Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 1409

Cult? My attention is immediately drawn to this word.
“What has a cult got to do with us?” a group member named “Judgment” asks.
“Mysterious? How mysterious?” a group member named “Justice” asks.
All kinds of messages appear in the group. It's rather overwhelming.
I originally created this group when I was playing a horror, mystery game. I
invited friends who were quite good at the game back then, and such games
often contain mysticism-related elements. Therefore, after the game gradually
lost its popularity, the group turned into a group that leaned towards discussing
Of course, in any chat group, daily interactions take up the majority of the
content, except for sex-related chat groups.
Amongst the members, the lady named Justice is most curious about mysticism.
From her daily conversations, I can tell that her family background is quite good
and she isn't too old. I think she’s a student.
After the group members are done asking, The Star types:
“That cult likes to attack ordinary people.
“Especially those who like mysticism!
“They will use all sorts of methods to allow you to obtain powers that exceed the
limit of mortals. For example, the later it is at night, the more energetic you are.”
“I already have this superpower!” a group member named The Magician replies
She's also a girl. I remember her mentioning that she has a sizable income from
writing novels on a certain green-colored website, and is considered one of the
phenomenal writers there.
However, from the way she makes all kinds of suggestive comments when she
speaks, perhaps the green-colored website I'm aware of isn't the same website
she was talking about.
“Compared to the day, I prefer the night,” says a group member named “The
What is this fellow trying to say? Is he like a night owl, or is he hinting at
something? I scratch my chin, unable to read the thoughts of The Moon.
This fellow has always been like this. If you want to say that he has deep
knowledge, he will post links regarding exquisite dolls in the group chat from time
to time, asking everyone to help him at some price slashing site. It's obvious that
he’s some type of shut-in. But to call him naive and immature, he often says
profound things. Whether it's Chinese medicine, Western medicine, or even all
kinds of relatively unknown medical knowledge, he gives off impressive vibes
with his theories and examples, even if I can hardly understand it.
Previously, he had diagnosed that one of our group members—The Hermit—had
a rare disease. He successfully helped her recovery from an old ailment of hers,
making everyone see him in a different light.
The Star ignores The Moon and replies to The Magician:
“Then can you only sleep two hours a day?”
“I can, but I can only maintain it for a week. I have to catch up on my sleep after
that. Furthermore, my body will feel like it's been run over by a car, with tire
tracks on my face 0,” The Magician replies.
The Star continues:
“Anyway, the cult will first allow you to obtain Superman-like powers. For
example, you can remain extremely energetic despite sleeping for two hours
every day. You can see all kinds of spirits, jump off tall buildings without suffering
any damage, and control flames, etc, etc.”
“Isn't this good?” Justice immediately replies.
The Sun, Judgment, and Magician say:
“Isn't this good?”
I think for a moment and used my alternate account, The World.
The Star sends an emoji:
“1 A price is always exacted for what fate bestows.”
“I didn’t say that—Lu Xun.jpg.” The Magician replies immediately.
I suspect this is a subconscious reflex of hers.
“Is there really a power that transcends the mortal world?” Justice asks.
Clearly, she had imagined that The Star was joking.
Without waiting for The Star to respond, The Moon says:
“There are too many things in the world that go beyond your imagination.
“It doesn’t mean they don’t exist just because you don't see them.”
The Sun immediately replies: “There’s some mysticism that's real?”
“...Stop fooling kids I.” a group member named The Hanged Man sends an
“That's right, that's right. There are still young schooling children. One shouldn't
talk about the strange and supernatural to children or make suggestive
comments!” The Magician echos in all seriousness.
The Sun replies: “I-'m already in middle school!
“I'm more than 1.9 meters tall!”
When everyone sees the claim of being 1.9 meters tall, everyone falls silent.
After a while, The Star sends an emoji:
“I In short, once one is bewitched by the cult and accepts their gift, they will
definitely have to pay a huge price after joining them. I heard that some people
went mad and got admitted into a mental hospital. Some of them committed
suicide in various ways, dying rather hideously. Others transformed...”
Before he can finish, he suddenly stops. His profile picture indicates he has gone
“What transformation?” I ask with my alt, The World.
My main account is The Fool, a mature man worthy of trust. Therefore, I can't ask
questions casually.
“Could The Star be held down by those cultists?” The Magician gives a very
imaginative idea.
“Haha, how could there be such a thing? I'm talking about a mysterious cul-
dffifnejkd...” Judgment is also a girl who always echoes The Magician.
After making this joke, The Star comes online again and says:
“F*ck, there was a sudden blackout just now. I had no choice but to switch
“Well that's all from me. I have to head out. I have matters to tend to.
“Anyway, there's no such thing as a free lunch, so don't eat it. Don't be bewitched
by the cult.
As The Star goes offline, I suddenly receive private messages.
They come from The Hanged Man and The Hermit.
“Take note. I think The Star might be a member of the cyber police.”
“The Star might be a policeman. Be careful what you say in the group chat.”
...It's really possible. To actually know about mysterious cults... I inmediately
reply to the two group members:
“It's fine. We're not a cult 1.”
It's not like I'm always the one making suggestive comments.
Most importantly, when discussing international and domestic situations, I would
stop it in time and send a picture that says “improper discussion about the
imperial court is a crime that leads to death.”
Glancing at the group chat again, I quit QQ and once again start thinking about
what I should do.
After some thought, I'm still out of solutions. It's impossible for me to spit out the:
Assassin beverage, nor can I vomit it out.
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I can only pretend that I don't know
anything and ignore recruitment
attempts of ancy. 4) rest them,

mS 3 >
I'Eirom Ditely call the police... I force
myself to focus on my savings and
wallet. The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
At the thought of this, I immediately free myself from my worries and begin to
This is about being a slave of society.
After confirming the flight details, the chauffeur, the hotel arrangements, and the
pick-up sign, I do a round of oral practice.
By the time I'm done with all of that, it's already ten in the evening.
I feel hungry.
1 guess I'll go down and buy some snacks... I decide not to treat myself shabbily.
As soon as I walk out of the guest room, I hear a quarrel from next door.
Of course, it's mainly that lady named Sia Tas, who's shouting at her overseas
Don't you get tired of that... Just as I'm about to lampoon, I realize that the
quarrel is getting softer and softer.
According to my experience, something inappropriate for minors will happen
Although I'm not a minor, I'm single.
After some thought, I return to my room, open the window, and jump onto the
window sill before jumping down with great familiarity.
In the wind, my body feels light as if all my worries have been blown away.
After landing safely, I heave a sigh of relief. I feel like I've completely grasped the
power of Assassin.
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The area outside the compound I live
in remains lively late into the night.
There are a few barbecue stalls a
some selling friedyige(Sorfre Selling
sTi-fiedhSod les. Some sell street
food, like stewed meat, cold
vegetables, duck necks, and crayfish.
People who pass by will unknowingly
sit down or come in front of a stall
before sadly putting on a kilogram.
The content is on Novelxo.org!
Read the latest chapter there!
Taking into consideration my little tummy, wait, my tummy seems to be missing!
That tiny tummy I've worked so hard to get from all my meals is gone!
This is a change brought about by Assassin? I feel surprised once again.
This gives me a lot more options besides the snacks. I can have barbecue food
to celebrate.
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Forget it. I have to restrain myself. If
an assassin is 170 cm tall, but ends
up being 100 ki lograr@) wait hy


target AniBréhking out into a
laughing fit when they see me? I
slowly exhale and decide to go to the
24-hour convenience store. The
content is on Novelxo.org! Read
the latest chapter there!
To the left is a FamilyMart. To the right is Lawson. It's very unfriendly for an
indecisive consumer like me.
I heard that Lawson has launched a few new types of ice cream recently... I
recall and turn to the right.
Just as I enter Lawson, my eyes light up as I see a gorgeous woman.

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