Lorenzo: A Grumpy/ Sunshine, Dark mafia Romance (Chicago Ruthless Book 3)

Lorenzo: Chapter 39

I open the door to my old room, expecting to see stacks of boxes, but it’s just as I left it four months earlier—full of tasteful furniture but none of my things are in here. Frowning, I wander over to the closet. Perhaps someone put everything away? No, it’s empty too, aside from a few blankets and spare pillows.

Where the hell is my stuff? I want to take a long hot soak, and I need my clean clothes and toiletries. Wandering back into the hallway, I look around for one of the housekeepers.

Hearing footsteps in the hallway below, I lean over the rail and recognize one of the men who arrived with Max earlier today.

“Hey?” I call, unaware of his name.

He looks up at me and smiles. “Yeah?”

“Do you know where my things are?”

“Sure. We put everything in the boss’s room.”

I frown. “Oh?” They must have misunderstood our relationship. “Do you know where he is?”

“He’s on a call with Dante. Not to be disturbed.”

“Oh. Okay. Um, thanks.”

“You’re welcome, ma’am.”

What the hell should I do? I need my stuff, but I don’t want to interrupt his call. Maybe I can sneak into his room and quickly grab what I need. Then I can tell him there’s been a mix-up and get everything put in the right place.

My heart beats fast as I push open the huge oak door that’s as imposing as he is. Stepping inside, I suck in a shaky breath. I’ve never set foot in here; it feels like a violation of his privacy.

The space is very him. Dark and masculine and fresh smelling. A four-poster super king-sized bed with navy bed linens dominates the room. The wooden floor is warm underfoot as I pad over to my boxes stacked in front of a large oak dresser.

I find the box labeled toiletries in thick black pen. Everything is packed neatly inside, and tears prick at my eyes. Lorenzo and Max and their men looked after me so well today. I move the make-up bag from the top of the pile, searching for my bubble bath.

“Where the fig are you?” I mutter as I dig deeper.

The door closes behind me and a shiver runs along my spine. Oh crap!

I spin around, heart beating wildly from being caught in Lorenzo’s private space. He stares at me, his hands stuffed in his pockets and stretching the material taut over his thick thighs.

Words get caught in my throat, and for an awful moment I wonder if I’ve lost my ability to speak. “I’m s-sorry.” I dart my tongue out, moistening my dry lips. “Your men put my things in here by mistake.”

He crosses the room in three giant strides. Wow, he smells so good. My body instinctively leans toward his, the memory of the comfort I found in his arms earlier dominating my thoughts. Being near him made everything better; he made me feel so safe and cared for.

“Not by mistake, Mia. I asked them to.”

My racing heart flutters like a butterfly trapped in a glass jar. “But why?” The words come out so quietly, I wonder if he heard them.

He brushes his fingertips over my bruised cheek. “Because I want you in here with me.”

My head spins. I’m still so confused. “For tonight?”

“For every night.” He cups my chin in his hand. “But I should have asked. You can have your own room if you’d prefer.”

Tears blur my vision. This can’t be happening. It’s exactly what I wanted, but something he could never give me. So, what’s changed? Because I don’t want his pity. I’d rather spend every night alone than have him feel sorry for me. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m okay,” I assure him.

“I will always worry about you, sunshine, but that’s not why I want you here in my room.” He edges closer so that our bodies are pressed together. “In my bed,” he growls.

Warmth coils up my spine, his deep voice traveling into my core. “But why do you want me in here now when you didn’t before?”

He slides his hand to the back of my neck, palming it possessively. “Because I was a fucking fool, and I had no idea how much I needed you until you weren’t here anymore. And now that you’re home, I don’t want to spend another night without you, Mia.”

“I don’t want to spend another night without you either.”

“My tesoro,” he says with a soft groan as he bends low and seals his lips over mine. Looping his free arm around my waist, he pulls me closer, and I melt into him, opening my mouth and allowing him to slide his tongue inside and deepen the kiss. My pulse thrums rapidly and warmth floods my body. His hands grip my ass and he lifts me with ease, wrapping my legs around his hips and carrying me to his bed. He nestles between my open thighs, pressing his hard cock against my pussy through our clothes. As he rocks his hips, my core contracts with wet heat. Taking my hands, he laces our fingers together, pinning my arms on either side of my head.

“Lorenzo,” I groan, desperate for him. The emotional upheaval of the whole day threatens to overwhelm me, and he’s the perfect distraction.

He pulls back and glares at me. “In my bed, Mia, you will call me Sir. Understand?”

I gasp, and my racing heart goes into overdrive. Pleasure skitters through every nerve ending in my body. Sir? “But you said you’d never …”

“I was wrong. You still want this with me?”

I take another deep breath. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl,” he growls before he rubs his nose along the column of my throat, inhaling deeply. “You smell so fucking delicious. I don’t know how I ever lived without you.”

His hands caress my skin as he slowly undresses me. I whimper with frustration, pleading with him to hurry, but the more I beg, the slower he goes. I curl my fingers in his hair, guiding his head lower so that at least his mouth might end up where I want him.

He jerks away and gives me a wicked grin. “I can see I’m going to have so much fun playing with you, sunshine.” He tugs my panties off and wetness slicks between my thighs. “Hold out your hands,” he orders.

I do as he asks, watching in fascination as he binds my wrists together with my underwear, like he once did in the library.

“Now put them above your head,” he commands in a deep throaty growl, and I immediately comply, desperate to please him.

A few seconds later, I hear a soft click and I pull at my wrists. They don’t budge. I twist my head, trying to see what he’s done.

“It’s a design feature,” he says with a wicked grin.

A thrill of excitement shoots through me. “You’ve tied me to your bed?”

There’s a wicked glint in his eyes as he tugs on my restraints, making sure I can’t move my arms. “More like cuffed.”

I arch an eyebrow at him. “Cuffed and tied up with panties?”

“You’re going to want to move those hands an awful lot, sunshine,” he says with a dark laugh that makes molten wet heat sear between my thighs.

“Have you used them with anyone else?” I ask, unable to stop myself even if it kills the mood.

“No. They were part of the bed when I bought it. I’ve never used them before.”

“And has there been anyone else?”

“No.” He kisses me softly. “No one but you.”

“There’s been nobody for me either,” I assure him.

“Oh, I know that, sunshine,” he says with a deep growl, and I don’t ask him how. Instead I lean against the pillow and watch him trail soft kisses and sharp bites over my entire body.

Lorenzo wasn’t wrong about me wanting to move my arms. I pull at my restraints as he teases me relentlessly with his mouth and his fingers and his beautiful big cock, bringing me to the crest of my orgasm before gently easing me back down again. He does it repeatedly, rendering me a trembling, sweaty mess. I beg him to let me come.

“Such a needy little sub,” he taunts, sinking his cock inside me once more. How does he have so much stamina? He’s already finished inside me twice and he’s ready to go again.

Meanwhile, my nerves are fraught with pent-up tension; my entire body sizzles with frenetic sexual energy and all it would take is one tiny spark to set me off like a Fourth of July display. Every cell trembles with the need to come. Perspiration slicks my skin. My heart pounds in my ears, mirrored by the throbbing in my clit as Lorenzo goes on paying it enough attention to keep me on the precipice of eternal ecstasy. Pleasure skitters through me, coiling and whirling but never really taking hold.

“You’re so mean.” I pant out the words, feeling like I’m about to pass into the afterlife.

He chuckles softly, sucks my nipple into his mouth, and bites hard.

“Please, Sir?” I beg one last time, beyond needy and desperate. “I’ll do anything.”

“Anything, huh?”

“Y-yes,” I scream as another wave takes hold. Will he let me ride it to the end this time?

He drives his cock into me, hitting my G-spot. “Then come for me, tesoro,” he commands, and I explode around him, like a billion tiny fire bursts all went off in my body at the same time, each one setting off the next in a chain reaction until they all converge in that one sweet point between my thighs where he’s inside me.

I scream his name. My entire body convulses. I drench him. My mind goes blank, drifting into a semiconscious state where all I can feel is contentment and pleasure and warmth. Lorenzo anchors me to reality, growling filthy words in my ear while he slowly fucks me into oblivion.

Lying in Lorenzo’s arms a little while later, I’m tempted to purr like a cat. I can’t recall the last time I felt as happy and cherished as I do right now. Maybe I never have. Brad swept me off my feet after we met. He promised me the world. But I don’t know that I ever experienced this joy with him—not even in the very beginning when things were good.

I press my face against his chest. “That was incredible, Sir.”

He murmurs his agreement, dusting his lips over my hair.

“I enjoyed calling you Sir. I mean, I thought I’d be into it because I read a lot about the lifestyle, but I didn’t think I’d be that into it, you know? It was so hot. And when you did that thing with—”

“You really have an issue with quiet, don’t you?” He chuckles.

“Yes, sorry. I have so many questions though.”

He yawns. “You also apologize way too much. I’m going to train all of that out of you.”

Train it out of me? Why does that fill me with excitement? “You are, huh?”

“Hmm. But right now I just want to lie here with you.”

My cheeks hurt from smiling so widely. I can’t believe this is how my awful day is ending. “I love lying here with you.”

He tightens his grip, pulling me closer so that I’m practically lying on top of him. “Get some sleep, sunshine.”

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