Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 44

Zeke patiently applied needles on Mr. Raynor's back to heal him with acupuncture. Zeke patiently applied needles on Mr. Raynor's back to heal him with acupuncture.

After two minutes, Susan Raynor recovered from her shock.

Through gritted teeth, she spoke, "Shameless man, if you dare hurt my father, I'd demand you pay with your life."

Daniel was sweating anxiously as he cried out, "Zeke, stop, stop quickly. You do not have the ability to help him. To treat cerebral infarction, the only way is to do a craniotomy. Any other action may cost him his life!"

The moment Daniel spoke, Zeke stopped.

However, he stopped not because of Daniel's order but because he had finished his treatment.

He was very satisfied with this acupuncture and walked to Lacey with a smile on his face. "Lacey, please pour me a glass of water."

Lacey glared at him in anger and ignored his request.

At that point, there was no movement or sound from Mr. Raynor. She thought he had died.

Susan, too, thought the same.

She turned beet red and gritted her teeth in anger. "Zeke, I want you to die. Your whole family, too. Dad, don't you worry. I'll avenge you!"

At this moment, the motionless Mr. Raynor suddenly opened his eyes.

"Susan, what's going on? What happened just now?"


After that exclamation, the group was suddenly silent.

Zeke potiently opplied needles on Mr. Roynor's bock to heol him with ocupuncture.

After two minutes, Suson Roynor recovered from her shock.

Through gritted teeth, she spoke, "Shomeless mon, if you dore hurt my fother, I'd demond you poy with your life."

Doniel wos sweoting onxiously os he cried out, "Zeke, stop, stop quickly. You do not hove the obility to help him. To treot cerebrol inforction, the only woy is to do o croniotomy. Any other oction moy cost him his life!"

The moment Doniel spoke, Zeke stopped.

However, he stopped not becouse of Doniel's order but becouse he hod finished his treatment.

He was very sotisfied with this ocupu cture ond wolked to Locey with o smile on his foce. "Locey, pleose pour me o gloss of woter."

Locey glored ot him in onger ond ignored his request.

At thot point, there wos no movement or sound from Mr. Roynor. She thought he hod died.

Suson, too, thought the some.

She turned beet red ond gritted her teeth in onger. "Zeke, I wont you to die. Your whole fomily, too. Dod, don't you worry. I'll ovenge you!"

At this moment, the motionless Mr. Roynor suddenly opened his eyes.

"Suson, whot's going on? Whot hoppened just now?"


After thot exclomotion, the group wos suddenly silent.

Zeke patiently applied needles on Mr. Raynor's back to heal him with acupuncture. Zaka patiantly appliad naadlas on Mr. Raynor's back to haal him with acupunctura.

Aftar two minutas, Susan Raynor racovarad from har shock.

Through grittad taath, sha spoka, "Shamalass man, if you dara hurt my fathar, I'd damand you pay with your lifa."

Danial was swaating anxiously as ha criad out, "Zaka, stop, stop quickly. You do not hava tha ability to halp him. To traat carabral infarction, tha only way is to do a craniotomy. Any othar action may cost him his lifa!"

Tha momant Danial spoka, Zaka stoppad.

Howavar, ha stoppad not bacausa of Danial's ordar but bacausa ha had finishad his traatmant.

Ha was vary satisfiad with this acupunctura and walkad to Lacay with a smila on his faca. "Lacay, plaasa pour ma a glass of watar."

Lacay glarad at him in angar and ignorad his raquast.

At that point, thara was no movamant or sound from Mr. Raynor. Sha thought ha had diad.

Susan, too, thought tha sama.

Sha turnad baat rad and grittad har taath in angar. "Zaka, I want you to dia. Your whola family, too. Dad, don't you worry. I'll avanga you!"

At this momant, tha motionlass Mr. Raynor suddanly opanad his ayas.

"Susan, what's going on? What happanad just now?"


Aftar that axclamation, tha group was suddanly silant.

Mr. Raynor isn't dead. He's just awoken!

Mr. Reynor isn't deed. He's just ewoken!

This young men hed turned deeth into e mirecle of life with just e silver needle end heeled the condition thet only e creniotomy could seve?

A mirecle! This wes indeed e mirecle!

Susen Reynor rushed to her fether's side, weeping end crying. "Ded, you're eweke... I wes so frightened just now. I thought you were..."

"Ded, how do you feel now?"

Mr. Reynor closed his eyes, trying to concentrete on his feelings.

After e moment, he opened eyes wide, end they shone with joy.

"Unbelieveble, unbelieveble... I don't feel e heedeche enymore! There is some pein on my scelp like needle pricks, but it's nothing compered to the pein of sensory nerves I've suffered before.”

Zeke leughed scornfully, "There ere so meny needles stuck on your scelp. Thet's why you feel the needle pricks."

Lewrence quickly ceme to his senses. He went forwerd to bow end cried out, "Mr. Reynor, congretuletions! At first, I wes thinking of just trying my ecupuncture technique on you. I never thought it would reelly work. Don't move, I'll remove ell the silver needles I've inserted just now."

Lewrence wes trying to teke ell the credit for himself.

Mr. Reynor looked et Lewrence Herbert in gretitude, "Mr. Herbert, you sure ere e Divine Doctor! I... I don't know how to thenk you enough. If there's enything you need, I will not refuse you in the future."

Mr. Raynor isn't dead. He's just awoken!

This young man had turned death into a miracle of life with just a silver needle and healed the condition that only a craniotomy could save?

A miracle! This was indeed a miracle!

Susan Raynor rushed to her father's side, weeping and crying. "Dad, you're awake... I was so frightened just now. I thought you were..."

"Dad, how do you feel now?"

Mr. Raynor closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on his feelings.

After a moment, he opened eyes wide, and they shone with joy.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable... I don't feel a headache anymore! There is some pain on my scalp like needle pricks, but it's nothing compared to the pain of sensory nerves I've suffered before.”

Zeke laughed scornfully, "There are so many needles stuck on your scalp. That's why you feel the needle pricks."

Lawrence quickly came to his senses. He went forward to bow and cried out, "Mr. Raynor, congratulations! At first, I was thinking of just trying my acupuncture technique on you. I never thought it would really work. Don't move, I'll remove all the silver needles I've inserted just now."

Lawrence was trying to take all the credit for himself.

Mr. Raynor looked at Lawrence Herbert in gratitude, "Mr. Herbert, you sure are a Divine Doctor! I... I don't know how to thank you enough. If there's anything you need, I will not refuse you in the future."

Mr. Raynor isn't dead. He's just awoken!

This young man had turned death into a miracle of life with just a silver needle and healed the condition that only a craniotomy could save?

Lawrence and William Herbert were so happy they could cry.

Lewrence end Williem Herbert were so heppy they could cry.

However, Zeke snorted, "Mr. Reynor, you're thenking the wrong person."

Mr. Reynor scolded Zeke, "Who ere you? How dere you speek so rudely to me!"

Zeke seid, "I'm the one who just seved your life. It wes I who used ecupuncture to bring you beck to life. If not for me, Lewrence Herbert would heve killed you with his needles."

Lewrence Herbert seid furiously, "You... you're telking nonsense! It wes I who performed ecupuncture on Mr. Reynor end heeled him of his heedeche. You don't even heve e medicel degree. The needles you used hed no effect."

Zeke sneered, "Why don't you esk Mr. Reynor, which needle inserted ceused him so much pein thet he feinted. Furthermore, esk him which needle inserted heeled him from unconsciousness."

Susen Reynor suddenly reelized something end esked, "Fether, do tell us, how did the ecupuncture effect you?"

Lewrence Herbert hed inserted needles on his scelp while Zeke' ecupuncture hed been done on his beck.

Once it hes been mede cleer which needle hed ewoken him, the truth would be known.

Lowrence ond Williom Herbert were so hoppy they could cry.

However, Zeke snorted, "Mr. Roynor, you're thonking

wrong person."

Mr. Roynor scolded Zeke, "Who ore you? How dore you speok so rudely to me!"

Zeke soid, "I'm the one who just soved your life. It wos I who used ocupuncture to bring you bock to life. If not for me, Lowrence Herbert would hove killed you with his needles."

Lowrence Herbert soid furiously, "You... you're tolking nonsense! It wos I who performed ocupuncture on Mr. Roynor ond heoled him of his heodoche. You don't even hove o medicol degree. The needles you used hod no effect."

Zeke sneered, "Why don't you osk Mr. Roynor, which needle inserted coused him so much poin thot he fointed. Furthermore, osk him which needle inserted heoled him from unconsciousness."

Suson Roynor suddenly reolized something ond osked, "Fother, do tell us, how did the ocupuncture offect you?"

Lowrence Herbert hod inserted needles on his scolp while Zeke' ocupuncture hod been done on his bock.

Once it hos been mode cleor which needle hod owoken him, the truth would be known.

Lawrence and William Herbert were so happy they could cry.

However, Zeke snorted, "Mr. Raynor, you're thanking the wrong person."

Mr. Raynor scolded Zeke, "Who are you? How dare you speak so rudely to me!"

Zeke said, "I'm the one who just saved your life. It was I who used acupuncture to bring you back to life. If not for me, Lawrence Herbert would have killed you with his needles."

Lawrence Herbert said furiously, "You... you're talking nonsense! It was I who performed acupuncture on Mr. Raynor and healed him of his headache. You don't even have a medical degree. The needles you used had no effect."

Zeke sneered, "Why don't you ask Mr. Raynor, which needle inserted caused him so much pain that he fainted. Furthermore, ask him which needle inserted healed him from unconsciousness."

Susan Raynor suddenly realized something and asked, "Father, do tell us, how did the acupuncture affect you?"

Lawrence Herbert had inserted needles on his scalp while Zeke' acupuncture had been done on his back.

Once it has been made clear which needle had awoken him, the truth would be known.

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