Lost in Obsession by Brianna Novel Full Chapters

Chapter 1

Lost in Obsession – Brianna 

Chapter 1

Today, Lucie Barton worked at Regal Club until midnight.

Finally off work, she attempted to hail a taxi on the roadside when a black Range Rover pulled up in front of her.

As the car window rolled down, Lucie was met with the gaze of a stern-looking man.

“Need a ride?” he inquired.

Scott Barton had been a classmate of Lucie’s cousin and had attended the same middle school as Lucie.

An hour earlier, while Lucie was serving wine in the VIP room, she had spotted Scott with her cousin, and they appeared quite close.

Lucie’s cousin had a history of bullying her since childhood.

Lucie wanted to say no at first but then hesitated, eventually nodding. She opened the car door and settled into the back seat.

Scott glanced at her through the rearview mirror and asked, “Where to?”

“Lowerim Village, please,” Lucie replied, fastening her seatbelt.

Lowerim Village was a ghetto in Jedon City where one could rent a place for as little as 130 dollars a month.

Scott said nothing and drove away.

They were silent all the way.

About twenty minutes later, Scott pulled over near a group of modest buildings.

Lucie thanked him and stepped out of the car.

While ascending the stairs to her apartment building’s entrance, Lucie noticed Scott was still there.

She turned to look into the car and met his gaze.

“Would you like…” Lucie hesitated before finishing her sentence, “…to come up and have some water?”

Scott raised an eyebrow and accepted the invitation.

He retrieved a pack of condoms from the storage compartment and then exited the vehicle.

The two rode the elevator to the top floor, where Lucie’s apartment was located. Upon opening the door, Scott placed his hand on her waist, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Lucie flinched, feeling the warmth of his hand through her lightweight chiffon shirt.

Just as the door closed, Scott pinned her against the wall and leaned in closer.

Within moments, he initiated a passionate kiss.

Short of breath from Scott’s kiss, Lucie recalled what happened yesterday.

Her boyfriend unveiled a half-naked sculpture named “Lucy” on a platform, meant as a surprise for her.

The sculpture was named after his muse, Lucie.

As Lucie stood before it, all eyes were on her, making her feel as though she were exposed and under scrutiny.

Lucie had visited her boyfriend’s apartment looking for him, only to discover him in bed with another woman.

Soon, Scott’s kiss snapped her back to the present. She realized she was panting and reciprocating his passion.

Scott was more enduring in bed than most men, and he displayed patience and gentleness.

Lucie found the experience enjoyable and felt minimal discomfort.

Scott didn’t release Lucie from his embrace until dawn. When she headed to the bathroom, her legs were shaky.

After a while on the toilet, Lucie took a shower. Upon exiting the bathroom, Scott was already dressed, his usual composure intact. There was no sign of a wild night.

“Virgin?” Scott asked coolly.

He leaned against the sliding door separating the living room from the balcony, basking in the morning sun, and lit a cigarette.

Scott was undeniably handsome, a fact that had left an impression on Lucie since she was in the 7th grade, while he was a high school senior.

The morning light accentuated his strong jawline, and he squinted his eyes as he exhaled smoke leisurely. Lucie couldn’t tear her gaze away from him.

“You can leave if you’re finished,” Lucie muttered, avoiding direct eye contact.

Scott chuckled softly and turned to her. “Interesting way to put it.”

He strolled into the living room, dropping the cigarette into the same disposable cup from the previous night before exiting.

As Scott paused at the door, something crossed his mind. He glanced back at Lucie and said, “Oh, by the way, don’t forget to take your pill. I got carried away last time.”

Lucie looked up at him and nodded, saying, “Of course, don’t worry.”

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