Lorenzo: A Grumpy/ Sunshine, Dark mafia Romance (Chicago Ruthless Book 3)

Lorenzo: Chapter 48

The smile on Mia’s face could light up the entire state of Illinois. From the moment she stepped out of Kat and Dante’s bedroom, she’s been grinning from ear to ear, awestruck by everything. The limousine, the champagne in the limo. The limo’s mini fridge that’s stocked with Milky Ways, Three Musketeers, and Snickers bars for the journey home.

She’s no less stunned when the limo pulls up at the venue—a hotel built to look like a French castle, the walkway lit by six-foot brass candelabras. It’s a stunning sight, but it pales in comparison to the way Mia looks in the dress Kat helped me pick out, with its tight corset top that pushes her tits up and displays them to absolute perfection and the full skirt that manages to cling to her hips and juicy ass just enough to showcase her beautiful curves. She takes my breath away, and it took every ounce of effort I possess not to march her straight into my bedroom when I first saw her.

She holds onto my arm, and I escort her down the red carpet while she looks around the entire time. Eyes wide and mouth hanging open, like a kid on their first trip to Disney World.

Biting back a smile, I allow her a few moments to enjoy her surroundings before I pull her closer, pressing my lips to her ear so no one else will hear. “There are some rules tonight, Mia.”

She shivers and it fills me with a perverse sense of satisfaction.

“Yes?” she whispers.

“You will not speak unless you are asked a direct question or I give you permission.” She presses her lips together. That’s a tough rule for my little chatterbox to follow, but she nods.

“You will not make eye contact with anyone without my permission.”

Her gaze drops to the floor, and I grin. That rule can be a difficult one for inexperienced subs to follow without appearing rude, and I know that Mia is a people pleaser at heart. I look forward to seeing how she’ll handle it, and my cock throbs at the thought of spanking her for breaking the rule, which she surely will.

“And you will do whatever I tell you to do without hesitation. You understand me?”

“Yes,” she replies, full of confidence.

“Good.” I blow out a breath, preparing myself for the inevitable stares and questions. This is the first time I’ve attended a function with a woman since Anya died, and it’s a public statement that we are a couple. There will be people from the lifestyle here, and I can already hear the whispers and the gossip about whether I might have taken a new sub. I’ve had no shortage of offers the past two and a half years. Any single experienced Dom is in high demand in the circles I used to move in, and I’m no exception. But I told them all I’d never take another sub. I meant it when I said it.

My muscles tense. Mia squeezes my arm reassuringly and I glance at her. “Look at me,” I command. She turns her head, fixing her hazel eyes on mine. “You ready?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her soft purr rolls through my body and goes straight to my dick. Fucking siren.

Mia has been nothing short of impeccable tonight. As I expected, there were plenty of people eager to meet her, and she greeted them all pleasantly and respectfully, managing to avoid eye contact with every single one. Even while dancing, drinking champagne, and laughing with Kat and Joey, she has obeyed my rules to the letter.

I’m escorting her back to our table when a familiar voice stops me in my tracks.

“Lorenzo Moretti,” she says, her voice a sultry purr. “It’s so wonderful to see you.” Oh, fuck! I hoped she wouldn’t be here tonight.

I turn with my arm locked around Mia’s waist, and she’s forced to turn with me. “Dahlia,” I say with a weak smile. “It’s nice to see you too.”

Mia keeps her gaze averted from Dahlia’s, but I see her appraising the other woman, taking in her perfectly styled dark hair and elegant black gown, as well as the diamonds dripping from her neck.

Dahlia lifts her eyebrows expectantly. My discomfort at seeing my old girlfriend is no excuse for forgetting my manners. I slide my right arm from around Mia’s waist and grasp Dahlia by the shoulders, giving her a kiss on each cheek. “You look well.”

She runs a manicured fingernail over the lapel of my suit jacket. “And you are as handsome as ever. I’d almost forgotten what that face looked like.”

I force a laugh and return my hand to Mia’s hip, pulling her toward me again. “This is Mia.”

“Mia?” Dahlia extends her hand. “Delightful to meet you.”

Mia extends her hand and smiles widely, being careful to avoid eye contact. Dahlia shoots me a knowing look and touches my arm. “It truly is wonderful to see you back out here.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek and says goodbye to both Mia and me before disappearing through the crowd.

With my hand on Mia’s back, I guide her through the crowd, searching her face while we make our way to our table. She continues smiling, her eyes sparkling with delight as she looks around the huge ballroom with wonder, despite having already been here for three hours. But then she glances at me, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

“Something you’d like to say?” I ask her.

She nods, avoiding my gaze.

I sigh inwardly. I knew she was too good to be true. She’s going to bitch about me talking to Dahlia. “Then say it.”

“May I look at you?”


Her hazel eyes appear green tonight, sparkling under the bright chandeliers. “Your friend was so lovely. Did she know Anya too?”

I scan her face and don’t find a trace of jealousy or envy, only genuine curiosity. “Why do you ask that?”

“It just seemed like she did, from the way she spoke.”

My heart constricts. “Yes, she knew Anya too. Although it took them a long time to become friends.”

She tilts her head to the side, regarding me with curiosity. “Why?”

“Dahlia and I used to date. She was my first sub.” I narrow my eyes, waiting for the inevitable change in her demeanor.

Mia’s eyes widen, shining with delight and intrigue. “That’s … wow, I love that,” she says the last part softly as she scans the crowd.

“What?” I ask her with a frown.

She blinks at me, as though the answer is obvious. “She was so nice. It makes me feel like I know a little more about you is all.”

I continue watching her for any sign that she’s bullshitting me, but she remains her usual happy, heart-on-her-sleeve self.

I arch an eyebrow at her. “You only met her for a few minutes, how can you know if she was nice?”

“Her whole vibe was good.” She shrugs, but then she gives me a wicked grin, running her hand over the buttons of my shirt. “Are you telling me she’s not nice? Are my spidey-senses off?”

“No.” The corners of my mouth tug into an unexpected grin. “She’s a good person.”

“Well, I’d love to get to know her better—if that’s a possibility? I guess it must be hard to see your old friends when you’re here with me.”

Fuck me, this woman is too perfect for words. She waits for my response, her tits heaving every time she breathes, and my cock twitches in my pants. “Go to the restroom and take off your panties.”

She stares at me, her cheeks turning pink before she looks away. I cup her chin in my hand and tilt her head up. “Look at me.” Her gaze fixes on mine. “Do I need to ask you again?”

“No,” she whispers.

“So go do it and come straight back here to me.”

She nods and turns to obey. I watch every step she takes as she disappears through the crowd to the powder room.

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