Lost in the Deep Blue Sea

Chapter 10.

I cautiously swam up to the beach, eyeing every direction. I had to make sure I wasn’t in any danger. The mermaids would know I escaped and the lost boys could be holding Mr. Pan captive at this very moment.

“Mr. Pan,” I whispered. I pulled myself up on the beach, farther than I usually did. I backed into the water when a tall figure stepped out of the trees.

“It’s just me, Raina,” Mr. Pan reassured me. He came closer. “How did you get away?”

“Cora helped me. It won’t be long before they catch me here. I don’t want to leave.”

Mr. Pan nodded and squatted down in the sand. “I have an idea but you have to trust me.”

“Of course. What is this idea?” I looked around to make sure nobody was coming for me.

Mr. Pan grabbed my chin and pulled my face to his. “I want you to explore Neverland with me. Nobody will ever suspect you grew legs and took a tour with me. I will get you some clothes and help you dry. This will allow for both of us to stay together but keep ourselves hidden. Right now, we’re separated by our worlds. I cannot breathe underwater or swim but you can breathe on land and walk.”

I nodded without thinking about it. “I agree. That sounds like a masterful plan. I say we shall do it. Help me dry.” I pulled myself up onto the sand and out of the water.

Mr. Pan helped me out of the water, making sure I couldn’t get wet again. He took off his shirt and started patting my tail and body. “Let’s hope this dries you faster.”

I watched him continue to dry me off. I watched the muscles on his back form at each movement he made. It was mesmerizing.

Mr. Pan continued to dry me off until his shirt couldn’t help anymore. It was too wet to be able to help me dry faster. He looked around the beach and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at me. “Are you okay with me carrying you until your legs come in? I just can’t risk this. This beach is unsafe.”

I pushed hair behind my ear and nodded. “I’m okay with that.”

Before I could say another word, Mr. Pan bent down and scooped me into his arms. He carried me through the trees and I began to watch the nature in awe. It was absolutely beautiful. I had never been on land before, and I’d only seen it from afar.

The trees stood at different heights, unevenly spread out. Some trees were closer together and some were farther apart. They were luscious and vibrant green, showing off their true colors. The trees held so much life within them and nothing could steal that away.

Mr. Pan continued to carry me through the trees. He looked at me and put a finger to his lips, letting me know I had to be quiet. I nodded to confirm I understood.

He looked around and we stepped out of the trees and into a clearing. I looked around at all the little homes. They looked so tiny and cute compared to the homes and buildings I saw from afar on the Mainland.

They were built using other tools made by nature, such as bamboo and vines, and other sticks that could hold up their strength.

Mr. Pan took me inside the biggest one and sat me onto something soft and flat. I smiled as I felt it with my hands, wondering what this could be. Was this a human bed? This looked like something a human could sleep on.

Mr. Pan looked in a small chest next to a wooden structure that had handles on it. He pulled out some clothes and threw them at me. “These should work for when you get legs.”

I looked at the clothes and inspected them as if they were dangerous. I pulled the fabric and it stretched just a bit. I looked at Mr. Pan and smiled. “Thank you,” I whispered. My raspy voice made my voice come out quieter than I intended.

Mr. Pan grabbed a piece of cloth off his bed and used it to continue to dry me off. I watched him, entranced by his intense focus to make me grow legs.

He finished and stood back.

My tail tingled and stung a bit as I felt it separate into two legs. The feeling was a very odd one.

I grabbed a hold of Mr. Pan and shivered. “I admit I’ve never had legs before.”


“I never needed them.”

Mr. Pan grabbed the clothes and helped me get dressed. I wasn’t very skilled in doing human things. He pulled my hair from under the sweater and looked at me. “Okay. Come on.” He helped me onto my feet but I wobbled and fell back onto the bed.

He rubbed his eyes. “This is going to be a tough one.”

The sweater I wore was a white one, one that seemed to be made of thick material. I wore some black bottoms that were very fitted against my new legs, with white foot warmers.

Mr. Pan took me back into his arms and he carried me out of the cabin. He led us both down a path, a new path that led farther from Mermaid Lagoon.

He stopped us at a giant tree, setting me down on the ground. His arm was underneath my arms, holding me upright. “You’ll have to learn how to walk.” He slowly helped me inside the large tree.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The inside was bigger than the tree looked on the outside and it was very homey. “This tree is a home. This is amazing.”

Mr. Pan set me down on a soft seat and looked at my legs. “We need to teach you how to use these. I think it’s useful. If we are going to be together, we have to merge our worlds somehow. I’m human, after all.”

I smiled and nodded. “Of course, Mr. Pan. We will teach me how to walk and I will be able to run in no time. How hard can it be?”

He gave me a look and sighed. “A lot harder than you think, Raina. Humans don’t learn how to walk until after a year or so of being born. Although, those humans also have to learn the basics, like laughing and crying and holding their head up. You have an advantage. You just need to learn how to use your legs is all.”

“I’m going to try to be a fast learner. I will do it for both of us.” I touched my legs. I felt an urge down below. “I think I have to go potty.” I looked at him.

“That’s going to be hard. If you can’t hold your body weight up on legs, how do you go pee without peeing on yourself?” He came over and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me off the seat. Our bodies were against each other as he held me on my feet.

I looked at him and swallowed, looking away. “I should hurry and go potty.”

He nodded and took me to a room. He looked at a bucket and pointed to it. “You can go in there. I know it’s not much but I only use it once in a while if I’m in this tree. Lately, I’ve spent more time with you than inside this tree.”

Mr. Pan closed the door and left me alone. I looked at the bucket as I held onto a bar on the wall to keep my balance. I looked down at the bucket and struggled as I tried pulling my bottoms down. I got them far enough and looked at the bucket once again.

I carefully let my body down and on top of the bucket. It was the most uncomfortable feeling ever as the rim of the wooden bucket dug into my skin.

I wanted to hurry and get off so I let the urge out. This was all so new to me.

When I finished that, I reach for the bar and pulled myself back into a standing position. I looked down at my bottom half and tilted my head. I had never seen this before. It was all new. I pulled my bottoms back up and knocked on the wood that separated this room from the other.

Mr. Pan opened it and grabbed my waist, helping me back to the seat I was in before. I looked up at him and yawned a bit. My eyes were trying to betray me.

“What is this that I now have? I mean, I know I have legs, but...is this...a vagina? This is where I would mate to have babies, right?”

Mr. Pan choked on nothing and looked at me. “Yes, that’s correct. We are not here to have babies, though.”

“Of course.” I nodded and looked around the room some more. There were some torches on the walls to keep this room lit. There were books and seats and a table in between. It was all so cozy.

“Mr. Pan, I’m getting tired. I’m sorry.” I looked at him with worry. I knew we couldn’t sleep now but my eyes were begging me for mercy. I had to surrender to the one thing they called sleep.

He grabbed some things from a box that was attached to the wall. He came over and helped me lay down as he put one lump under my head and a piece of large cloth over my body. “Sleep, Raina.”

He kissed my head and my eyes closed, taking me to a safer place than this could ever be.

I woke up to a beautiful melody and I looked over at the very man who made that melody. Mr. Pan was playing his flute instrument. He saw me and pulled it from his lips and smiled. “You’re awake.”

“I am.” I pointed to his flute. “Keep playing.”

He nodded and continued to play me a song. I kept my head against the soft lump, wondering how I could’ve ever survived sleeping on a rock. The large piece of cloth kept my body warm, despite how warm it was without it.

I enjoyed this wonderful music until he finished his song. Mr. Pan came over to me and looked at my legs. “Shall we practice walking?”

“We shall.” I regretted saying that now that I realized how comfortable and relaxed I was. I didn’t want to get off this little bed I was on.

Mr. Pan sat me up and pulled me off the bed. He put his arm back under my arms, holding me in the standing position. He took a step. “Follow my lead.”

I followed his lead and took another step, stumbling along the way. He kept his balance, which didn’t let me fall no matter how terrible I was at walking.

He continued to walk with me until I couldn’t do it anymore. My wobbling legs were too much for me. He sat me on the bed and sat down with me. “You’ll get the hang of it. I will make sure you do.”

“Thank you.” I gave him a small smile and put my head against his shoulder. My eyes were growing heavy once more. He wrapped an arm around my waist and we stayed silent like this for what seemed like forever.

I felt a finger brush hair behind my ear. I looked at Mr. Pan and didn’t have time to register anything before he kissed me. I returned the kiss, feeling the joyful and wonderful energy.

I couldn’t get enough. We both pulled away from the kiss, looking at each other as if nobody else mattered anymore.

Nothing else did matter at this moment because I was content. I only needed Mr. Pan to make everything better and he didn’t fail me.

I had everything to fight for and a reason to keep living. I was going to fight for my right to love Mr. Pan.

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