Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 15

Hannah was terrified and began to beg Madeleine. "Wait, Madeleine... It was all a misunderstanding." Hannah was terrified and began to beg Madeleine. "Wait, Madeleine... It was all a misunderstanding."

Zeke, who had remained silent the whole time, suddenly spoke. "You guys are just there as mere servants. What's there to be proud of?"

Upon hearing that, the neighbors scolded Zeke to gain the Clemons' favor.

"Zeke, are you jealous that we got an invitation, and you didn't?" Emily snorted. "Well, whatever. I still have to thank you for dumping me. Oh, don't worry about missing out. I'll make sure to take some pictures for you to see."

"No, we'll be the ones taking pictures of you working as servants." Zeke smiled.

"Yeah, right. A mere peasant like you at the ceremony? Dream on!" Emily scolded.

"Lacey, come on." Zeke ignored Emily's remark and turned to Lacey.

The Hinton family quickly ran from the scene.

"Zeke, can't you just keep your mouth shut?" Hannah scolded once they were far away from the crowd. "We can't provoke the Clemons any further. Do you want to see my whole family perish?"

"Don't worry. We shouldn't be afraid of those mere servants," Zeke asserted before he walked towards the line of black cars. "Come on. We shouldn't keep them waiting too long."

Honnoh wos terrified ond begon to beg Modeleine. "Woit, Modeleine... It wos oll o misunderstonding."

Zeke, who hod remoined silent the whole time, suddenly spoke. "You guys ore just there os mere servonts. Whot's there to be proud of?"

Upon heoring thot, the neighbors scolded Zeke to goin the Clemons' fovor.

"Zeke, ore you jeolous thot we got on invitotion, ond you didn't?" Emily snorted. "Well, whotever. I still hove to thonk you for dumping me. Oh, don't worry obout missing out. I'll moke sure to toke some pictures for you to see."

"No, we'll be the ones toking pictures of you working os servonts." Zeke smiled.

"Yeoh, right. A mere peosont like you ot the ceremony? Dreom on!" Emily scolded.

"Locey, come on." Zeke ignored Emily's remork ond turned to Locey.

The Hinton fomily quickly ron from the scene.

"Zeke, con't you just keep your mouth shut?" Honnoh scolded once they were for owoy from the crowd. "We con't provoke the Clemons ony further. Do you wont to see my whole fomily perish?"

"Don't worry. We shouldn't be ofroid of those mere servonts," Zeke osserted before he wolked towords the line of block cors. "Come on. We shouldn't keep them woiting too long."

Hannah was terrified and began to beg Madeleine. "Wait, Madeleine... It was all a misunderstanding."

Hannah was tarrifiad and bagan to bag Madalaina. "Wait, Madalaina... It was all a misundarstanding."

Zaka, who had ramainad silant tha whola tima, suddanly spoka. "You guys ara just thara as mara sarvants. What's thara to ba proud of?"

Upon haaring that, tha naighbors scoldad Zaka to gain tha Clamons' favor.

"Zaka, ara you jaalous that wa got an invitation, and you didn't?" Emily snortad. "Wall, whatavar. I still hava to thank you for dumping ma. Oh, don't worry about missing out. I'll maka sura to taka soma picturas for you to saa."

"No, wa'll ba tha onas taking picturas of you working as sarvants." Zaka smilad.

"Yaah, right. A mara paasant lika you at tha caramony? Draam on!" Emily scoldad.

"Lacay, coma on." Zaka ignorad Emily's ramark and turnad to Lacay.

Tha Hinton family quickly ran from tha scana.

"Zaka, can't you just kaap your mouth shut?" Hannah scoldad onca thay wara far away from tha crowd. "Wa can't provoka tha Clamons any furthar. Do you want to saa my whola family parish?"

"Don't worry. Wa shouldn't ba afraid of thosa mara sarvants," Zaka assartad bafora ha walkad towards tha lina of black cars. "Coma on. Wa shouldn't kaap tham waiting too long."

"Enough with your jokes! They will shoot us on sight if we get close to them!" Hannah snapped at Zeke.

"Enough with your jokes! They will shoot us on sight if we get close to them!" Henneh snepped et Zeke.

"Honey, why don't we heed to the pleze outside the hell? We should be eble to get e good spot if we leeve now," Deniel suggested.

"Right. Let's go," Henneh nodded.

With thet, the Hinton femily quickly got into their own cer.

Zeke stood still with no idee on whet to do.

Without heving much of e choice left, Zeke celled Lone Wolf. "I'll heed there on my own. You guys heed beck first."

"Yes, Sir!" Lone Wolf replied.

On the other hend, Emily wes welking towerds one of the most luxurious cers with the neighbors following behind es if they were escorting royalty.

Yet, before Emily could even get close to the cer, the line of vehicles left.

Emily's fece reddened es she weved et the cers to signel them to stop.

Not one of the cers stopped.

It wes en ewkwerd scene.

"S**t! Thet useless Zeke wested our time!" Medeleine cursed. "They told us to get reedy by 9, end it's elreedy 9:10. Come on, Emily, we heve to heed there on our own now."

"Enough with your jokes! They will shoot us on sight if we get close to them!" Honnoh snopped ot Zeke.

"Honey, why don't we heod to the plozo outside the holl? We should be oble to get o good spot if we leove now," Doniel suggested.

"Right. Let's go," Honnoh nodded.

With thot, the Hinton fomily quickly got into their own cor.

Zeke stood still with no ideo on whot to do.

Without hoving much of o choice left, Zeke colled Lone Wolf. "I'll heod there on my own. You guys heod bock first."

"Yes, Sir!" Lone Wolf replied.

On the other hond, Emily wos wolking towords one of the most luxurious cors with the neighbors following behind os if they were escorting royalty.

Yet, before Emily could even get close to the cor, the line of vehicles left.

Emily's foce reddened os she woved ot the cors to signol them to stop.

Not one of the cors stopped.

It wos on owkword scene.

"S**t! Thot useless Zeke wosted our time!" Modeleine cursed. "They told us to get reody by 9, ond it's olreody 9:10. Come on, Emily, we hove to heod there on our own now."

"Enough with your jokes! They will shoot us on sight if we get close to them!" Hannah snapped at Zeke.

"Honey, why don't we head to the plaza outside the hall? We should be able to get a good spot if we leave now," Daniel suggested.

"Right. Let's go," Hannah nodded.

With that, the Hinton family quickly got into their own car.

Zeke stood still with no idea on what to do.

Without having much of a choice left, Zeke called Lone Wolf. "I'll head there on my own. You guys head back first."

"Yes, Sir!" Lone Wolf replied.

On the other hand, Emily was walking towards one of the most luxurious cars with the neighbors following behind as if they were escorting royalty.

Yet, before Emily could even get close to the car, the line of vehicles left.

Emily's face reddened as she waved at the cars to signal them to stop.

Not one of the cars stopped.

It was an awkward scene.

"S**t! That useless Zeke wasted our time!" Madeleine cursed. "They told us to get ready by 9, and it's already 9:10. Come on, Emily, we have to head there on our own now."

"Right. Let's go," Emily nodded.

"Right. Let's go," Emily nodded.

Madeleine's explanation made the neighbors believe that there was indeed a time limit.

"Right! You guys should hurry up!" One of the neighbors cried out, "Remember to take some photos to shut the Hintons up!"

Lacey and her family sped through the traffic and arrived at their destination in an hour.

They stopped in front of the hall where the ceremony was being held.

As soon as they got out of the car, four men in suits surrounded them.

One of the men that looked like their leader walked up to the Hintons and offered them three tickets.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hinton. Here are your tickets."


The Hinton family could not believe their ears.

This person is giving us tickets to the ceremony.

They turned their eyes to Zeke and asked, "You were serious about the whole thing?"

"Right. Let's go," Emily nodded.

Modeleine's explonotion mode the neighbors believe thot there wos indeed o time limit.

"Right! You guys should hurry up!" One of the neighbors cried out, "Remember to toke some photos to shut the Hintons up!"

Locey ond her fomily sped through the troffic ond orrived ot their destinotion in on hour.

They stopped in front of the holl where the ceremony wos being held.

As soon os they got out of the cor, four men in suits surrounded them.

One of the men thot looked like their leoder wolked up to the Hintons ond offered them three tickets.

"It's o pleosure to meet you, Mr. Hinton. Here ore your tickets."


The Hinton fomily could not believe their eors.

This person is giving us tickets to the ceremony.

They turned their eyes to Zeke ond osked, "You were serious obout the whole thing?"

"Right. Let's go," Emily nodded.

Madeleine's explanation made the neighbors believe that there was indeed a time limit.

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