Losers: Part II

: Chapter 9

As Jason growled those words in my ear, he lit the fuse for my arousal to explode. His kisses alone were breathtaking, but when I straddled his face and saw the wicked gleam in his bright eyes, I swear my pussy quivered with anticipation.

My arousal had calmed since we’d gotten home, but the two of them had brought it back with a vengeance.

He grasped my hips and pulled me down, holding me there as he ate me out. I tipped my head back and slowly inhaled the joint. My body felt both light and heavy, as if I was floating but swaddled in a weighted blanket. My mind was calm but still aware, and all my thoughts slowed down.

Jason’s grip on me tightened as Vincent thrust his fingers into him, his eyes fluttering open for a moment to gaze up at me.

It was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen, his eyes locked on me from between my legs as he shuddered.

Vincent moved behind me, his breath warm on my bare back as he kissed my shoulder. He trailed his kisses up to my neck, and for a moment, Jason went still beneath me, groaning as he held on to me.

“He’s so fucking tight, Jess,” Vincent growled in my ear. “He feels so good squeezing around me.”

Jason resumed eating me with a renewed vigor. Vincent plucked the joint from my fingers, and I glanced over my shoulder to look at him. His hair was wild, drying into thick waves. Jason’s legs were splayed around him and Vincent’s cock sunk between them. Jason was hard, precum dripping from his slit as Vincent pressed even deeper into him.

He bottomed out inside him and paused to take a slow drag on the joint. I’d never experienced anything like this, but Jason’s groans of pleasure as he ravenously stroked his tongue over me were sending me plummeting toward release. I wanted to watch Vincent fuck him, but for the next few seconds, all I could do was brace my hands on the headboard as my orgasm crashed over me.

Orgasming while high was a transcendental experience. My mind blissed out, nothing remaining save for the exquisite, shuddering pleasure.

“Oh my God…Jason…please…” He kept licking me, nudging the tip of his tongue against my clit as he sucked it. He was entirely lost in sensation when I looked down at him. His eyes were half-closed, glazed with pleasure, his arms wrapped around my thighs.

When he finally paused for air, he gasped out, “Fuck, you taste so good, baby.” His lips glistened with my arousal and he was grinning like a drunk.

Vincent stroked his hands through my hair and pulled me back. He held the joint to my lips for one final puff, then whispered, “Put this in the ashtray, then sit on his face again. But I want you facing me this time.”

After I’d discarded the roach, I turned, but paused to admire the sight before me. Vincent curled over Jason, stroking his hand over the other man’s face with an expression I could only describe as awe. Jason closed his eyes for a moment as he leaned into the touch, inhaling deeply as Vincent moved his hips and thrust into him with long, slow strokes.

After a moment, Vincent lifted his head to look at me and smiled, reaching out his hand for me. “Come here, baby.”

Jason groaned contentedly when I straddled his face again, pulling me demandingly back onto his tongue. I was facing the other way this time though, effectively smothering his entire face with my ass.

“Can you breathe, Jason?” I said, giggling softly as he hummed in the affirmative.

“If I die, I die,” he said, before his mouth was on me again. Vincent gyrated his hips to hit the right spot, and Jason’s cock twitched, his sounds of pleasure muffled against me. I spread some of the lube on my hand and stroked him in unison with Vincent’s thrusts, until he shook.

“Fuck, ah…God…” Jason’s words were choked with need. I leaned down and took him into my mouth, and Vincent paused so he wouldn’t bump into me. Jason gasped sharply as I popped my lips off him, his cock twitching in my hand as I spat on him and continued to stroke.

“That’s my good girl,” Vincent crooned, as I lifted my head. “Let’s blow his fucking mind.”

He kissed me, his tongue playing with mine as he increased his pace, fucking Jason hard. Jason hadn’t stopped eating me, nuzzling his face into me like he couldn’t get enough. But now he was shuddering, struggling to keep going. He was swiftly losing control, and I could literally feel him melting into ecstasy beneath me.

“I think he’s going to come,” I said, smiling as Jason squirmed.

Vincent grinned. “Not until he makes you come again.” He dragged his nails along Jason’s thigh, leaving reddened scratches behind as he said, “Hear me, boy? Make her come again before you do.”

Jason nodded, muttering the words, “Yes, sir,” against my pussy. My body felt so good and my mind was free, soaring without a single worry as I fell apart on his tongue. Vincent bent forward, taking my breast in his mouth as I moaned my release.

All of it at once — it was so much — it was overwhelming. I grabbed Vincent’s hair, pulling it as his teeth bit down on my nipple. That little spark of pain made it perfect, cutting through my bliss like a shock of heat.

Jason was gasping, shaking. But neither Vincent or I let up as he said desperately, “Please…God, please, I’m so close…fuck, I’m gonna come…”

His cock swelled and twitched, cum spilling out over my hand. I let go, licking the pearly white drops from my skin. Vincent grasped my wrist and pulled it toward him, sucking two of my fingers into his mouth and licking them clean.

Then with his hand on top of mine, he curled my fingers around Jason’s cock again.

“Keep going,” he said, grinning wickedly. “Make him squirm. I’m almost there.”

He moved my hand with his as Jason shook with overstimulation, his pleading growing more desperate. “Fuck, I can’t — can’t — Vincent, please —”

Bringing Jason to desperation was such a heady feeling. No wonder he loved overstimulating me, because doing the same to him made me feel like an all-powerful goddess. It was so damn sexy to see him writhing beneath us as Vincent came, his head tipped back and his eyes closed in bliss.

It was perfect.


We lay there in silence, blissed out and comfortably tired, our limbs tangled together as we sprawled on the bed. The scent of marijuana hung in the air, and I felt a little more sober now than I had a few minutes ago. But I was still relaxed, the tension melted out of my body like butter.

I sighed and stretched, enjoying the simple feeling of clean sheets on clean skin. Although I was a little dirtier now than when Vincent first carried me out of the shower.

“How do you feel?” he said, his long fingers stroking gently through my hair, over my scalp.

“Fantastic,” I said, opening my eyes. He was lying on one side of me, and Jason was on the other, his eyes still closed. “What about you?”

“Feeling like the luckiest man alive,” he said, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. He reached over, grasping Jason’s arm. “What about you, babe? You still alive?”

“Oh, yeah.” Jason gave us a messy smile, nuzzling closer to my side. “Feel so fucking good. Tired. High.” He laughed. “That was great.”

I giggled at him, tracing my fingers over his colorful chest. “The two of you together blew my mind. That was…damn, that was so hot. I really liked watching you fuck him, Vince.”

“Yeah?” Vincent smiled widely, leaning down to kiss me. “We’ll have to do that more often then, with you.”

That promise made my belly shiver with excitement. It was still new…this concept of love and intimacy being so free-flowing. But I liked it; I felt like it fit me far better than how I’d been trying to make relationships work before.

Not that this was a relationship…exactly…

God, who was I kidding? This whole thing may have started with my foolish mistake and the debt I incurred because of it, but I couldn’t deny there was something here. Lust, crush fulfillment, more longing and attraction than I knew how to handle. We weren’t dating, per se, but I couldn’t keep denying we were damn close to it.

And the thing was, I enjoyed these “not-dates.” I enjoyed them more than the “real” dates I’d been on. I didn’t feel under pressure to perform — hell, I hadn’t even put on makeup today. Dating had always felt like a drawn out test, where both parties were searching for something wrong in the other. It was awkward and tiring, a constant dance of saying the right thing and acting the right way.

But it wasn’t like that with them.

“What’s on your mind?” Jason drew me out of my thoughts with his soft words. He was resting his head on my stomach, his face turned toward me.

“I was curious…have all of you ever…I mean…” I bit my lip as I tried to figure out the best way to ask, and I settled on being blunt. “Have all of you ever had sex? With each other? Like obviously, you and Vincent fuck. And Manson and Lucas. But…do all of you…?”

“Manson and I tag-teamed Jason once,” Vincent said, and Jason chuckled in a way that told me he still hadn’t recovered. “Manson is a damn good kisser, but he and I are a little too set in our ways as tops to be compatible sexually. And Jason is afraid of Lucas.”

“I’m not afraid of him,” Jason grumbled. “The dude has a fucking metal bar through his dick. Excuse me for being a little hesitant about putting that in my ass.” But he smiled, shuddering slightly. “Lucas would fuck me up.”

“Hey, I took his dick in my ass,” I said proudly, and Jason made a face as he mockingly mimicked my words. “It felt fantastic.”

“All right, Miss Anal Queen, you clearly have the superior ass.” Jason rolled his eyes. “What kind of plumbing you got down there, fucking steel pipes?”

I laughed until I was breathless. It had been a while since I’d smoked. I’d almost forgotten how much funnier it made things. “Sorry if that was a weird question.”

“Asking questions is good,” Vincent said. “That’s the best way to figure out what you need to know. Ask and listen. I was raised in an environment where polyamory was normalized, so this has always been second-nature. But I understand it can be difficult for some people to understand, especially when you’re used to monogamy.”

“There’s a lot more to love than most people think,” Jason said. “I used to think I was supposed to settle down with one woman, not have sex until my wedding night, and be loyal to my one and only forever. One person was supposed to fulfill everything for me, and I was supposed to do the same for them. I didn’t fit into that mold, though.” He twined his fingers through mine and brought my hand to his mouth so he could kiss it. “It’s impossible to compare the way I love Vincent to the way I love Manson, or the way I love Manson to the way I love Lucas. Intimacy can involve a lot of sex or a little sex, or none at all. Love is the same way — there’s no specific mold it has to fit. We’ve found what fulfills us.”

The way he looked at me as he said that, and the way his eyes moved to Vincent, gave me a warm feeling in my chest.

Vincent reached over me to grab his phone, bringing it back to bed. “Want to see something funny?” he said, the twinkle in his eye catching my interest.

“Are Jason’s nudes on there?” I said, snuggling closer as Vincent scrolled through his phone. He stopped his scrolling for a moment and clicked on a photo, opening it to show Jason in all his glory, naked and flexing in front of a mirror.

“You’ll have to excuse the fuckboy stance,” Jason said dryly, but I wasn’t complaining.

“God, you’re hot,” I said, and Jason made a choked sound as Vincent nodded in agreement.

“He’s hot as hell. We need to get him to wear sluttier clothes around the house.”

“Maybe some cut-off denim shorts?” I suggested, and Vincent nodded even more enthusiastically.

“Okay, okay, focus on the funny video instead of me,” Jason said, although I could see the smile trying to break free on his face.

“Oh my God, wait — is this the video?” I said excitedly. “Is this the video of Lucas getting his dick pierced?”

Vincent nodded, and I almost squealed. “Yes, show me!”

“All right, troublemakers, playtime is over!”

The bedroom door flung open and Manson sauntered in, grinning at the sight of us with Lucas right behind him. Both he and Manson had showered and changed, with Manson wearing comfortable gray sweatpants and Lucas in only his boxers.

“Enough hogging the fucktoy all for yourselves,” Lucas said, flopping down on the bed beside me. He squished Jason in the process, who grunted in pain at the sudden weight. “God, I thought y’all just showered. You’re filthy.”

“Still a lot cleaner than when we started,” Jason grunted, huffing as he tried to get Lucas off him. They wrestled for a moment, their arms locked with tension as neither could force the other to move.

“Hey, hey, don’t bully him,” Vincent said, winking at me as he watched the shenanigans. “You’ll make him come again.”

“I bet he would,” Lucas said. “I bet — Hey! Wait a goddamn second, what is that video?”

He tried to snatch Vincent’s phone, but Vince was too fast, even high as a kite. His long arms easily held the phone out of reach as he leapt off the bed, almost colliding with Manson.

“Aw, come on, Lucas, I want to see it,” I said, before I squealed as Lucas grabbed me by the arm and dragged me beneath him. He covered my throat with bites and kisses that sounded far more vicious than they felt.

“You smell like weed,” he growled, mouth against me. “And dick.”

“Two of my favorite things,” Vincent said. He plucked at Manson’s shirt jokingly, saying, “Hey, bro, you’ve got a little something on your shirt.” But as Manson glanced down, Vincent flicked his nose before hurrying away to the kitchen, and Manson snorted. I held my hand out for him from underneath Lucas, and he joined us on the bed, taking my hand but offering no help.

“He’s crushing me,” I whined, but Manson just shook his head.

“Yeah, he does that,” he said, settling onto the pillows beside me. “Don’t struggle, it encourages him.”

“I like when you struggle,” Lucas said. He pushed himself up, finally allowing me the relief to breathe without his weight on my chest. “You look high as shit, girl. Did these assholes drug you?”

“Oh, yes,” I said, stretching my naked body across the blankets. Everything felt so much more luxurious when I was high; the softness of the sheets, the smell of the room, the sexy men lying around me. “I’m so helpless and vulnerable right now.”

“Perfect,” Manson said, his fingers stroking through my hair. “Just how I like you.”

“Everybody, get comfortable!” Vincent said as he returned, arms full of snacks from the kitchen. He tossed bags of chips and cookies at us before turning his attention to connecting his phone to the room’s smart TV. “It’s family movie night, starring Lucas’s penis.”

Lucas groaned, “You’re all going to be the fucking death of me, I swear.” He collapsed on top of me again, squashing me into the mattress in retaliation for daring to laugh at him. Manson chuckled at my air-deprived face before he got off the bed.

“We should get a fire going, make it a little cozier in here,” he said, heading for the door that led out onto the deck. “I’ll go get some wood. Be right back.”

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