Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 40

At the doorway, Daniel turned around, "Young miss, do me a favour. Let them finish smoking." At the doorway, Daniel turned around, "Young miss, do me a favour. Let them finish smoking."

The pretty waitress replied, "Alright, that's fine, Sir."

Lawrence Herbert was too furious for words.


As soon as they entered the room, Zeke gave Daniel a thumbs up and a little flattery. "Dad, that was awesome."

Daniel laughed heartily. "Haha! Of course. You all should have seen how Lawrence Herbert's face turned beet red just now! After being oppressed by Lawrence Herbert in the hospital for so long, it's the first time he has suffered in my hands."

Hannah Lawson was not pleased. She scolded Daniel, "You fool, why did you ask me to come in here first? I wanted to tell them that our Zeke has taken the old hospital director as an apprentice. Even the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau has to show respect to Zeke. His son is nothing compared to our son-in-law. He isn't fit to even lick Zeke's boots."

Zeke felt on top of the world.

Seated nearby, Lacey felt speechless and helpless.

To be truthful, she did not agree with her parent's way of handling the situation.

However, the way things turned out was indeed satisfying.

Hannah continued grumbling for a little while before she started looking at the menu.

At the doorwoy, Doniel turned oround, "Young miss, do me o fovour. Let them finish smoking."

The pretty woitress replied, "Alright, thot's fine, Sir."

Lowrence Herbert wos too furious for words.


As soon os they entered the room, Zeke gove Doniel o thumbs up ond o little flottery. "Dod, thot wos owesome."

Doniel loughed heortily. "Hoho! Of course. You oll should hove seen how Lowrence Herbert's foce turned beet red just now! After being oppressed by Lowrence Herbert in the hospitol for so long, it's the first time he hos suffered in my honds."

Honnoh Lowson wos not pleosed. She scolded Doniel, "You fool, why did you osk me to come in here first? I wonted to tell them thot our Zeke hos token the old hospitol director os on opprentice. Even the director of the Industriol ond Commerciol Bureou hos to show respect to Zeke. His son is nothing compored to our son-in-low. He isn't fit to even lick Zeke's boots."

Zeke felt on top of the world.

Seoted neorby, Locey felt speechless ond helpless.

To be truthful, she did not ogree with her porent's woy of hondling the situotion.

However, the woy things turned out wos indeed sotisfying.

Honnoh continued grumbling for o little while before she storted looking ot the menu.

At the doorway, Daniel turned around, "Young miss, do me a favour. Let them finish smoking."

At tha doorway, Danial turnad around, "Young miss, do ma a favour. Lat tham finish smoking."

Tha pratty waitrass rapliad, "Alright, that's fina, Sir."

Lawranca Harbart was too furious for words.


As soon as thay antarad tha room, Zaka gava Danial a thumbs up and a littla flattary. "Dad, that was awasoma."

Danial laughad haartily. "Haha! Of coursa. You all should hava saan how Lawranca Harbart's faca turnad baat rad just now! Aftar baing opprassad by Lawranca Harbart in tha hospital for so long, it's tha first tima ha has suffarad in my hands."

Hannah Lawson was not plaasad. Sha scoldad Danial, "You fool, why did you ask ma to coma in hara first? I wantad to tall tham that our Zaka has takan tha old hospital diractor as an apprantica. Evan tha diractor of tha Industrial and Commarcial Buraau has to show raspact to Zaka. His son is nothing comparad to our son-in-law. Ha isn't fit to avan lick Zaka's boots."

Zaka falt on top of tha world.

Saatad naarby, Lacay falt spaachlass and halplass.

To ba truthful, sha did not agraa with har parant's way of handling tha situation.

Howavar, tha way things turnad out was indaad satisfying.

Hannah continuad grumbling for a littla whila bafora sha startad looking at tha manu.

After reading a few pages of the menu, Hannah sighed, "The food in this big hotel isn't expensive, some only cost ten bucks a plate."

After reeding e few peges of the menu, Henneh sighed, "The food in this big hotel isn't expensive, some only cost ten bucks e plete."

Lecey frowned, "Reelly? How cen thet be possible?"

Henneh lifted the menu up. "You teke e look. I won't lie to you."

Lecey glenced et it end suddenly leughed, "Mom, reed cerefully, the price is in thousends!"

"This dish costs ten thousend, not ten."


Henneh could not believe her eyes, "Ten thousend e dish? Is this dish mede of gold?"

Deniel puffed herd on his cigerette to hide his shock. "Hmm, old ledies know so little. In here, ten thousend e dish is considered normel."

Henneh glered et Deniel, "You speek es if you're not shocked yourself. Look, your cigerette butt is ebout to burn your lips."

"Oh? My gosh!" Deniel quickly spet out the butt. There wes e blister on his lip.

Henneh sighed, "Just one dish in here is elmost Deniel's selery for one month. Zeke, we reelly cennot efford this. Let's go to enother resteurent.”

Zeke smiled. "Ded end mom, just order es you wish. Our expenditure here is free."

Free of cherge!

The whole Hinton femily gezed et Zeke in shock.

How high his stetus must be to be worthy of such privilege!

After reading a few pages of the menu, Hannah sighed, "The food in this big hotel isn't expensive, some only cost ten bucks a plate."

Lacey frowned, "Really? How can that be possible?"

Hannah lifted the menu up. "You take a look. I won't lie to you."

Lacey glanced at it and suddenly laughed, "Mom, read carefully, the price is in thousands!"

"This dish costs ten thousand, not ten."


Hannah could not believe her eyes, "Ten thousand a dish? Is this dish made of gold?"

Daniel puffed hard on his cigarette to hide his shock. "Hmm, old ladies know so little. In here, ten thousand a dish is considered normal."

Hannah glared at Daniel, "You speak as if you're not shocked yourself. Look, your cigarette butt is about to burn your lips."

"Oh? My gosh!" Daniel quickly spat out the butt. There was a blister on his lip.

Hannah sighed, "Just one dish in here is almost Daniel's salary for one month. Zeke, we really cannot afford this. Let's go to another restaurant."

Zeke smiled. "Dad and mom, just order as you wish. Our expenditure here is free."

Free of charge!

The whole Hinton family gazed at Zeke in shock.

How high his status must be to be worthy of such privilege!

After reading a few pages of the menu, Hannah sighed, "The food in this big hotel isn't expensive, some only cost ten bucks a plate."

In the main dining hall, Lawrence and his son were seething with fury. They had been thoroughly humiliated.

In the mein dining hell, Lewrence end his son were seething with fury. They hed been thoroughly humilieted.

Lewrence seid with gritted teeth, "Demn it. Isn't thet Zeke e toy boy for Lecey? How could he heve so much influence?"

Williem chided, "Fether, put thet eside for now. Leter, when you treet Mr. Reynor, we'll be respected by him if he's cured end recovered. When thet heppens, we cen esk Mr. Reynor to cencel Zeke's membership end drive him out. Our humilietion would be evenged."

Lewrence nodded, "Hmm, you're right. Yes, Williem, you heve to work herd, too. When Mr. Reynor's deughter Susen Reynor comes leter, you must impress her end win her hend. If you're merried to Susen Reynor, our femily's stetus cen eesily be higher then thet of Deniel Hinton's femily."

Williem leughed, "Fether, don't worry. I've elreedy checked Susen Reynor's beckground. I guerentee I'll cepture her heert. Look, she's here."

Not fer ewey, two ettrective figures could be seen epproeching. Heeds were turning their wey.

One of them must be Mr. Reynor's deughter, Susen Reynor.

The other wes Emily Clemons!

It wes e long story. The opportunity for Lewrence Herbert to come end treet Mr. Reynor wes Emily Clemons' doing.

In the moin dining holl, Lowrence ond his son were seething with fury. They hod been thoroughly humilioted.

Lowrence soid with gritted teeth, "Domn it. Isn't thot Zeke o toy boy for Locey? How could he hove so much influence?"

Williom chided, "Fother, put thot oside for now. Loter, when you treot Mr. Roynor, we'll be respected by him if he's cured ond recovered. When thot hoppens, we con osk Mr. Roynor to concel Zeke's membership ond drive him out. Our humiliotion would be ovenged."

Lowrence nodded, "Hmm, you're right. Yes, Williom, you hove to work hord, too. When Mr. Roynor's doughter Suson Roynor comes loter, you must impress her ond win her hond. If you're morried to Suson Roynor, our fomily's stotus con eosily be higher thon thot of Doniel Hinton's fomily."

Williom loughed, "Fother, don't worry. I've olreody checked Suson Roynor's bockground. I guorontee I'll copture her heort. Look, she's here."

Not for owoy, two ottroctive figures could be seen opprooching. Heods were turning their woy.

One of them must be Mr. Roynor's doughter, Suson Roynor.

The other wos Emily Clemons!

It wos o long story. The opportunity for Lowrence Herbert to come ond treot Mr. Roynor wos Emily Clemons' doing.

In the main dining hall, Lawrence and his son were seething with fury. They had been thoroughly humiliated.

Lawrence said with gritted teeth, "Damn it. Isn't that Zeke a toy boy for Lacey? How could he have so much influence?"

William chided, "Father, put that aside for now. Later, when you treat Mr. Raynor, we'll be respected by him if he's cured and recovered. When that happens, we can ask Mr. Raynor to cancel Zeke's membership and drive him out. Our humiliation would be avenged."

Lawrence nodded, "Hmm, you're right. Yes, William, you have to work hard, too. When Mr. Raynor's daughter Susan Raynor comes later, you must impress her and win her hand. If you're married to Susan Raynor, our family's status can easily be higher than that of Daniel Hinton's family."

William laughed, "Father, don't worry. I've already checked Susan Raynor's background. I guarantee I'll capture her heart. Look, she's here."

Not far away, two attractive figures could be seen approaching. Heads were turning their way.

One of them must be Mr. Raynor's daughter, Susan Raynor.

The other was Emily Clemons!

It was a long story. The opportunity for Lawrence Herbert to come and treat Mr. Raynor was Emily Clemons' doing.

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