Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-seven

When I arrived back at Somerton…, I was greeted by thirteen women from the village, and they claimed to have heard of my Fay connections and been a coven of white witches they had wanted to meet with me.

After introductions it transpired, they were not strictly whom they claimed to be…, and I saw a shimmering of magical energy much like a heat haze, and then Holly from Chicago appeared in my kitchen.

“We Apologise child” said the leader of the witches…, we have not been entirely honest with you…, yes we are white witches…, but also each person here is a member like you and Holly here of the knights of God.”

I looked over to Holly who just arrived, and she confirmed to me, that they were whom they claimed to be…, and had wanted to see my true nature before they revealed their identity to me.

After a time, I showed them the video recording and their eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Queen Morgan and the true Merlin upon my filmed recordings. They had each attended the same school my daughters now attended and were in awe of anyone whom knew the king Oberon…, let alone the true Merlin.

To actually see them captured upon my video…, well, Queen Morgan La Fay and the original Merlin was more than they expected. They had also learnt about what had happened with Julianne…, and of how her father had been sent to visit Queen Mabb.

Every woman in my home had children of their own…, and they had at one time or another experienced the young witch’s tantrums and evil behaviour…, they also had pleaded with her father and tried to get him to understand his daughter’s behaviour. So, to have finally learnt some strange person from Detroit had got the better of her made them curious.

It transpired Queen Mabb had seen the intricate spell the child had woven upon her father…, to make him fail to see her evil behaviour, as inventive as it was…, it was regarded as black magic, and as such the Queen removed the spell and enlightened her father.

On his return just for fun, Mabb removed the child’s powers, and watched in laughter at her reactions and in been chastised humiliated and removed from the school.

Her father had not forgiven her use of black magic and punished her severely because of it, and incredibly sent a letter to the entire village and parents of the school’s pupils, giving them permission to extract vengeance upon his daughter as long as it was not critically serious or life threatening.

On all accounts even Queen Mabb was surprised and impressed at that action and had since invited him to her chambers twice a week. Heck humans were not made to be alone, and since he had been celibate for some years, he now kind of reacted and looked like the cat who caught the mouse who got the cheese.

It also had not gone unnoticed and the village truly extracted its revenge upon the wayward child, but in accordance with her father’s wishes not one actually harmed her in such a way as to cause death or life threatening injuries…, some came close, my daughter been one of them but with the help of Justin and Yasmin, but other than that life continued.

Dear Lord, I thought…, what a strange world I live in, and then laughed trying to take my mind away from the stress of what we were facing.

As the days past we rebuilt the wards within the room and finally came the day I had it ready to use if I ever recaptured the beast who it was designed for. People had continued to go missing ever since the escape, and because it was homeless as wrong as it was…, it had not been followed through by the police. But the festival was getting closer, and we were becoming concerned.

I can’t say what happened, but I decided to update my daily journal as I was thinking these could soon be my last days alive and I wanted my family to have something to remember me by. The very next day…, my village in Somerton came under attack, it was the witches at first, and they put up an amazing battle, but such was the avenging power used against them that they failed and one by one they stated to fall, by the time I was made aware of the battle only two apparently remained alive.

Lewis and I came to their aid and I used the sword and eventually Marlins staff which was the only weapon that truly affected the creature, and even then, there were almost several times I truly thought I was close to death. Lewis bless him fought like a hundred warriors and it was not until Father John appeared that we finally drove the creature away.

Dear Lord I could understand now why the Fay wanted others to handle this monster, it was malevolent in its power, utterly malignant and utterly destructive, and the longer you stayed within its company…, it drained you of all your resolve and left you wanting to weep from deep depression, and thinking life was not worth living.

Basically, it fed from your fear and grew stronger while you grew weaker. Never in all of creation had I thought such an opponent existed, and it left me doubting I had the strength to continue.

Adrian and Eliza had gone to the theatre and had failed to return, they truly thought they were safe, the next day Sister Louise and Brother Lewis vanished, and I started to realise it was taking those I loved.

Father John was next, and he was a ghost, it was that action that alerted me to where he could be, as usually he could simply travel through any form of cage and return.

As all the attacks happened during the evenings come night, I visited the ward room during the Mid-day, and it lay to the back of the ancient private mystical Library, in one of the many side streets that littered Glastonbury.

Although the area itself was well known. People had to enter through a narrow-arched entrance and within its huge white walls were small imperfections that looked to the human eye to be formed around a small window type shelf.

It was this which contained the secret portal into the cavern, people had walked past it for hundreds of years, and not realising what lay within. As I ventured to the room and looked inside, there were the prisoners, all suspended and hanging by their feet and spinning upon an invisible rope.

Upon their naked bodies were runes painted in blood from the fallen Knights of the cross, and I knew then they were awaiting my rescue. It was a trap and one I refused to walk into, as I knew the moment, I did…, then they would truly die as would the eventual humans in this world.

It was then I heard Lewis scream, as I turned I saw him fighting the beast, “Run” he screamed…, “Run for your life…, you are no good to us dead”, I saw the truth in his words, and to my shame I panicked, and I ran, and ran, fear gripped my heart, and I could not think straight.

Lewis had given his life so I could live on and have another chance at capturing this beast. It was then the thought gripped my mind and heart…, as I had failed from fear to even draw the sword or use Merlin’s staff, such was the impregnated fear this beast of a fallen angel had instilled into me.

The time of the festival arrived and thousands upon thousands of people started arriving into or travelling through the town, and I knew now this was what the beast had been waiting for.

I viewed it from a distance using my second sight as it merged among the crowds remaining cloaked from view, and quickly I returned to the cavern entrance…, and wrote some new wards, praying they would activate at the right time, and I sealed them with my own blood.

It was then I realised the music playing held an enchanting rhythm to it, and I watched using my second sight, and there within the crowds were demon like creatures enchanting the travellers as they passed by.

Black Sabbath were holding a reunion meeting as special guests at the festival, and it was their followers who were enchanting the travellers and drawing them in their thousands to the festival.

I kept my distance…, I was scared…, truly I was scared, and I knew I was out of my depth…, and I felt certain the beast wanted merlin’s staff, as if it secured that then even a demi god could no longer defeat it. I had told the kids to stay away as the festival was going to become a slaughter ground and I honestly did not think I was able to prevent it.

As the travellers made their way to Pilton and eventually got into the huge grounds surrounded by a high wall. I shuddered at the sheer stupidity as they were fencing in the victims and preventing their escape.

Simply by using my cloaked abilities I walked straight through the security barriers setting off all types of alarms, yet to the eyes of the guards on duty there was no one within the security zone and they shrugged rather than follow it through.

I was petrified, and as the music continued and bodies fell yet such was the enchantment upon the travellers that they simply ignored the fallen while some of the demons fed from them.

I tried honestly I tried, and I knew my time had come, it was now or never there was over half a million travellers within these fields, and each of them would soon become a victim to the fallen, I Looked up and heard a laughter I recognised, and saw my two daughters and Justin, the stupid teenagers had ignored my warnings and used their powers to visit the festival.

I mean what is it with these kids, do they no longer use their fricking brains, they knew a fallen angel was here, and they had witnessed the death of the others whom fought it…, and now the stupidity of it they placed themselves directly within its path.

I heard their screams as they realised their stupid mistake and the demon saw them. They were in fear of their lives and realised their meagre powers were useless against such a creature. It was then I knew what to do…, so I materialised before the creature carrying the staff…, and it sensed its powers immediately and attacked, and the same moment I dematerialised using the staff to draw the creature towards me.

It took us out of Pilton and back into Glastonbury, and I stopped just outside of the private library, and the creature sensed the portals entrance, and knew it must not pass through, as I dropped the staff just outside but beside the runes I had written in my blood, the beast lunged for the staff before it fell into the chamber.

Just as it gripped hold of the portal I activated the new spell, from the runes written in my blood.

Immediately it drew the staff into the centre of the room and expelled the contents, and took the prisoners back to where they were kidnapped from…, but their memories of been there were none existent, but my luck had run dry, and at the same moment the creature used its other hand to grasp my wrist and pull me inside within it.

It used its anger to attack me with the staff and cast a devastating spell of destruction directly at me. But unknown to me Merlin had protected the staff so it could not be used against him, and as he had transferred the staff’s ownership to me, and the spell now protected me.

As the fallen angel cast the spell it reverted upon the creature and it screamed in agony as the staff reversed its spell and did to it what it intended for me.

The difficulty for the fallen angel was the lay lines which converged at the conjunction beneath the Tor, and it magnified the strength of the spell over ten-fold. It was this very strength that Merlin had drawn upon in keeping the beast contained in the first place.

Now the very same power was utterly destroying the creature before me. Never before had it faced such a destructive force, and it had simply killed itself, as the spell had been directly intended for me.

My problem was simple, no one knew I was here, and the wards were designed to seal the portal shut once the beast was entrapped inside, and those who had been kidnapped were returned and now had no memory of the portal or its location. The police were dealing with devastation at the festival, and the demi gods dare not open the vault for fear the beast would again escape.

I knew I was entrapped inside and was now a prisoner, but I had avenged my fury, and my loved ones were safe, and the demon whom had been trying to entrap my family was dead by its own hand.

In truth other than escape and return to my beloved Detroit, I had avenged the death of my beloved Lewis and knew now all I had to do was sleep, and pray one day, someone would find a way of releasing me from within this prison.

Yet even now I knew that was truly unlikely…, as they also had no way of knowing if the fallen angel within was alive or dead. I lay upon the ridge and pushed the coffin to the ground, and I curled up and went to sleep.

The End of Books One to Four.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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