Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 425

Chapter 425
Gregory and I, once again, found ourselves in an awkward situation without even planning it.
I tugged at Ramona’s arm, “Ramona, about this...”
Gregory cut me off mid–sentence, but his tone softened when he spoke to Ramona, “Don’t worry, Ramona. I’ll marry her soon.
Just focus on getting better. We can’t have a wedding until you’re back on your feet.”
I must’ve looked utterly baffled.
The guy talking didn’t even glance my way, as if what he was saying had nothing to do with me.
Ramona’s eyes lit up, “Really?”
“Really,” Gregory answered with a smile.
I changed the subject, “Ramona, let’s have breakfast. Dr. Andrews will be here
Judging by the time, Dr. Andrews should be finishing his breakfast any minute
Right after Dorothy and her daughter left, I messaged Dr. Andrews‘ assistant to let them know everything was settled.
My timing wasn’t off. Just as Ramona finished her breakfast, Dr. Andrews and
his team arrived.
Dr. Andrews was about to start his treatment
and it didn’t seem right for me to stick around, so I decided to head back to the hotel to pack up my things.

Staying at Elmwood Villa’s felt more like home than any hotel ever could.
I never expected that the moment I stepped out of the elevator, I’d be greeted by a duo waiting at my doorstep.
One standing, one sitting.
was taken aback, “Waiting for me?”
Gregory didn’t say anything, but Ike scampered over with his little legs and nodded vigorously, “Yeah! Pretty lady, Uncle Gregory
brought me to your place!”
“And what about your uncle?”
“He’s leaving soon!”
Gregory gave him a sideways glance. “Who told you that?”
“So, you’re not leaving?”
“I am.”
After saying that in his usual calm tone, Gregory pinched Ike’s cheek and gave me a look, “I’ve got a meeting to attend. He’s
your responsibility now. If he starts acting up, feel free to set him straight.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not violent.”
“Oh, and,”
He looked at me intently, out of the blue, he said, “I still need an answer to the question Edith interrupted last night. I’ll ask again
when I come to pick up Ike.”
I thought handling a kid Ike’s size would be a hassle.
But it turned out to be surprisingly peaceful.
Once inside, I noticed Gregory had arranged for cleaners to come regularly, so the place was spotless.

As I unpacked, Ike buzzed around me non–stop.
But when I got my drawing board ready to work, he grabbed his puzzle and started working on it with serious concentration.
Feeling my gaze on him, he looked up with his big eyes, “What’s up, pretty lady?”
“I think you’re awesome. You have great focus.”
“Uncle says if you can’t focus on one thing, you’ll end up being a player in love, and spend your life forever alone!”
I couldn’t help but laugh, “Do you even know what forever alone means?”
“Yep!” He nodded vigorously. “Like Uncle, forever alone!”
Later that evening, there was a knock on the door.
Expecting Gregory to come for Ike, I was surprised to see Edith instead.
I was slightly confused, “Edith, aren’t you supposed to be traveling abroad?”
“There’s still some time left.”
She smiled, her lips curving gently. “May I come in for a bit?”
“Of course.”
As soon as I said that, Ike, hearing his mom’s voice, dashed over and hugged her. “Mommy! Ike missed you!”
“How about going abroad with me?”
The little guy shook his head, “I have important things to do!”
Edith chuckled, “What important things?”
Ike’s eyes darted around, his lips pursed in feigned mystery. “I promised Uncle I wouldn’t tell.”
“Alright, go play then.”

Edith gently nudged him towards a spare room I hardly used.
I opened the fridge, asking her, “Water, or juice?”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
Edith smiled again, “I just want to talk for a bit, then I have to catch a flight.”
I nodded, leading her to the living room to sit down.
Straight to the point, Edith asked, “What are your plans with Gregory?”
It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought about it, but I hadn’t come to any conclusions yet.
Chapter 425
“I’m still thinking, but no decisions yet.”
The years had changed me drastically, and the distance between Gregory and me wasn’t just about the physical space but the
years and misunderstandings that lay between us.
Edith wasn’t surprised by my response, “Take your time. I came here mainly to ask you to look after my son. Gregory’s temper
has been a bit off these past two years...”
“I’ll take care of him. Gregory’s temper isn’t that bad...”
“The explosion. It damaged his sight, leaving him blind for a long stretch.”
Edith paused, her lips pressed together, “And his legs, as you’ve seen. To him, that’s worse than death. He refused treatment at
first, became angry and irritable. Do you know what made him agree to treatment?”
“I told him if he gave up or died, I’d make sure you’d join him.”

Edith’s gaze softened apologetically, “Don’t mind that. I was desperate. And the way you left back then really hit him hard. As his
sister, I wasn’t fond of you.”
I remained silent, my voice barely a whisper, “And then?”
“He started cooperating with the doctors.” Edith seemed still in disbelief. “Did you know? He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder
back then. But for you, he endured both mental and physical torture and pulled through.”
Bipolar disorder is a condition that combines episodes of depression and
I clenched my fists, asking. “When was he diagnosed?”
“Shortly after you went back to Bryant.”

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