’m trying to move on.” I say forcing a smile.

Ben is rubbing the back of his neck. “Look sorry about your parents, Jewel. I-”

I cut him off. “Ben, I don’t want your pity. I’m in a new place trying to make a new start. All I’m interested in right now is making new friends. I’d really like to get to know you and your friends better and play a few games. In fact, Kim would probably be happy to hear I’ve been invited.” I say.

Sky and June don't say much. They look happy just being here. I don't understand. I'll ask them later. The three males start talking about sports. They said they would introduce me to a few girls that like the same things I do. I'm really excited.

We finish our lunch. I go to pay, but Ben says he already has it covered. The girls and I thank him for lunch and leave the diner. Sky and June have to go home. They laugh and giggle as they head down the sidewalk. I chuckle and shake my head. They're nice, for humans.

I start to walk towards Kim's house when the three hot shot females from earlier step out in front and surround me. I hate being cornered. My animal instincts rise like bile in my throat.

I swallow them down; I have to remember they’re just human. I can destroy them without even trying. The training I’ve done so far was for fighting against other wolves.

These females think they are more dominant than me. I’m not used to this treatment. In my pack, no one would dare show any disrespect like these twits. So, I’ll show them how little they intimidate me.

So, I lean my back against the outer wall of the diner. Closing my eyes to maintain control. I bring my right foot up against the wall. Then plaster a narcissistic smirk on my face. My eyes are the shape of cat’s eyes as I look at them.

There is a blonde, brunette with highlights, and another with black hair. All dress like they’re going clubbing after school. With too much make-up on, in my opinion.

The brunette speaks first, “Hey, I saw you talking to Ben.”

“Yeah, he invited me to sit with him. That was nice of him, huh?” I say smoothly.

She seems surprised that I didn’t back down. My response disarms her.

Then blondie is next. “Well, since you’re new here, you should know he’s off limits.” She snaps her fingers putting her other hand on her hip.

I start out sweet then end with complete venom in my voice.“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize he belongs to you. Maybe you should keep him on a leash. Like I said he asked me. I assumed he was free game.” I close my eyes as I finish speaking.

Then peer out the corner of my eye to see the brunette losing it. Stiffening up, stamping her foot, and balling her fists. I laugh at her reaction. The black-haired girl is speechless. I’m guessing the brunette is the ringleader because they look to her for what to do next.

“Listen, if that’s all you got for me right now, I’ll take my leave.” I stick my hands in my pockets.

I walk between blondie and shoulder check the brunette hard enough to swing her around into the wall. My walk is confident with and extra swing in my hips, my shoulders are back, and my chin is up.

I smile ear to ear, feeling their eyes burning into my back. How much I want to turn back and wink at them, but I resist. A giggle escapes my lips at the thought.

I don’t think I’ll have trouble with them anymore.

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