Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One.

When we eventually managed to return to our home, we entered via the easiest and safest route…, which was via the back-kitchen door, only to be greeted by a strange thumping noise coming from the top of the stairs area. Quietly I switched on the surveillance monitor and we stood in utter shock at what we could see from the top of the stairs; and to our utter horror we looked at each other stunned and not wanting to believe our eyes.

So reaching for my sword, I withdrew it and activated my runes and vanished from sight, the crazy stupid demon appeared so involved with its romantic frustrated attempts, I made it right up the stairs and stood behind the beast as it once again tried to apparently get the interest of my model, and in one quick strike I brought the blade down with such force, I cleaved the beast in two with a blinding flash and cauterising the wounds as they cut through.

To my utter unexpected horror, the model suddenly lunged forward, and I was so startled…, I fell upon my butt, “It’s a trap I shouted”, and then moved away as quickly and silently as I could. We learnt later the demonic creatures had ripped our models apart and eaten it…, hydraulics as well.

The dog lunged at the noise of my moving and this time its teeth almost caught me, but bounced away from my protected body, and in a twisting motion I brought my sword down across the beast’s neck and decapitated it. After I recovered, we searched the premises only to learn that these hideous beasts had violated our rooms.

Every bed and carpet had been crapped upon and foul acidic stinking urine had been soaking into my carpets pillows and bedding, and the only part of upstairs which was not violated was my toilet, it must have been some type of demonic humour, and the stench was obnoxious, and could have been used by the military to bring about instant surrender.

I’m not kidding you…, it would have been more preferable to bath in a rotten stagnant pond full of rotting dead bodies on a hot summer’s month…, than to inhale the stench in my home.

As a team of military volunteers eventually arrived and we organised ourselves, and several phone calls later, we made various teams aware there could possibly be further attacks awaiting them in their homes, and then we set about cleaning my home.

Eventually the home was sanitized and I could have cried, well if I am truthful I did cry as did the girls, and as crazy as it was the girls missed their model of the demon dog…, as it had become an unusual and amusing distraction in this mad world the girls were having to grow up into.

The only silver lining in all of this…, was the girls would never forget this day ever again. Eliza bless him, pulled out his phone and we over heard his conversation.

“Julian love can I ask you a special favour…, hum yes my hair dose look nice this colour…, oh thank you I’m all hot now, and I shall need a cold shower…, now put aside the flirting, as hard as that is…, oh no I was not referring to that…, but yes it’s always nice when I see you,” he said, honestly it was so funny as we could only hear his side of the conversation, but he continued.

“ Julien my love later I promise you…, but for now could you be a dear and make me another two of those beasty demon dogs you created for me, but this time see if you can get some more action,” There was more but from there it became a bit to personal and we tried not to intrude upon his life style.

Bless his heart he had just in his own way let my girls know a replacement was soon to be on its way and trying to give the girls some form of normality…, if that was ever possible in this world.

Steve bless him responded to Lewis’s phone call and arrived with a small army of skilled engineers and inscribers. Within two hours they had covered my home with wards and runes from the ground upwards…, including the garden and fence posts, panels and gates.

They did what I should have done to protect my home and family, and I burst into tears…, and confided to Steve, that I was a bad parent and ashamed as I should have done that myself, or at the very least remembered and contracted others to do it for me.

He smiled and comforted me by saying. “Lisa you are a working mum, and a student, and a boss, a father and mother to your kids all in one, whenever is there enough time,” he said and paused a moment…, “If anything we should be apologising to you…, for failing to give you understanding…, and more time to be with your family…, who also very much need you.”

His words truly comforted me, and it was then all hell broke out, the soldiers had only just driven away…, when it started hailing rocks the size of fricken footballs…, and the sky had started to turn black…, along with giant flashes of sheet lightning and thunder directly overhead.

That would have been bad enough, but in minutes the rocks increased in size and soon became the size of a fricken V W Beatle car. Incredible my home remained safe…, but every home for over two miles’ radius was utterly destroyed…, it was like been in a war zone.

As we looked out of the windows in sheer disbelief, these gigantic boulders were impacting into the ground and forming huge fricking craters so the ground resembled the surface of the moon, and a smoking smouldering surface with utter carnage, my neighbours for some two miles around me were dead, as were there homes and destroyed possessions.

Later we were informed the entire planet had been attacked but only the areas where there were team members forming group, and whom were fighting against the demons.

Chicago suffered the worst, and as it was such a built-up area, the death toll was immense. Helicopters had to extract us away from the wrecks of the homes around me, and even the vehicles had to be lifted by air and transported to firmer ground, as even with the 4x4 abilities they could not traverse over imbedded boulders the size of cars.

The wards had held but something told me this was just the beginning…, and a warm up for what was to come. I honestly felt like throwing in the towel as they do in these TV wrestling matches…, I mean honestly what was the point of been some hot chick of a super detective…, and with all these wondrous so called powers…, if I kept failing to see them or protect my friends and loved ones.

Later, I even had idiot people trying to take out law suits against me…, I mean why the hell was all this supposed to be my fault.

It humbled if not frustrated me to know just how humiliated I truly was; However, I also was wise enough to know…, that unless a miracle happened…, then we were all doomed to die a horrendous death.

It was James bless him who gave us a tiny light of hope. “My Father prayed at times of facing trouble and of great need…, and he trusted in his faith and in his God implicitly,” he said.

We looked at him…, and all within the room had researched his father’s exploits in our training covering the Knights of the Cross, so we knew of the times this incredible man had faced daunting odds, and had prayed first, placing his life in the hands of his God.

It is kind of strange…, as you can read something…, but until you actually experience it in action, you will never understand or truly know the meaning of hope or even at that, of faith…, until your own life is upon that line; and in fact every person in the room witnessed what happened next, and there were over five hundred of us.

James lowered his head and prayed, “Father God forgive please my lack of faith, even after having seen how you helped my father so many times…, I now understand what he tried to tell and teach me, and I call upon you now for help…, as we are facing total destruction.”

He paused to gain his breath and thoughts, and then continued praying, “Yet inside of me…, like with my father…, I know it is not your will that we should all die like this. You have so kindly given me, and as the son of one of your ex-Holy knights…, the knowledge in how to defend ourselves within the books, and which are now in my possession, but alas Father God there are so many books, and I truly do not know in where to look, let alone start. Help us please in this our time of need, in Jesus Name I ask this of you…, Amen.”

Amazingly almost every person in the room…, myself included said Amen after he spoke those words, and for a time there was silence within the room… and then a breeze picked up and papers started moving, books started to lift levitating by themselves and before our eyes a single volume from the hundreds upon hundreds of books floated onto the desk next to James.

The entire inside pages glowed…, but even more amazingly was the book then opened and at a selected page, the runes appeared to write themselves into the air. Quickly some of the more responsive members copied the runes down, while others using low light settings photographed or filmed the entire process upon their cameras or cell phone’s.

The runes then started to fade into the very air around them…, and the defused light started to clear…, as did the air from within the room, and the strange tingling vibration our skin had been feeling vanished as well.

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