Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twelve.

I awoke and to my surprise Lewis was already showered and just pulling on his pants…, and I must have fallen back to sleep…, as I focused my eyes and looked at the clock, and it was 10 am, and I could smell coffee and something cooking. Then my bedroom door fully opened and in walked Lewis carrying a tray with scrambled eggs and my favourite coffee. The eggs were flavoured with black ground pepper and cinnamon, and they were awesome.

By the time I showered with Lewis washing my back and other things we eventually made it to the kitchen and had just sat down to another coffee when the menagerie of a family came trooping in from the back door. It was a Sunday and we enjoyed a much-needed day of rest with the family…, if one could ever rest with so many in one home…, but honestly Eliza was a gem and he became the matriarch of a kind…, well you know what I mean.

The next day was back to normal, and as I awoke my new bed partner was already up and dressed, and as I opened my eyes, I heard “Good morning my little sparrow”, and my body stretched, and I yawned trying to get my brain awake. I had no sooner showered dressed and had coffee when my front door bell rang. I looked at the clock and blinked “Dear Lord is that the time?” I said, Eliza bless him had seen to the girls for me…, but as I reached the front door, I saw in the security viewer it was DC Lewis my partner.

I opened the door and invited him in…, “Sorry Lewis I over slept,” I told him. “Quick you need to grab your coat the captain has called us in,” he informed me, so I drank the rest of my coffee grabbed a piece of toast and we left for work. DC Lewis and I got into his car…, and he drove away.

I told him about the meeting with the Mayor and I could see he was deeply disturbed, as he reached back behind his chair he pulled out a file and handed it to me, “That may explain why the captain was in such a foul mood…,” he said, “Read this file and it might help to explain,” and as I opened it I saw photos of people who had gone missing, including children, I looked up “What has this to do with the captain,” I asked, but before he could answer…, he screeched to a halt, and throwing the contents of the file over the floor.

A black transit type van had stopped in front of us and a huge truck pulled up behind us. “Shit it was a trap…, try and keep calm…, I think they might want us alive.” He was telling me this as over ten armed men extracted themselves from the van and they wore black hoods and held heavy action riot police shotguns.

“Get out of the car demanded one of the men, and the butt of his shotgun smashed into my window and he tried to forcibly drag me from the car. But to my surprise I felt a bubble of protection envelop me and I realised the charm bracelet and rosary were somehow protecting me. Sadly, DC Lewis was not as fortunate, he had forgotten to wear the bracelet he had been previously wearing and was dragged by his hair from the car.

They could not understand why they could not grasp hold of me and tried multiple times, and in the end one of the men fired point blank into my face, “no someone screamed…, she is needed alive.” But it was too late and to everyone utter surprise the attacker was thrown backwards over fifty feet and his head rolled from his shoulders in one utterly bloody mess.

There was a panic and the Mayor appeared with Father John…, but in the confusion DC Lewis was killed with three shotgun blasts to his chest. I screamed not believing my eyes, I had lost yet another partner and people were trying to kidnap me. Within minutes every single armed thug was dead except for the drivers of the truck and the van.

As I watched they were hauled from their seats petrified…, and I must admit even I was scared…, as I had never seen John fight like this before, as for the Mayor he was a single man army.

Within minutes they confirmed it was the captain who ordered them to bring in both DC Lewis and I, but not to the police station. They were killed and thrown into the van with the rest of the bodies, petrol was thrown over them and a match was lit.

I was eventually escorted back to the Mayors home, and I was shaken and scared…, very scared. I learnt later the Mayor and Father John had suspected the Captain might try and have us intercepted, and had been following at a distance, and in the Mayors armoured Hummer…, a beast of a car that to my eyes needed its own petrol station just to run it.

To my surprise Lewis the Fay was awaiting my arrival and when I saw him, he embraced me comforting me. “They…, they killed Lewis my partner,” I told him, and wiped away my tears and blew my nose. After a time and about three coffees laced with whisky, I recovered my composure and the Mayor explained to me his plan.

“I am going to say you and DC Lewis were at my home having a meeting, and that someone must have stolen DC Lewis’s car,” and he paused allowing me time.

Then he looked at Lewis and he transformed his appearance to a very reasonable likeness of my ex-partner DC Lewis who had just been murdered. I blinked, “But how… is that possible,” I asked, but I knew the answer, as he was Fay, and that I was still trying to recover from shock. The real DC Lewis’s body was in the back of the Mayors car. “We shall dispose of the body so it will never be found,” explained Father John…, “He was a Christian and the Lord awaits him, he served with honour and love, and died as a Holy Warrior.” And I realised Father John had a graveyard full of old tombs to bury Lewis in.

“I want you to get your act together and Lewis here will as from today officially become your new partner,” informed the Mayor, “Oh and Lisa play your fathers bloody violin,” he said, and I just looked gob smacked and wondering if I was dreaming yet another Nightmare.

We were driven to my home and I walked to my bedroom and lifted the violin from my closet. I felt stupid as I had no idea how to play…, and if I am truthful, I was scared I would break it.

Lewis walked to my side and kissed my head…, “Your Father was a good man, and is an even better and wiser Fay…, and if he could he would be here with you now…, but in the past that just was not possible,” he said.

He then lifted my arm and showed me how to hold the violin and bow…, and I started to daw the bow across the strings…, that was all I did honestly, and the stupid fricking violin faded and vanished. I was stunned and even upset as it was the only item, I had that belonged to my blood Father. Lewis smiled, “Now call out his name,” he said…, and I stuttered “What,” I said.

He grinned, “Call out your Father’s name,” he replied, so I did, and there before me appeared my true Father in the flesh. He reached over and hugged me lifting me from the ground and spinning me around in delight. “My little Sparrow…, at last we can be together…, I was beginning to think you would never play the violin,” he told me.

I stupidly cried…, I bloody cried from tears of joy, and we talked and talked. Before I knew it, time has passed and then he looked to the clock in my bedroom,

“Lewis I must go but keep my child safe,” he said and then he handed me a ring and produced a potion within a coke bottle. “Drink this and keep this ring on, and it will keep you connected to me,” he said, and as I drank the potion and immediately went into severe cramp and rolled upon the floor almost screaming.

Within minutes it was over…, “please forgive me child…, but it was the only way to release your birth right.” Said my Father, and as I recovered, I could tell I was different, and he kissed me and vanished.

Lewis held my arm and pulled me to him…, “He had just given you the gift of your birth, in that you are Fay come human..., he has released the Fay side of your genetic structure which was held back to protect you.” I blinked confused not understanding what was happening.

As we made our way back to work in my car, Lewis explained that an evil spirit had wanted me when I was a child if I turned out to be Fay…, so my father devised a blood magic spell which hid my Fay abilities at a genetic level…, and it was the only way an evil spirit could be fooled.

Apparently, my Father had wanted to restore my gifts sooner but with the attacks upon my sister and then my mother he held back trying to keep me safe.

As we pulled up at the police station..., Lewis promised to help me learn to use my new birth given abilities… but assured me most would kick in automatically if they were needed. We braced ourselves and entered the building…, there were looks from the various duty officers and the old desk Sargent walked over and spoke quietly…, “Watch yourselves Liza the Captain is in a bitch of a mood.”

He and some others had our backs and we kind of looked out for each other, as we made our way to the captain’s office, he saw us and screamed out loudly…, “Where the hell have you both been it was over three hours ago since I called you in…,” we had no need to answer as the Mayor and the commissioner must have been waiting for our arrival, and they followed behind us.

“They were with me by my orders stated the Mayor and the captain then saw who was following us, he blinked and stared in shock…, as even I had not seen them when we arrived, and I was sure the captain had observed our arrival.

As we walked into the office, I noticed five riot police fully armed walk into the room adjoining the captain’s office and at least twenty state troopers entered the Foyer.

Captain James Richard Arnold Willis…, you are relieved of duties and are under arrest for the attempted murder of DC Liza and Dc Lewis,” sated the Commissioner.

The captain raged in anger and transformed into the demon that had taken over his body. Fortunately, the Mayor and police commissioner were ready…, and had come prepared, but even then, the captain threw the huge oak desk at me as if it was made from balsa wood.

Lewis was incredible…, “Octavo,” he cried lifting his right hand and a force of energy deflected the desk back into the demon and threw him against the wall, he went straight through it and landed some twenty paces further, and before the Captain could gain control a silver net made by the Elvin past masters for fighting such demons. It was thrown over him and it imprisoned him, preventing him from escaping and temporary stripping him of his powers.

As he was dragged away other officers were arrested and it left the station with less than a third of its workforce. I knew it had been a difficult choice to make and the Mayor understood some of the officers were innocently trapped to comply or die. It was two of those officers who had risked their lives and that of their families to inform the Mayor, and his investigations had eventually led to this point in time.

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